Comments of Vice president Joe Biden on China are compared with remarks of Warren and Sanders. The statements are extracted from the Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Iowa on January 14, 2020.
About the page style: This page is crafted in the style of a concordance. A concordance is an alphabetical list of the keywords and the proper Names in a document along with the statements in which those words appear. Click the preceding every statement to go to the pertinent paragraph in the text.
on China : I would be putting pressure on China to put pressure on Korea, to cease and desist from their nuclear power, make -- their efforts to deal with nuclear weapons. (Jan 14, 2020)
on China : I would move forward as we did before -- and you reported it extensively, Wolf -- about moving forward the whole notion of defense against nuclear weapons, that we would -- and when China said to me, when Xi Jinping said to me, that's a threat to us, I said, we're going to move and protect our interests unless you get involved and protect it. (Jan 14, 2020)
on China : I would reignite the relationship between Japan and South Korea, and I would put enormous pressure, enormous pressure on China, because that's also in their interests for them to put pressure on North Korea to cease and desist. (Jan 14, 2020)
on China : So we better figure out how we begin to write the rules of the road, not China. (Jan 14, 2020)
on China : We've got to bring the other 25 percent of our allies along with us to set the rules of the road so China cannot continue to abuse their power by stealing our intellectual property and doing all the other things, using their corporate state system to our significant disadvantage. (Jan 14, 2020)
on China : And that is NAFTA, PNTR with China, other trade agreements were written for one reason alone. (Jan 14, 2020)
on China : And the end result of those two, just PNTR with China, Joe, and NAFTA, cost us some 4 million jobs, as part of the race to the bottom. (Jan 14, 2020)
on China : We need some corporate responsibility here and we need to protect good-paying jobs in America, not see them go to China, Mexico, Vietnam, and all these other countries. (Jan 14, 2020)
There are 8 entries in the "Vice President Biden on China" page.
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