Comments of Senator Bernie Sanders are from the Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Las Vegas, NV, on October 13th 2015 and the Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Charleston, SC, on January 17th, 2016.
About the page style: This page is crafted in the style of a concordance. A concordance is an alphabetical list of the keywords and the proper Names in a document along with the statements in which those words appear. Click the preceding every statement to go to the pertinent paragraph in the text.
on Speaking Fees : But here is the issue, Secretary touched on it, can you really reform Wall Street when they are spending millions and millions of dollars on campaign contributions and when they are providing speaking fees to individuals? So it's easy to say, well, I'm going to do this and do that, but I have doubts when people receive huge amounts of money from Wall Street. (2016/01/17)
There is one entry in the "Bernie Sanders on Speaking Fees" page.