Over 150 statements from debates of Candidate Donald Trump: from Afghanistan to Obamacare to wall. Quotes are extracted from 3 primary 2016 debates: August 6, 2015 in Cleveland, OH, February 6, 2016 in Goffstown, NH and March 3, 2016 in Detroit, MI.
About the page style: This page is crafted in the style of a concordance. A concordance is an alphabetical list of the keywords and the proper Names in a document along with the statements in which those words appear. Click the preceding every statement to go to the pertinent paragraph in the text.
on abortion : And what happened is friends of mine years ago were going to have a child, and it was going to be aborted. And it wasn't aborted. And that child today is a total superstar, (2015/08/06)
on abortion : And I said if you let it run, that I hate the concept of abortion. I hate the concept of abortion. (2015/08/06)
on Afghanistan : But Afghanistan, I felt -- and in that one, if you notice, I corrected it the second day. (2016/03/03)
on Afghanistan : Well, on Afghanistan, I did mean Iraq. I think you have to stay in Afghanistan for a while, because of the fact that you're right next to Pakistan, which has nuclear weapons, and we have to protect that. (2016/03/03)
on American public : I'm going to do the right thing for the American public. (2016/02/06)
on America : We have to solve problems in America first by coming together, Republicans and Democrats, Americans first, party and ideology second -- in the second back seat of this country. (2016/02/06)
on Americans first : We have to solve problems in America by coming together, Republicans and Democrats, Americans first, party and ideology second -- in the second back seat of this country. (2016/02/06)
on Americans : We want to hire as many Americans as we can, but they don't want part-time, very short part-time jobs. (2016/03/03)
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on borders : We're going to strengthen our borders. (2016/03/03)
on border : We lose to Mexico both in trade and at the border. (2015/08/06)
on border : The fact is, since then, many killings,murders, crime, drugs pouring across the border, are money going out and the drugs coming in. (2015/08/06)
on border : border Patrol, I was at the border last week. (2015/08/06)
on border : But when you have people that are cutting Christians' heads off, when you have a world that the border and at so many places, (2015/08/06)
on border : We can't beat Mexico, at the border or in trade. We can't do anything right. (2015/08/06)
on border : We don't win with the military, we don't' win on the border. (2016/02/06)
on border : Both at the border, and with trade -- and every other country we do business with we are getting absolutely crushed on trade. (2016/03/03)
on border : But, if you look at China, and you look Japan, and if you look at Mexico, both at the border, by the way, where they're killing us. (2016/03/03)
on border : The border is a disaster, it's like a piece of Swiss cheese. (2016/03/03)
on border : Every single poll when it comes to ISIS and the military and the border say, by far, Trump is the best. (2016/03/03)
on Border Patrol : Border Patrol, I was at the border last week. (2015/08/06)
on Border Patrol : Border Patrol, people that I deal with, that I talk to, they say this is what's happening. (2015/08/06)
on campaign contributions : But we're going to build up our military, and we're going to get the equipment we want, not the equipment that's sold to us by somebody that gave him and him and not the governor campaign contributions. (2016/03/03)
on Common Core : We're cutting Common Core. (2016/03/03)
on Common Core : We're getting rid of Common Core. (2016/03/03)
on congressman : The reason we don't is because they take care of all of the senators, all of the congressman, and they don't bid. They don't go out to bid. (2016/03/03)
on Congress : With Congress, you have to get everybody in a room, and you have to get them to agree. (2016/02/06)
on Congress : An executive order should be used frankly in consolidation and with consulting with the leadership in the -- in the Congress. (2016/02/06)
on Congress : Since he's given up on working with Congress, he thinks he can impose anything he wants. (2016/02/06)
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on crime : The fact is, since then, many killings, murders, crime, drugs pouring across the border, are money going out and the drugs coming in. (2015/08/06)
on crime : I'm not playing to anybody's fantasies, I'm playing to the fact that our country is in trouble, that we have a tremendous problem with crime. (2016/03/03)
on drugs : The fact is, since then, many killings, murders, crime, drugs pouring across the border, are money going out and the drugs coming in. (2015/08/06)
on drugs : A lot of it has to do with -- as an example, Josh's question on drugs. (2016/02/06)
on drugs : I'm not only talking about drugs, I'm talking about other things. (2016/03/03)
on economy : I know what's happening with the economy. (2016/03/03)
on economy : I'm saying saving through negotiation throughout the economy, you will save $300 billion a year. (2016/03/03)
on education : We're bringing education locally. (2016/03/03)
on employees : It could have worked in a different age, which is the age you're talking about here. What I'd like to see is a private system without the artificial lines around every state. I have a big company with thousands and thousands of employees. (2015/08/06)
on employees : Because I have used the laws of this country just like the greatest people that you read about every day in business have used the laws of this country, the chapter laws, to do a great job for my company, for myself, for my employees, for my family, et cetera. I have never gone bankrupt, by the way. I have never. But out of hundreds of deals... (2015/08/06)
on employees : Long-term employees, we don't do that, but short-term employees, we have no choice but to do it, and other hotels in that very, very hot area. (2016/03/03)
on gun : No, I'm a big defender of the Second Amendment. And if you look at what's happened, whether it's in California, where you had the 14 people killed, whether it's in Paris -- which, by the way, has the toughest gun laws in the world and 130 people killed. (2016/03/03)
on healthcare : Number one thing I hear from the people of New Hampshire, who I love, and developed such relationships, we don't win with healthcare. (2016/02/06)
on health : The insurance companies are getting rich on health care and health services and everything having to do with health. (2016/02/06)
on health care : The insurance companies are getting rich on health care and health services and everything having to do with health. (2016/02/06)
on health care : In addition to that, you have the health care savings plans, which are excellent. (2016/02/06)
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on immigration : So, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't even be talking about illegal immigration, Chris. You wouldn't even be talking about it. (APPLAUSE) (2015/08/06)
on immigration : And no matter how you cut it, when I -- when I came out, I hit immigration, I hit it very hard. (2016/02/06)
on immigration : Everybody said, "Oh, the temperament," because I talked about illegal immigration. (2016/02/06)
on immigration : I will say, though, in terms of immigration -- and almost anything else -- there always has to be some, you know, tug and pull and deal. (2016/03/03)
on immigration : I happen to be much stronger on illegal immigration. (2016/03/03)
on insurance : Nobody can bid. You know why? Because the insurance companies are making a fortune because they have control of the politicians, (2015/08/06)
on insurance : And I will tell you, part of the reason we have some people laughing, because you have insurance people that take care of everybody up here. (2016/02/06)
on insurance : The insurance companies are getting rich on health care and health services and everything having to do with health. (2016/02/06)
on insurance : The insurance companies are getting rich on Obamacare. (2016/02/06)
on Iran : I'll tell you what, if Iran was a stock, you folks should go out and buy it right now because you'll quadruple -- (2015/08/06)
on Iran : Now, with Iran, we're making a deal, you would say, we want him. (2015/08/06)
on Iran : this, what's happening in Iran, is a disgrace, and it's going to lead to destruction in large portions of the world. (APPLAUSE) (2015/08/06)
on Iran : Now, the real person like it was mentioned about the deal with Iran, how bad a deal is that? It doesn't get any more amateurish than that. (2016/02/06)
on Iraq : In July of 2004, I came out strongly against the war with Iraq, because it was going to destabilize the Middle East;. (2015/08/06)
on Iraq : And remember this, I'm the only one up here, when the war of Iraq -- in Iraq, I was the one that said, "Don't go, don't do it, you're going to destabilize the Middle East;. (2016/02/06)
on Iraq : Well, look, you know, when a family flies into the World Trade Center, a man flies into the World Trade Center, and his family gets sent back to where they were going -- and I think most of you know where they went -- and, by the way, it wasn't Iraq -- but they went back to a certain territory, they knew what was happening. (2016/03/03)
on Iraq : Just as I said that Iraq was going to collapse after we leave. (2016/03/03)
on Iraq : We made a mistake going into Iraq. (2016/03/03)
on Iraq : By the time it got to that point, I was always against Iraq. (2016/03/03)
on Iraq : Nuclear weapons change the game. And I was always against going into Iraq. (2016/03/03)
on Iraq : Well, on Afghanistan, I did mean Iraq. I think you have to stay in Afghanistan for a while, because of the fact that you're right next to Pakistan, which has nuclear weapons, and we have to protect that. (2016/03/03)
on IRS : If you look at the IRS, if you look at every single agency, we can cut it down, and I mean really cut it down and save. (2016/03/03)
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on jobs : I'm going to bring jobs back and I'll start bringing them back very fast. (2016/02/06)
on jobs : I will bring jobs back from Japan. (2016/02/06)
on jobs : I will bring jobs back from Mexico, where New Hampshire, by the way, has been virtually wiped out. (2016/02/06)
on jobs : Well, before I go there, I will tell you, I will bring jobs back from China. (2016/02/06)
on jobs : The police in this country have done an unbelievable job of keeping law and order, and they're afraid for their jobs, they're afraid of the mistreatment they get, and I'm telling you that not only, me speaking, minorities all over the country, they respect the police of this country and we have to give them more respect. (2016/02/06)
on jobs : And now the funny thing is he didn't talk about the hundreds of really successful jobs, the buildings all over the world that have made a fortune.(CROSSTALK) (2016/03/03)
on jobs : We want to hire as many Americans as we can, but they don't want part-time, very short part-time jobs. (2016/03/03)
on jobs : I am going to bring jobs back to the United States like nobody else can. (2016/03/03)
on job : Because I have used the laws of this country just like the greatest people that you read about every day in business have used the laws of this country, the chapter laws, to do a great job for my company, for myself, for my employees, for my family, et cetera. I have never gone bankrupt, by the way. I have never. But out of hundreds of deals... (2015/08/06)
on job : I have a great, great company. I employ thousands of people. And I'm very proud of the job I did. (2015/08/06)
on job : that it is medieval times, we've never -- it almost has to be as bad as it ever was in terms of the violence and the horror, we don't have time for tone. We have to go out and get the job done. (APPLAUSE) (2015/08/06)
on job : Eminent domain, the Keystone pipeline -- do you consider that a private job? Do you -- do you consider that... (2016/02/06)
on job : No, it's a private job. (2016/02/06)
on job : It's a private job. (2016/02/06)
on job : The police in this country have done an unbelievable job of keeping law and order, and they're afraid for their jobs, they're afraid of the mistreatment they get, and I'm telling you that not only, me speaking, minorities all over the country, they respect the police of this country and we have to give them more respect. (2016/02/06)
on job : They're afraid for losing their pension, their job. (2016/02/06)
on job : But at what point -- you know, either you're going to have a police force that can do its job... I was just up in Manchester, I met with the police officers yesterday. (2016/02/06)
on job : They want to do their job. (2016/02/06)
on job : They've done such a good job, since his -- since his death. (2016/02/06)
on job : People don't want a short-term job. (2016/03/03)
on job : Even the two people on your left and right said we did a great job. (2016/03/03)
on killings : The fact is, since then, many killings,murders, crime, drugs pouring across the border, are money going out and the drugs coming in. (2015/08/06)
on killing : Everyone, they're killing us on trade. (2016/02/06)
on killing : As far as domestic policy and trade which is killing our country, he said free trade and I believe in free trade also. (2016/03/03)
on killing : But, if you look at China, and you look Japan, and if you look at Mexico, both at the border, by the way, where they're killing us. (2016/03/03)
on killing : And they're killing -- they're going to... (CROSSTALK) (2016/03/03)
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on law : Excuse me, what am I saying? Out of hundreds of deals that I've done, hundreds, on four occasions I've taken advantage of the laws of this country, like other people. I'm not going to name their names because I'm not going to embarrass, but virtually every person that you read about on the front page of the business sections, they've used the law. The difference is, when somebody else uses those laws, nobody writes about it. (2015/08/06)
on law : The police in this country have done an unbelievable job of keeping law and order, and they're afraid for their jobs, they're afraid of the mistreatment they get, and I'm telling you that not only, me speaking, minorities all over the country, they respect the police of this country and we have to give them more respect. (2016/02/06)
on law : This is a procedure. It's part of the law. I take advantage of that. There's nothing wrong with it. We have no choice. (2016/03/03)
on law : And you can read law journal, you can read whatever you want to read -- I've read plenty of it. (2016/03/03)
on Mexican : And the Mexican government is much smarter, much sharper, much more cunning. (2015/08/06)
on Mexico : We lose to Mexico both in trade and at the border. (2015/08/06)
on Mexico : This was not a subject that was on anybody's mind until I brought it up at my announcement. And I said, Mexico is sending. (2015/08/06)
on Mexico : We can't beat Mexico, at the border or in trade. We can't do anything right. (2015/08/06)
on Mexico : I will bring jobs back from Mexico, where New Hampshire, by the way, has been virtually wiped out. (2016/02/06)
on Mexico : They've lost so many businesses going to Mexico because of horrible trade deals. (2016/02/06)
on Mexico : But, if you look at China, and you look Japan, and if you look at Mexico, both at the border, by the way, where they're killing us. (2016/03/03)
on Mexico : With China we're going to lose $505 billion dollars in terms of trades. You just can't do it. Mexico, $58 billion dollars. Japan, probably about, they don't know it yet, but about $109 billion dollars. (2016/03/03)
on Mexico : But they devalue their currencies, in particular China. Mexico is doing a big number now, also. Japan is unbelievable what they're doing. (2016/03/03)
on Mexico : And by the way, Mexico is going to pay for the wall. I can tell you that. Mexico is going to pay for the wall.(APPLAUSE) (2016/03/03)
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on Middle East : In July of 2004, I came out strongly against the war with Iraq, because it was going to destabilize the Middle East;. (2015/08/06)
on Middle East : And the Middle East; became totally destabilized. (2015/08/06)
on Middle East : And remember this, I'm the only one up here, when the war of Iraq -- in Iraq, I was the one that said, "Don't go, don't do it, you're going to destabilize the Middle East;. (2016/02/06)
on Middle East : You have people that you think are our great allies, our friends, in the Middle East;, that are paying tremendous numbers of -- tremendous amounts of money to ISIS. (2016/02/06)
on Middle East : In the Middle East;, we have people chopping the heads off Christians, we have people chopping the heads off many other people. (2016/02/06)
on Middle East : Can you imagine -- can you imagine these people, these animals over in the Middle East;, that chop off heads, sitting around talking and seeing that we're having a hard problem with waterboarding? We should go for waterboarding and we should go tougher than waterboarding. (2016/03/03)
on Middle East : Let me just tell you, you look at the Middle East;. (2016/03/03)
on military : Our military has to be strengthened. Our vets have to be taken care of. (2015/08/06)
on military : We don't win with the military, we don't' win on the border. (2016/02/06)
on military : But we're going to build up our military, and we're going to get the equipment we want, not the equipment that's sold to us by somebody that gave him and him and not the governor campaign contributions. (2016/03/03)
on military : Every single poll when it comes to ISIS and the military and the border say, by far, Trump is the best. (2016/03/03)
on military : We have a depleted military. (2016/03/03)
on military : We're going to fix our very depleted military. (2016/03/03)
on murders : The fact is, since then, many killings,murders, crime, drugs pouring across the border, are money going out and the drugs coming in. (2015/08/06)
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on Obamacare : We have to end Obamacare, and we have to make our country great again, and I will do that. Thank you. (2015/08/06)
on Obamacare : We are going to repeal Obamacare. (APPLAUSE) (2016/02/06)
on Obamacare : The insurance companies are getting rich on Obamacare. (2016/02/06)
on Obamacare : We're going to repeal Obamacare. (2016/02/06)
on Obamacare : We are going to replace Obamacare with something so much better. (2016/02/06)
on Obamacare : So we're listening to the all-talk, no-action politician, and he was the primary supporter of John Roberts, who gave us Obamacare. (2016/03/03)
on Obamacare : And when it came his time to raise his hand and kill Obamacare, not once, but twice, he let us down, and he did the wrong thing. (2016/03/03)
on pharmaceutical : Because of the fact that the pharmaceutical companies -- because of the fact that the pharmaceutical companies are not mandated to bid properly, they have hundreds of billions of dollars in waste. (2016/03/03)
on police : The police in this country have done an unbelievable job of keeping law and order, and they're afraid for their jobs, they're afraid of the mistreatment they get, and I'm telling you that not only, me speaking, minorities all over the country, they respect the police of this country and we have to give them more respect. (2016/02/06)
on police : We have to give great respect, far greater than we are right now, to our really fantastic police. (APPLAUSE) (2016/02/06)
on police : Well, there is a divide, but I have to say that the police are absolutely mistreated and misunderstood, and if there is an incident, whether it's an incident done purposely -- which is a horror, and you should really take very strong action -- or if it is a mistake, it's on your news casts all night, all week, all month, and it never ends. (2016/02/06)
on police : But at what point -- you know, either you're going to have a police force that can do its job... I was just up in Manchester, I met with the police officers yesterday. (2016/02/06)
on police : But the police in this country are absolutely amazing people. (2016/02/06)
on prisoners : We want out our prisoners. We want all these things, and we don't get anything. We're giving them $150 billion dollars plus, they are going to be -- (2015/08/06)
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on pro-life : And I am pro-life. And if you look at the question, I was in business. They asked me a question as to pro-life or choice. (2015/08/06)
on pro-life : And I am very, very proud to say that I am pro-life. (2015/08/06)
on senate : And, you know, when I watch Ted stand on the senate floor, I had great respect for what he did. (2016/03/03)
on senate : The real con artist is Senator Marco Rubio who was elected in Florida and who has the worst voting record in the United States senate. (2016/03/03)
on senate : He doesn't show up for the U.S. senate. (2016/03/03)
on senator : The real con artist is senator Marco Rubio who was elected in Florida and who has the worst voting record in the United States Senate. (2016/03/03)
on Syria : It's living in Hell in Syria; there's no question about it. (2016/03/03)
on taxes : Under my plan, we cut not only taxes for the middle class, but we cut taxes for corporations. (2016/02/06)
on taxes : Larry Kudlow, great guy, everybody respects him, said my plan for taxes and tax cutting is the best by far of everybody. (2016/03/03)
on tax : Under my tax plan -- right now, we're the highest taxed country in the world. (2016/02/06)
on tax : We're not going to lose them anymore because we're going to have a tax structure that is going to keep them in our country. (2016/02/06)
on tax : Larry Kudlow, great guy, everybody respects him, said my plan for taxes and tax cutting is the best by far of everybody. (2016/03/03)
on terrorists : And I will tell you, though, with all of that being said, you can not negotiate this way with terrorists. (2016/02/06)
on terrorists : But you just cannot negotiate that way with terrorists, or you're gonna have so many other James Foleys. (2016/02/06)
on Trade Center : and they watched their husband on television flying into the World Trade Center, flying into the Pentagon, and probably trying to fly into the White House, except we had some very, very brave souls on that third plane. All right? (APPLAUSE) (2016/03/03)
on Trade Center : The wife knew exactly what was happening. They left two days early, with respect to the World Trade Center, and they went back to where they went, (2016/03/03)
on Trade Center : Well, look, you know, when a family flies into the World Trade Center, a man flies into the World Trade Center, and his family gets sent back to where they were going -- and I think most of you know where they went -- and, by the way, it wasn't Iraq -- but they went back to a certain territory, they knew what was happening. (2016/03/03)
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on veterans : ... I will tell you that I think nobody here, nobody on this stage, gets along with the veterans groups in New Hampshire better than I do without ball (ph) to sarel (ph) and all of the people that I deal with and these are great people. (2016/02/06)
on Veterans : The one thing that we're not mentioning, there's tremendous fraud, waste and abuse in the Veterans Administration and if I'm running things, that's going to disappear... (BELL RINGS) (2016/02/06)
on vets : Our military has to be strengthened. Our vets have to be taken care of. (2015/08/06)
on vets : And one thing on the vets -- during the last debate, I raised $6 million for the vets, and I will tell you something... (APPLAUSE) (2016/02/06)
on vets : We're going to start taking care of our vets, properly, like we should. (2016/03/03)
on vets : We're going to take care of our vets. (2016/03/03)
on vets : We have -- by the way, our vets are treated horribly. (2016/03/03)
on vets : We're going to take care of our vets. (2016/03/03)
on wall : And I said we need to build a wall, and it has to be built quickly. And I don't mind having a big beautiful door in that wall so that people can come into this country legally. (2015/08/06)
on wall : But we need, Jeb, to build a wall, we need to keep illegals out. (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) (2015/08/06)
on wall : " But I mean, a real wall, not a toy wall like they have right now. (2016/02/06)
on wall : I'm the first person that said, "Build a wall. (2016/02/06)
on wall : And by the way, Mexico is going to pay for the wall. I can tell you that. Mexico is going to pay for the wall.(APPLAUSE) (2016/03/03)
on wall : I'm the one that wants the wall. I'm the one that can build the wall. (APPLAUSE) It's going to get built. (2016/03/03)
on wall : I give the example -- I'm going to build a wall. (2016/03/03)
on woman : The woman ultimately didn't want to do that. (2016/02/06)
on workers : I've supported Democrats, and I've supported Republicans. And as a businessman, I owed that to my company, to my family, to my workers, to everybody to get along. (2016/03/03)
There are 165 entries in the "Donald Trump on Issues" page.
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