About the page style: This page is crafted in the style of a concordance. A concordance is an alphabetical list of the keywords and the proper Names in a document along with the statements in which those words appear. Click the preceding every statement to go to the pertinent paragraph in the text.
on oil: " If they don't get out of the truck, the truck sails away with the oil. (2016/02/06)
on oil: Can you imagine General Douglas MacArthur or General Patton saying we can't bomb because we're gonna hurt the atmosphere? You have to knock the hell out of the oil. (2016/02/06)
on oil: So between the oil and the banking, you will dry them up. (2016/02/06)
on oil: We actually have a case where we don't want to bomb the oil, because we don't want to hurt -- pollute the atmosphere. (2016/02/06)
on oil: Well, four years ago, I said, bomb the oil and take the oil. (2016/02/06)
on oil: You have to take the oil. (2016/02/06)
on oil: But when you stop the banking channels and when you stop the oil and take the oil -- not just bomb it, take it -- when you do that, it's going to dry up very quickly. (2016/02/06)
There are 7 entries in the "Trump on ISIS" page. 6/28/2016 x1559 t55
Send feedback to comments@WhoSaidSo.org, please. Dec 28, 2016.
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