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  Concordance to the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam  

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This concordance is supplemented with the Full Text of the 1859 Fitzgerald's Translation.

on Angel : Came stealing through the Dusk an Angel Shape (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Angel : And when the Angel with his darker Draught (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Annihilation : One Moment in Annihilation Waste, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Argument : Doctor and Saint, and heard great Argument (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Bird : The Bird of Time has but a little way (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Bird : To fly - and Lo! the Bird is on the Wing. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Bloom : They left, and Summer dresses in new Bloom, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Blossoms : And look - a thousand Blossoms with the Day (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Bough : Here with a Loaf of Bread beneath the Bough, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Bowl : And that inverted Bowl we call The Sky, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Bread : Here with a Loaf of Bread beneath the Bough, (Fitzgerald, 1859)
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on Candle : Play'd in a Box whose Candle is the Sun, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Caravanserai : Think, in this batter'd Caravanserai (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Carouse: : For a new Marriage I did make Carouse: (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Children : Her little Children stumbling in the Dark?" (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Clay: : Woke - and a thousand scatter'd into Clay: (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Clay: : I watch'd the Potter thumping his wet Clay: (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Courts : The Courts where Jamshyd gloried and drank deep: (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Credit : Have done my Credit in Men's Eye much wrong; (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Cup : "Awake, my Little ones, and fill the Cup (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Cup : Before Life's Liquor in its Cup be dry." (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Cup : Come, fill the Cup, and in the Fire of Spring (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Cup : Have drunk their Cup a Round or two before, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Cup : Another and another Cup to drown (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Cup : Have drown'd my Honour in a shallow Cup, (Fitzgerald, 1859)
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on Desert : Like Snow upon the Desert's dusty Face (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Desire : Re-mould it nearer to the Heart's Desire ! (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Desires : Now the New Year reviving old Desires, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Destiny : Asking, " What Lamp had Destiny to guide (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Drink : Drink ! - for once dead you never shall return." (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Dusk : For in the Market-place, one Dusk of Day, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Dusk : Came stealing through the Dusk an Angel Shape (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Dust. : Are scatter'd, and their Mouths are stopt with Dust. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Dust : Dust into Dust, and under Dust, to lie, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Dust : Before we too into the Dust descend; (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Dust : In my predestin'd Plot of Dust and Soul. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Earth's : Up from Earth's Centre through the Seventh Gate (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Earth : With Earth's first Clay They did the Last Man's knead, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Eden : And who with Eden didst devise the Snake; (Fitzgerald, 1859)
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on Fears : TO-DAY of past Regrets and future Fears - (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Fears : Of Fears and Sorrows that infest the Soul. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Fire : Come, fill the Cup, and in the Fire of Spring (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Flask : A Flask of Wine, a Book of Verse - and Thou (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Flower : The Flower that once has blown for ever dies. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Fools : "Fools ! your Reward is neither Here nor There!' (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Forgiveness : Is blacken'd, Man's Forgiveness give - and take ! (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Garden : And still a Garden by the Water blows. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Garden : That every Hyacinth the Garden wears (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Gold : Life's leaden Metal into Gold transmute. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Grape : Better be merry with the fruitful Grape (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Grape : He bid me taste of it; and 'twas - the Grape!. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Grape : Ah, with the Grape my fading Life provide, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Harvest : And this was all the Harvest that I reap'd - (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Harvest : And then of the Last Harvest sow'd the Seed: (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Heart's Desire : Re-mould it nearer to the Heart's Desire ! (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Hearts : The Worldly Hope men set their Hearts upon (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Hell : And daub his Visage with the Smoke of Hell; (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Herb : And this delightful Herb whose tender Green (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Honour : Have drown'd my Honour in a shallow Cup, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Honour : And robb'd me of my Robe of Honour - well, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Hope : The Worldly Hope men set their Hearts upon (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Hunter : And Lo ! the Hunter of the East has caught (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Joy : Would break the Bowl from which he drank in Joy; (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Khayyam : But come with old Khayyam, and leave the Lot (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Khayyam : Oh, come with old Khayyam, and leave the Wise (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Khayyam : With old Khayyam the Ruby Vintage drink: (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Lies : One thing is certain, and the Rest is Lies; (Fitzgerald, 1859)
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on Life : Before Life's Liquor in its Cup be dry." (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Life : Life's leaden Metal into Gold transmute. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Life : To talk; one thing is certain, that Life flies; (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Life : One Moment, of the Well of Life to taste - (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Life : Ah, with the Grape my fading Life provide, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Life : And wash my Body whence the Life has died, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Lip : And Lip to Lip it murmur'd - "While you live (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Lip : My Lip the secret Well of Life to learn: (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Lip : And merry-make; and the cold Lip I kiss'd (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Lip : And if the Wine you drink, the Lip you press, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Liquor : Before Life's Liquor in its Cup be dry." (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Loaf of Bread : Here with a Loaf of Bread beneath the Bough, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Love : Shall He that made the Vessel in pure Love (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Love : Ah Love ! could thou and I with Fate conspire (Fitzgerald, 1859)
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on Man's : With Earth's first Clay They did the Last Man's knead, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Man : Oh, Thou, who Man of baser Earth didst make, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Market-place : For in the Market-place, one Dusk of Day, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Marriage : For a new Marriage I did make Carouse: (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Memory : The Memory of this Impertinence! (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Moon : Ah, Moon of my Delight who know'st no wane, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Music : Oh, the brave Music of a distant Drum! (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Nightingale : Red Wine ! " - the Nightingale cries to the Rose (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Nightingale : The Nightingale that in the Branches sang, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Paradise : And Wilderness is Paradise enow. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Penitence : My thread-bare Penitence apieces tore. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Perfume : Of Perfume shall fling up into the Air, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Piety : Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Potter's : In that old Potter's Shop I stood alone (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Potter : I watch'd the Potter thumping his wet Clay: (Fitzgerald, 1859)
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on Potter : Who is the Potter, pray, and who the Pot ? (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Potter : What ! did the Hand then of the Potter shake ?" (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Predestination : Thou wilt not with Predestination round (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Purse : At once the silken Tassel of my Purse (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Quarrel : The Quarrel of the Universe let be: (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Reason : Divorced old barren Reason from my Bed, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Reckoning : What the Last Dawn of Reckoning shall read. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Regrets : TO-DAY of past Regrets and future Fears - (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Reputation : And sold my Reputation for a Song. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Rest. : And one by one crept silently to Rest. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Reward : "Fools ! your Reward is neither Here nor There!' (Fitzgerald, 1859)
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on Rose : Red Wine ! " - the Nightingale cries to the Rose (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Rose : And this first Summer Month that brings the Rose (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Rose : Look to the Rose that blows about us - " Lo, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Rose : The Rose as where some buried Caesar bled; (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Rose : While the Rose blows along the River Brink, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Rose : Alas, that Spring should vanish with the Rose (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Ruby : But still the Vine her ancient Ruby yields, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Ruby : With old Khayyam the Ruby Vintage drink: (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Sages : Why, all the Saints and Sages who discuss'd (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Saint : Doctor and Saint, and heard great Argument (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Saints : Why, all the Saints and Sages who discuss'd (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Shape : That He who subtly wrought me into Shape (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Sin : Enmesh me, and impute my Fall to Sin? (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Sin : For all the Sin where with the Face of Man (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Singer : Sans Wine, sans Song, sans Singer, and - sans End ! (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Sky : And that inverted Bowl we call The Sky, (Fitzgerald, 1859)
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on Solitude : The thoughtful Soul to Solitude retires, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Song : Sans Wine, sans Song, sans Singer, and - sans End ! (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Soul. : Of Fears and Sorrows that infest the Soul. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Soul : The thoughtful Soul to Solitude retires, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Spring : Come, fill the Cup, and in the Fire of Spring (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Substance : My Substance from the common Earth was ta'en, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Summer : They left, and Summer dresses in new Bloom, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Sword. : Scatters and slays with his enchanted Sword. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Tavern : I heard a Voice within the Tavern cry, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Tears : Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Time : How Time is slipping underneath our Feet: (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Veil : There was a Veil past which I could not see: (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Verse : A Flask of Wine, a Book of Verse - and Thou (Fitzgerald, 1859)
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on Vessels : So while the Vessels one by one were speaking, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Vine-leaf : And in a Windingsheet of Vine-leaf wrapt, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Vine : But still the Vine her ancient Ruby yields, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Vine : And took the Daughter of the Vine to Spouse. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Vintage : With old Khayyam the Ruby Vintage drink: (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Vintners : I often wonder what the Vintners buy (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Water : "I came like Water, and like Wind I go." (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Water : Nor whence, like Water willy-nilly flowing: (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Wilderness : And Wilderness is Paradise enow. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Wilderness : Beside me singing in the Wilderness - (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Wind : "I came like Water, and like Wind I go." (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Wine : Was never deep in anything but - Wine. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Wine : High piping Pehlevi, with " Wine ! Wine ! Wine! (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Wine : High piping Pehlevi, with " Wine ! Wine ! Wine! (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Wine : High piping Pehlevi, with " Wine ! Wine!Wine! (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Wine : Red Wine!" - the Nightingale cries to the Rose (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Wine : A Flask of Wine, a Book of Verse - and Thou (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Wine : Sans Wine, sans Song, sans Singer, and - sans End ! (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Wine : And if the Wine you drink, the Lip you press, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Wine : And much as Wine has play'd the Infidel, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Wing : To fly - and Lo! the Bird is on the Wing. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Winter : The Winter Garment of Repentance fling: (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Wisdom : With them the Seed of Wisdom did I sow, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Wise : Oh, come with old Khayyam, and leave the Wise (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Wise : But leave the Wise to wrangle, and with me (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Wit : Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Worlds : Of the Two Worlds so learnedly, are thrust (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Wrath : Kindle to Love, or Wrath consume me quite, (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Years : Myself with Yesterday's Sev'n Thousand Years. (Fitzgerald, 1859)

on Youth : That Youth's sweet-scented Manuscript should close ! (Fitzgerald, 1859)

There are 172 entries in the "Concordance to the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam" page.
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