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Highlights of Governor Martin O'Malley 2016 comments in Nevada

Comments are from the first 2016 Democratic Party presidential debate in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Oct 13, 2015.

About the page style: This page is crafted in the style of a concordance. A concordance is an alphabetical list of the keywords and the proper Names in a document along with the statements in which those words appear. Click the preceding every statement to go to the pertinent paragraph in the text.

on African-American: in their sleep for picking up the phone in a poor African-American neighborhood and calling the police
on America: Whether it was raising the minimum wage, making our public schools the best in America,
on America: reduce violent crime, or part one (ph) crime by more than any other major city in America
on America: we allowed ourselves to become the most violent, addicted, and abandoned city in America.
on America: I am for a generous, compassionate America that says we're all in this together.
on America: ...immigration reform. It'll make wages go up in America $250 for every year.
on America: we need is a green energy revolution. We need to move America to a 100 percent clean electric grid by 2050
on America: -- to move America forward to a 100 percent clean electric grid by 2050.
on America: We're here in Las Vegas, one of the most sustainable cities in America,
on American: The sort of action that will actually make wages go up again for all American families.
on American: there was -- was one of the worst blunders in modern American history.
on American: ...we need to make American 100 percent clean electric by 2050.
on American: our country is stronger in every generation by the arrival of new American immigrants.
on American: ...but will become American citizens...
on American: didn't hear anyone make racist comments about new American immigrants, you didn't hear anyone speak ill
on American People: I would follow through on the promise that the American People thought we made as Democratic Party,
on Americans': Anderson, Snowden put a lot of Americans' lives at risk.
on Americans: to take the actions that we have always taken as Americans so that we can actually attack injustice in
on Arrests: was the word "settle." That's true. It was settled. Arrests peaked in 2003, Anderson, but they declined
on Assad's: I think Assad's invasion of Syria will be seen as a blunder.
on Aurora: Jessie, was one of those who lost their lives in that awful mass shooting in Aurora.
on Baltimore: My name is Martin O'Malley, former Mayor of Baltimore, former governor of Maryland,
on Baltimore: But, Anderson, when I ran for mayor of Baltimore in 1999...
on Baltimore: Anderson, when I ran for mayor of Baltimore back in 1999,
on Baltimore: We've saved over a thousand lives in Baltimore in the last 15 years
on Baltimore: was not reported during that heartbreaking night of unrest in Baltimore
on Baltimore: When I ran for Mayor of Baltimore -- and we we burying over 350 young men every single year,
on Benghazi: Anderson, I think there's lessons to be learned from Benghazi.
on Black Lives Matter: Anderson, the point that the Black Lives Matter movement is making is a very, very legitimate
on Black lives matter: Black lives matter, and we have a lot of work to do to reform our criminal justice system,
on Clinton's: Secretary Clinton's campaign put out a lot of reversals on positions on Keystone
on Clinton: Secretary Clinton mentioned my support eight years ago. And Secretary, I was proud to support you
on Clinton: I respect what Secretary Clinton and her husband have done for our country.
on Clinton: And I have to agree with Secretary Clinton and Senator Sanders.
on Colorado: Sandy and Lonnie Phillips are here from Colorado.
on Congress: the way that the NRA gets its way in our Congress and we take a backseat.
on Congress: you've become discouraged about our gridlock in Congress, talk to our young people under 30, because
on DACA: that is why I would go further than President Obama has on DACA, and DAPA.
on DAPA: that is why I would go further than President Obama has on DACA, and DAPA.
on DNC: Which is why -- and I see the chair of the DNC here,
on DREAM Act: passing marriage equality, the DREAM Act, and comprehensive gun safety legislation,
on DREAM Act: We passed a state version of the DREAM Act... (CHEERING)
on Democratic Party: I would follow through on the promise that the American People thought we made as Democratic Party,
on Eastern Shore: Have you ever been to the Eastern Shore?
on FBI's: we don't have to be defined by the email scandal, and how long -- what the FBI's asking about.
on Freddie: that arrests had actually fallen to a 38-year low in the year prior to the Freddie Gray's tragic death.
on GDP: big banks, the six of them, went from controlling, what, the equivalent of 15 percent of our GDP to now 65
on GDP: percent of our GDP. And -- (inaudible) right before this debate,
on Glass-Steagall: We need to reinstate Glass-Steagall and that's a huge difference on this stage among us as candidates.
on Glass-Steagall: from the commercial banking -- namely, reinstating Glass-Steagall.
on Glass-Steagall: Madam Secretary, is that you are not for Glass-Steagall.
on Glass-Steagall: once we repealed Glass-Steagall back in the late 1999s (ph),
on Glass-Steagall: a modern Glass-Steagall that creates a firewall so that this wreckage of our economy can never happen
on Glass-Steagall: separate out these too-big-to-jail, too-big-to-fail banks, and put in place Glass-Steagall,
on ISIL: I believe that nuclear Iran remains the biggest threat, along with the threat of ISIL;
on Injustice: Injustice does not solve itself. What I'm talking about is this, our middle class is shrinking.
on Iowa: If you go across Iowa, you see that 30 percent of their energy now comes from wind.
on Iran: I believe that nuclear Iran remains the biggest threat, along with the threat of ISIL;
on Iraq: leading us into Iraq under false pretenses and telling us, as a people, that there were weapons of mass
on Jessie: Jessie, was one of those who lost their lives in that awful mass shooting in Aurora.
on John Quincy Adams': and contrary to John Quincy Adams' advice -- "searching the world for monsters to destroy,"
on Katie: My wife Katie and I have four great kids, Grace, and Tara, and William and Jack.
on Katie: My wife, Katie, is here with our four kids.
on Keystone: Secretary Clinton's campaign put out a lot of reversals on positions on Keystone
on Las Vegas: We're here in Las Vegas, one of the most sustainable cities in America,
on Libya: the human intelligence that would allow us to make not only better decisions in Libya,
on Lonnie: Sandy and Lonnie Phillips are here from Colorado.
on Main Street: willing to protect the Main Street economy from recklessness on Wall Street.
on Main Street: to protect the Main Street economy from recklessness on Wall Street.
on Martin O'Malley: My name is Martin O'Malley, former Mayor of Baltimore, former governor of Maryland,
on Maryland: My name is Martin O'Malley, former Mayor of Baltimore, former governor of Maryland,
on Maryland: Anderson, we actually did this in my state of Maryland. We passed... (APPLAUSE)
on Mayor: My name is Martin O'Malley, former Mayor of Baltimore, former governor of Maryland,
on Mayor: When I ran for Mayor of Baltimore -- and we we burying over 350 young men every single year,
on NRA: the way that the NRA gets its way in our Congress and we take a backseat.
on NRA: by leading with principle, not by pandering to the NRA and backing down to the NRA.
on NRA: And I have an F from the NRA, Senator.
on NRA: ...Anderson, when the NRA wrote to everyone in our state --
on NRA: And that's why, not only did we pass it, but the NRA didn't...
on NRA: when the NRA wrote to members in our state and told people with hunting traditions lies about what our
on National Rifle Association: The National Rifle Association.(APPLAUSE)
on Obama: Thanks to President Obama, our country has come a long way since the Wall Street crash of 2008.
on Obama: I support President Obama. I think we have to play a long game,
on Obama: that is why I would go further than President Obama has on DACA, and DAPA.
on People: being at a dinner shortly before that invasion. People were talking at -- and saying, "it'll take us
on Phillips: Sandy and Lonnie Phillips are here from Colorado.
on Putin: Snowden broke the law. Whistleblowers do not run to Russia and try to get protection from Putin.
on Russia: Snowden broke the law. Whistleblowers do not run to Russia and try to get protection from Putin.
on Russian: especially with the Russian air force in the air, it could lead to an escalation
on Sanders: What disturbed people so much about -- and I would agree with Senator Sanders
on Sanders: there's another piece that Senator Sanders left out tonight, but he's been excellent about underscoring
on Sanders: And I have to agree with Secretary Clinton and Senator Sanders.
on Sandy: Sandy and Lonnie Phillips are here from Colorado.
on Snowden: Snowden broke the law. Whistleblowers do not run to Russia and try to get protection from Putin.
on Snowden: Anderson, Snowden put a lot of Americans' lives at risk.
on Stevens: And I believe that's what Chris Stevens was trying to do.
on Syria: I think Assad's invasion of Syria will be seen as a blunder.
on Syria: a no-fly zone in Syria, at this time, actually, Secretary, would be a mistake.
on Syria: but better decisions in Syria today.
on Trump: ...And a lot of the xenophobes, the immigrant haters like some that we've heard like, Donald Trump,
on Vermont: I want to associate myself with many of the items that the senator from Vermont mentioned,
on Volcker: And we are still just as vulnerable Paul Volcker says today.
on Wall Street: Thanks to President Obama, our country has come a long way since the Wall Street crash of 2008.
on Wall Street: a Wall Street crash that wiped out millions of jobs and millions of savings for families.
on Wall Street: willing to protect the Main Street economy from recklessness on Wall Street.
on Wall Street: to protect the Main Street economy from recklessness on Wall Street.
on Western Maryland: Have you ever been to Western Maryland?
on Whistleblowers: Snowden broke the law. Whistleblowers do not run to Russia and try to get protection from Putin.

There are 108 entries in Quotations from & Concordance of Presidential Candidates' Debates.
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