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Bernie Sanders on Gun Control

Comments of Senator Bernie Sanders are from the Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Las Vegas, NV, on October 13th 2015 and the Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Charleston, SC, on January 17th, 2016.

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on gun : And over the years, I have strongly supported instant background checks, doing away with this terrible gun show loophole. And I think we've got to move aggressively at the federal level in dealing with the straw man purchasers. Also I believe, and I've fought for, to understand that there are thousands of people in this country today who are suicidal, who are homicidal, but can't get the healthcare that they need, the mental healthcare, because they don't have insurance or they're too poor. I believe that everybody in this country who has a mental crisis has got to get mental health counseling immediately. (2015/10/13)
on gun : I told the people of the state of Vermont, a state which has virtually no gun control, that I supported a ban on assault weapons. (2015/10/13)
on gun : way back then, I told the gun owners of the state of Vermont and (2015/10/13)
on gun : a gun shop in the state of Vermont that sells legally a gun to somebody, (2015/10/13)
on gun : and that somebody goes out and does something crazy, that that gun shop owner should be held responsible? (2015/10/13)
on gun : I don't. On the other hand, where you have manufacturers and where you have gun shops knowingly giving guns to criminals or aiding and abetting that, of course we should take action. (2015/10/13)
on gun : A consensus has said we need to strengthen and expand instant background checks, do away with this gun show loophole, (2015/10/13)
on gun : Our job is to bring people together around strong, commonsense gun legislation. (2015/10/13)
on gun : We can raise our voices, but I come from a rural state, and the views on gun control in rural states are different than in urban states, (2015/10/13)
on gun : And by the way, as a senator from a rural state that has virtually no gun control, I believe that I am in an excellent position to bring people together to fight the sensible... (2016/01/17)
on gun : I stood up to the gun lobby and came out and maintained the position that in this country we should not be selling military style assault weapons. (2016/01/17)
on gun : I support what President Obama is doing in terms of trying to close the gun show loop holes and I think it should be a federal crime (2016/01/17)
on gun : And what we also said, "is a small mom and pop gun shop who sells a gun legally to somebody should not be held liable if somebody does something terrible with that gun. (2016/01/17)
on gun : What I have said, is that gun manufacturer's liability bill has some good provisions among other things, we've prohibited ammunition that would've killed cops who had protection on. (2016/01/17)
on NRA : Let's begin, Anderson, by understanding that Bernie Sanders has a D-minus voting rating (ph) from the NRA. (2015/10/13)
on NRA : I have a D-minus voting record from the NRA. (2016/01/17)

There are 15 entries in the "Bernie Sanders on gun control" page.
8:57 AM 2/26/2016 x2264 t104

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