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Hillary Clinton views on Russia

Hillary Clinton comments are from the Democratic Party debate in Las Vegas, NV, on Oct 13th 2015 and the Democratic Party debate in Charleston, SC, on Jan 17th, 2016.

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on Crimea: And we need to get the Europeans to be more willing to stand up, I was pleased they put sanctions on after Crimea and eastern Ukraine and the downing of the airliner, but we've got to be more united in preventing Putin from taking a more aggressive stance in Europe and the Middle East. (APPLAUSE) (2016/01/17)

on Medvedev: we got a lot of business done with the Russians when Medvedev was the president, and not Putin. (2015/10/13)

on Putin: it's important too that the United States make it very clear to Putin that it's not acceptable for him to be in Syria creating more chaos, (2015/10/13)

on Putin: There's no doubt that when Putin came back in and said he was going to be President, that did change the relationship. (2015/10/13)

on Putin: we got a lot of business done with the Russians when Medvedev was the president, and not Putin. (2015/10/13)

on Putin: When Putin came back in the fall of 2011, it was very clear he came back with a mission. (2016/01/17)

on Putin: And we need to get the Europeans to be more willing to stand up, I was pleased they put sanctions on after Crimea and eastern Ukraine and the downing of the airliner, but we've got to be more united in preventing Putin from taking a more aggressive stance in Europe and the Middle East. (APPLAUSE) (2016/01/17)

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on Russia: I'm trying to figure out what leverage we have to get Russia to the table. (2015/10/13)

on Russia: And it's what I did as Secretary of State, on numerous occasions, and most particularly, rounding up two-thirds votes in order to pass a treaty that lowered the nuclear weapons in both Russia and the United States. (2016/01/17)

on Russia: We got Russia to sign on to our sanctions against Iran and other very important commitments. (2016/01/17)

on Russia: We got permission to resupply our troops in Afghanistan by traveling across Russia. (2016/01/17)

on Russia: Well, it would depend on what I got for it and I can tell you what we got in the first term, we got a new start treaty to reduce nuclear weapons between the United States and Russia. (2016/01/17)

on Russians: I applaud the administration because they are engaged in talks right now with the Russians (2015/10/13)

on Russians: we got a lot of business done with the Russians when Medvedev was the president, and not Putin. (2015/10/13)

on Russians: -- to get that leverage to try to get the Russians to have to deal with everybody in the region (2015/10/13)

on Russians: Look, I think that the president's decision to go after the chemical weapons once there was a potential opportunity to build on when the Russians opened that door resulted in a very positive outcome. (2016/01/17)

on Russians: And I began speaking out as soon as that happened because there were some fraudulent elections held, and Russians poured out into the streets to demand their freedom, and he cracked down. (2016/01/17)

on sanctions: We got a nuclear arms deal, we got the Iranian sanctions, (2015/10/13)

on sanctions: or putting together that coalition to impose sanctions on Iran -- I think I have a lot of evidence... (CROSSTALK) (2015/10/13)
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on sanctions: I was responsible for getting those sanctions imposed which put the pressure on Iran. (2016/01/17)

on sanctions: We got Russia to sign on to our sanctions against Iran and other very important commitments. (2016/01/17)

on sanctions: And we need to get the Europeans to be more willing to stand up, I was pleased they put sanctions on after Crimea and eastern Ukraine and the downing of the airliner, but we've got to be more united in preventing Putin from taking a more aggressive stance in Europe and the Middle East. (APPLAUSE) (2016/01/17)

on Ukraine: And we need to get the Europeans to be more willing to stand up, I was pleased they put sanctions on after Crimea and eastern Ukraine and the downing of the airliner, but we've got to be more united in preventing Putin from taking a more aggressive stance in Europe and the Middle East. (APPLAUSE) (2016/01/17)

There are 22 entries in the "Clinton on Russia" page. 3:44 PM 6/29/2016 x1559 t33

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