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  Political Positions of Biden in 2020  

Biden's 2020 Political Positions: Vice President Joe Biden's Political Positions during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.
Biden on China Vice President Joe Biden's comments during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.
Biden on Defense: Vice President Joe Biden's comments during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.
Biden on Economy: Vice President Joe Biden's comments during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.
Biden on Families: Vice President Joe Biden's comments during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.
Biden on Farmers: Vice President Joe Biden's comments during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.
Biden on Health Care: Vice President Joe Biden's comments during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.
Biden on Iran: Vice President Joe Biden's comments during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.
Biden on North Korea: Vice President Joe Biden's comments during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.
Biden on Medicare: Vice President Joe Biden's comments during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.
Biden on Middle East: Vice President Joe Biden's comments during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.
Biden on Taxes:   Vice President Joe Biden's comments during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.
Biden on Trade: Vice President Joe Biden's comments during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.
Biden on Women: Vice President Joe Biden's comments during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.
Biden on Workers: Vice President Joe Biden's comments during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.

  Comments of Biden in 2020  

Biden's 2020 comments in Iowa: Comments of Vice President Joe Biden during the seventh 2020 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.

  Debates of Biden in 2020  

Iowa 2020 Primary Debate of Biden: Transcript of the Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Iowa on January 14, 2020.

  Issues addressed by Biden in 2020  

China comments by Biden: Vice President Joe Biden's comments on China during the 2020 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Des Moines IA on January 14th, 2020.


  Comments of the Democratic Candidates in 2020  

Sanders' 2020 Comments: Statements of Senator Bernie Sanders are from the 2020 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.
Warren's 2020 Comments: Statements of Senator Elizabeth Warrens from the 2020 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.
Steyer's, Biden's, Sander's, and Warren's 2020 Comments compared: Statements of Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Elizabeth Warren and Tom Steyer compared.

  Debates of the 2020 Candidates of the Democratic Party  

Transcript of the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary Debate in Iowa: the debate was held in Des Moines, IA on January 14th, 2020.

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Mueller on Russia: Highlights of and Index to the Robert Mueller's Report of April, 18 2019.

State of the Union Address: Highlights and Index to Trump's SOTU of January 30, 2018.
Comey on Trump: Memos of Director of FBI James Comey declassified on April 11, 2018.
Inauguration Address of President Trump: Highlights of and Index to the Address of January 20, 2017.
Budget of Trump for 2018: Highlights of the 2018 budget which was published on May 23rd, 2017; includes an Interactive Index.

National Security Strategy of Trump: Highlights -- United States NSS published on December 18, 2017.
National Security Strategy: Index: contains over 800 entries -- from China to Cybersecurity to Iran to Russia to Ukraine.
National Security Strategy Text:Full text of the NSS published on December 17, 2017.

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  Sanders' 2016 comments  

Sanders' combined comments in NV and SC -- 200 statements made in Las Vegas and Charleston during the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Sanders' and Clinton's comments compared -- statements are from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates in NV and SC.

  Sanders' 2016 Political Positions  

Sanders on Speaking Fees -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Primary Debates.
Sanders on Education -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Sanders on Health Care --comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Sanders on Jobs -- comments the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Sanders on Taxes -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Sanders on Campaign Finance -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Sanders on Wall Street -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Sanders on Climate Change -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Presidential Debates.
Sanders on Immigration -- comments from the 2016 Democratic presidential debates.
Sanders on the Middle East -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Sanders on ISIS -- comments from 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Sanders on Women -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Sanders on Veterans -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Sanders on Gun Control -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.

Sanders on Clinton: Senator Bernie Sanders' speech endorsing Secretary Hillary Clinton as the 2016 Democratic Presidential Candidate. The speech was given on July 12th, 2016.

  Clinton's 2016 Comments  

Clinton's comments in NV and SC: Comments of Secretary Hillary Clinton are from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Las Vegas, NV and the Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Charleston SC.

Clinton's and Sanders' comments compared: comments are from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates in Nevada and South Carolina.
Clinton's and Trump's comments compared: Over 200 comments,, by Secretary Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, taken from five 2016 primaries in OH, NV, SC, NH and MI.

  Clinton's 2016 Political Positions  

Clinton on Abortion -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Clinton on America -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Clinton on Banks -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Clinton on Campaign Finance -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Clinton on China -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Clinton on Climate Change -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Clinton on Crime -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Clinton on Iran -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Presidential Primary Debates.
Clinton on Iraq -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Clinton on Russia -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Clinton on Taxes -- comments from the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.

  O'Malley's 2016 comments  

O'Malley's 2016 comments in NV: Comments of Governor Martin O'Malley are from the first 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Las Vegas, NV, on October 13, 2015.

  Debates of the Democratic Party 2016  

Nevada 2016 Democratic Debate: The first Democratic Party Primary Debate was held in Las Vegas, NV, and aired by CNN on Oct 13th, 2015.
South Carolina 2016 Democratic Debate: The fourth Democratic Party Primary Debate was held in Charleston, SC, and aired by NBC on January 17th, 2016.
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  Comments of Donald Trump in 2016  

Trump's comments in OH, NH and MI: Combined comments of Donald Trump's 2016 Debates in Ohio, New Hampshire and Michigan.
Trump and Clinton: Political Positions compared -- their comments from the 2016 Presidential Primary Debates.

  Political Positions of Donald Trump in 2016  

Trump on America. -- comments from the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Trump on Abortion -- comments from the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Trump on Banking -- comments from the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Trump on Campaign Finance -- comment from the 2016 Republican Presidential Primary Debate in Michigan.
Trump on China -- comments from the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Trump on Crime -- comments from the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Trump on Immigration -- comments from the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Trump on Iran -- comments from the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Trump on Iraq -- comments from the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Trump on ISIS -- comments from the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Trump on North Korea -- comments from the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Trump on Russia -- comments from the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Trump on Taxes -- comments from the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Trump on TPP -- comments from the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Trump on Trade-- comments from the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates.

  Comments of the Republican Candidates in 2016  

Ted Cruz said so: comments from the first 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate in Cleveland, OH on August 6th, 2015.
Ted Cruz on THAAD missile defense system: Senator Ted Cruz's comments are extracted from the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates in New Hampshire and Michigan.

Rand Paul said so: comments from the first 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate in Cleveland, OH on August 6th, 2015.
Mike Huckabee said so: comments from the first 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate in Cleveland, OH on August 6th, 2015.
Chris Christie said so: comments from the first 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate in Cleveland, OH on August 6th, 2015.
Donald Trump said so: comments from the first 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate in Cleveland, OH on August 6th, 2015.
Jeb Bush said so: comments from the first 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate in Cleveland, OH on August 6th, 2015.
John Kasich said so: comments from the first 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate in Cleveland, OH on August 6th, 2015.
Marco Rubio said so: comments from the first 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate in Cleveland, OH on August 6th, 2015.
Ben Carson said so: comments from the first 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate in Cleveland, OH on August 6th, 2015.
Carly Fiorina said so: comments from the first 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate in Cleveland, OH on August 6th, 2015.

  Debates of the Republican Party Candidates in 2016  

Republican Party's first 2016 Presidential Primary Debate in Cleveland, OH, aired by Fox News on August 6th, 2015.
Republican Party's eighth 2016 Presidential Primary Debate in Gofftown, NH, aired by ABC on February 6th, 2016.
Republican Party's eleventh Primary Presidential Debate in Detroit, MI, aired by Fox News on March 3rd, 2016.


  Combined transcripts of five 2016 Presidential Primary Debates  

Text of five of the 2016 Primary Presidential Debates --combined transcripts of the Republican Party Primary Debates in Ohio, New Hampshire and Michigan plus Democratic Party Primary Presidential Debates in Nevada and South Carolina.



Republican Candidates on North Korea: Discussion on North Korea during the Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate broadcast on Fox News in Michigan on March 3rd, 2016

Republican Party's first 2016 Presidential Primary Debate in Cleveland, OH on August 6, 2015.
Democratic Party's first 2016 Presidential Primary Debate in Las Vegas, NV on October 13, 2015.

What is a Concordance?

  GOP and DEM debates  

Concordance to the GOP and DEM debates: Over 700 statements from the debates in Ohio and Nevada in 2015. .


Concordance to the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Concordance to the Quatrains of Omar Khayyam with over 170 entries.
Text of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: Online text of the Quatrains of Omar Khayyam.
Index to the Rubaiyat The Interactive Index, with 550 entries, gives the user a bird's eye view of the content of the Rubaiyat.
Exhaustive Concordance to the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam The Concordance, with 550 entries, contains every Capitalized Word in the the Fitzgerald's 1859 translation.

  Civil Rights  

Concordance to the U.S. Bill of Rights -- Over 100 term and phrases are included.
Clauses of the U.S. Bill of Rights -- includes seventeen clauses of the Bill of Rights.
Index to the U.S. Bill of Rights -- Interactive Index showing over100 words and phrases.
Text of the U.S. Bill of Rights -- The text of the U.S. Bill of Rights: the ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution dated 1791.



Concordance to the Acts of the Apostles -- Book of Acts, Chapter 13, the King James Version of 1611.
Greek Keywords in the Chapter 13 of the Acts of the Apostles.

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