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Bernie Sanders on Education.

Comments of Senator Bernie Sanders are from the Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Las Vegas, NV, on October 13th 2015 and the Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Charleston, SC, on January 17th, 2016. About the page style: This page is crafted in the style of a concordance. A concordance is an alphabetical list of the keywords and the proper Names in a document along with the statements in which those words appear. Click the preceding every statement to go to the pertinent paragraph in the text.

on college : and make every public college and university in this country tuition free. (APPLAUSE) (2015/10/13)
on college : And by the way, I want Wall_Street now to help kids in this country go to college, (2015/10/13)
on college : A college degree today, Dana, is the equivalent of what a high_school degree was 50 years ago. (2015/10/13)
on college : I think we have to say that is true for everybody going to college. (2015/10/13)
on college : I want every kid in this country who has the ability to be able to go to a public college, or university, tuition free. (2016/01/17)
on college_debt : it will substantially lower interest rates on college_debt, a major crisis in this country. (APPLAUSE) (2015/10/13)
on education : It seems to me that instead of building more jails and providing more incarceration, maybe -- just maybe -- we should be putting money into education and jobs for our kids. (APPLAUSE) (2015/10/13)
on education : Jim and I, under Jim's leadership, as he indicated, passed the most significant veterans education bill (2015/10/13)
on education : And, I intended to tackle that issue. To make sure that our people have education and jobs rather than jail cells. (APPLAUSE) (2015/10/13)
on education : And what we said 50 years ago and a hundred years ago is that every kid in this country should be able to get a high_school education regardless of the income of their family. (2015/10/13)
on education : But in terms of education, this is what I think. This is the year 2015. (2015/10/13)
on education : ... in order to make it possible for them to afford their education. And I want colleges to get their costs down. They are outrageously high in what they're charging. (2015/10/13)
on education : ... criminal justice system, investing in jobs, and education not in jails and incarceration . (2016/01/17)
on high_school : A college degree today, Dana, is the equivalent of what a high_school degree was 50 years ago. (2015/10/13)
on high_school : And what we said 50 years ago and a hundred years ago is that every kid in this country should be able to get a high_school education regardless of the income of their family. (2015/10/13)
on student_debt : And, by the way, I want to substantially lower student_debt interest rates in this country as well. (2016/01/17)
on tuition : and make every public college and university in this country tuition free. (APPLAUSE) (2015/10/13)
on tuition : ...But the only way we can get things done is by having millions of people coming together. If we want free tuition at public colleges and universities, (2015/10/13)
on tuition : I want every kid in this country who has the ability to be able to go to a public college, or university, tuition free. (2016/01/17)
on university : and make every public college and university in this country tuition free. (APPLAUSE) (2015/10/13)
on university : I want every kid in this country who has the ability to be able to go to a public college, or university, tuition free. (2016/01/17)

There are 22 entries in the "Bernie Sanders on Education" page.
3:24 PM 3/14/2016 x2789 t216

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