About the page style: This page is crafted in the style of a concordance. A concordance is an alphabetical list of the keywords and the proper Names in a document along with the statements in which those words appear. Click the preceding every statement to go to the pertinent paragraph in the text. The Interactive Index gives the reader a bird's eye view of the content of the document.
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on Joint Strike Fighters : For example, the Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps would buy 84 new fighter aircraft in 2018, including 70 Joint Strike Fighters and 14 Super Hornets.
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on State budgets, : Reform Medicaid. To realign financial incentives and provide stability to both Federal and State budgets, the Budget proposes to reform Medicaid by giving States the choice between a per capita cap and a block grant and empowering States to innovate and prioritize Medicaid dollars to the most vulnerable populations.
on State taxes, : While the Federal corporate income tax in the United States is 35.0 percent, after including State taxes, the rate is 38.9 percent.
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on taxes : Each year, however, Federal agencies issue thousands of new regulations that, taken together, impose substantial burdens on American consumers and businesses big and small. These burdens function much like taxes that unnecessarily inhibit growth and employment.
on taxes : Additional State and local funding for services, including public education, is not captured in the Federal budget, nor are local and State taxes collected from refugees to the Federal Government.
on taxpayer : Just as families decide how to manage limited budgets, we must ensure the Federal Government spends precious taxpayer dollars only on our highest national priorities, and always in the most efficient, effective manner.
on taxpayers : • End the burdensome alternative minimum tax, which requires many taxpayers to calculate their taxes twice.
on taxpayer resources. : Once the net effect of immigration on the Federal Budget is more clearly illustrated, the American public can be better informed about options for improving policy outcomes and saving taxpayer resources.
on tax breaks : • Eliminate most special interest tax breaks to make the tax code more equitable, more efficient, and to help pay for lower business tax rates.
on Tax Code : Simplify the Tax Code and Provide Tax Relief.
on tax rate : Highest Business Taxes in the World. The corporate tax rate in the United States is the highest in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and one of the highest in the world.
on tax rate : • Reduce the tax rate on American businesses in order to fuel job creation and economic growth.
on Tax Reform : Tax Reform and Simplification. We must reduce the tax burden on American workers and businesses, so that we can maximize incomes and economic growth.
on tax revenue. : As long as our corporate tax rate is well above other nations, businesses will have the incentive to locate overseas, and America will continue to lose out on both jobs and tax revenue.
on tax system, : We must also simplify our tax system, so that individuals and businesses do not waste countless hours and resources simply paying their taxes.
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on tax system : Going forward, the President is committed to continue working with the Congress and other stakeholders to carefully and deliberatively build on these principles to create a tax system that is fair, simple, and efficient -- one that puts Americans back to work and puts America first.
on towns : Trade Deals That Have Exported American Jobs. All across America, there are cities and towns devastated by unfair trade policies.
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on Unemployment Trust Fund : he proposal is fully offset by a package of sensible reforms to the UI system -- including reforms to reduce improper payments, help unemployed workers find jobs more quickly, and encourage States to maintain reserves in their Unemployment Trust Fund accounts.
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on weapons systems. : Funds also recapitalize, modernize, and enhance weapons systems.
on weapon system : The Budget prioritizes readiness, funding critical shipyard requirements, accelerating depot maintenance and weapon system sustainment, enhancing training, growing our cyber workforce and capabilities, and restoring degraded infrastructure.
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on World War II, : Fill Critical Gaps and Build Warfighting readiness. The Administration inherited the smallest Army since before World War II, a Navy and Marine Corps facing shortfalls in maintenance and equipment procurement, and the smallest Air Force with the oldest planes in history.
on World War II. : This run-up in debt over the last eight years brought it to a level that we have not seen since shortly after World War II.
on World War II. : Relative to GDP, these deficits were the largest seen since the Nation was on an all-out war footing during World War II.
on World War II to 2007, : From World War II to 2007, the average fourth quarter-over-fourth quarter growth rate was 3.5 percent. Over the last nine years, average growth has been 1.3 percent.
on Year-Round Pell : Year-Round Pell gives students the opportunity to earn a third semester of Pell Grant support during an academic year, boosting total Pell Grant aid by $1.5 billion in 2018 for approximately 900,000 students.
There are 125 entries in Concordance to the United States Budget for 2018
About the index: The 55 links in the index precede the 125 statements in the Highlights section. Click on a link to go to the beginning of a cluster of related statements. For example click on the link "cybersecurity(5)" and you will find 5 statements containing the terms cybercrime, cybersecurity, cyber attack and cyber workforce.
Trump's combined comments with Rubio and Huckabee: Over 50 statements extracted from the first Republican Presidential Primary debate in Cleveland, OH, on Aug 6, 2015.
Trump's comments in OH, NH, and MI: Candidate Trump's combined statements from three Republican Party Presidential Primary 2016 Debates in Ohio, New Hampshire and Michigan.
Trump on China -- Candidate Trump's comments on China during the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Trump's National Security Strategy -- Highlights of President Trump's 2017 National Security Strategy plus Text and Index.
Sanders on Campaign Finance -- Senator Bernie Sanders' comments on Campaign Finance during the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates.
Clinton's and Trump's comments compared: over 200 statements from five 2016 Presidential Primary Debates by Secretary Clinton and Candidate Trump juxtaposed.