Highlights of President Trump's National Security Strategy which was was issued on Dec 18, 2017.
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on $20 trillion : The national debt, now over $20 trillion, presents a grave threat to America's long-term prosperity and, by extension, our national security .
on 30 allies : In addition, the extension of the U.S. nuclear deterrent to more than 30 allies and partners helps to assure their security, and reduces their need to possess their own nuclear capabilities.
on Afghanistan : European nations are contributing thousands of troops to help fight jihadist terrorists in Afghanistan, stabilize Iraq, and fight terrorist organizations across Africa and the greater Middle East.
on Afghanistan : We seek a Pakistan that is not engaged in destabilizing behavior and a stable and self-reliant Afghanistan.
on Afghanistan : For instance, engagement in Afghanistan seeks to prevent the reemergence of terrorist safe havens.
on Afghanistan : We will continue to partner with Afghanistan to promote peace and security in the region.
on Afghanistan : We will continue to promote anti-corruption reform in Afghanistan to increase the legitimacy of its government and reduce the appeal of violent extremist organizations.
on Australia : We will seek to increase quadrilateral cooperation with Japan, Australia, and India.
on Australia : Australia has fought alongside us in every significant conflict since World War I, and continues to reinforce economic and security arrangements that support our shared interests and safeguard democratic values across the region.
on Australia : Working with Australia and New Zealand, we will shore up fragile partner states in the Pacific Islands region to reduce their vulnerability to economic fluctuations and natural disasters.
on China : We will work with our partners to contest China's unfair trade and economic practices and restrict its acquisition of sensitive technologies.
on Cold War : Following the Cold War, the United States reduced investments in our nuclear enterprise and reduced the role of nuclear weapons in our strategy.
on Cold War : During the Cold War, a totalitarian threat from the Soviet Union motivated the free world to create coalitions in defense of liberty.
on command and control system : Modernization and sustainment require investing in our aging command and control system and maintaining and growing the highly skilled workforce needed to develop, manufacture, and deploy nuclear weapons.
on counterintelligence : The United States will prioritize counterintelligence and law enforcement activities to curtail intellectual property theft by all sources and will explore new legal and regulatory mechanisms to prevent and prosecute violations.
on Cuba : We look forward to the day when the people of Cuba and Venezuela can enjoy freedom and the benefits of shared prosperity, and we encourage other free states in the hemisphere to support this shared endeavor.
on cyberattacks : We will invest in capabilities to support and improve our ability to attribute cyberattacks, to allow for rapid response.
on cyberattacks : We will also invest in capabilities that improve the ability of the United States to attribute cyberattacks.
on cyberattacks : We will assess where cyberattacks could have catastrophic or cascading consequences and prioritize our protective efforts, capabilities, and defenses accordingly.
on cyberattacks : Improvements in bandwidth, better broadband connectivity, and protection from persistent cyberattacks are needed to support America's future growth.
on cybersecurity : As America's manufacturing base has weakened, so too have critical workforce skills ranging from industrial welding, to high-technology skills for cybersecurity and aerospace.
on cybersecurity : We will increase counterterrorism and cybersecurity cooperation.
on cyberspace : When faced with the opportunity to take action against malicious actors in cyberspace, the United States will be risk informed, but not risk averse, in considering our options.
on cyberspace : The United States will provide leadership and technology to shape and govern common domains -- space, cyberspace, air, and maritime -- within the framework of international law.
on cyberspace : We will strengthen America's capabilities -- including in space and cyberspace -- and revitalize others that have been neglected.
on cyberspace : The Department of Defense must develop new operational concepts and capabilities to win without assured dominance in air, maritime, land, space, and cyberspace domains, including against those operating below the level of conventional military conflict.
on cyber activities : The United States will impose swift and costly consequences on foreign governments, criminals, and other actors who undertake significant malicious cyber activities.
on cyber actors : We will protect our critical infrastructure and go after malicious cyber actors.
on cyber era : America's response to the challenges and opportunities of the cyber era will determine our future prosperity and security.
on cyber infrastructure : A strong, defensible cyber infrastructure fosters economic growth, protects our liberties, and advances our national security.
on cyber intrusions : In addition, some state adversaries use TCOs as instruments of national power, offering them territorial sanctuary where they are free to conduct unattributable cyber intrusions, sabotage, theft, and political subversion.
on cyber tools : We will work with the Congress to address the challenges that continue to hinder timely intelligence and information sharing, planning and operations, and the development of necessary cyber tools.
on cyber tools : We will improve our cyber tools across the spectrum of conflict to protect U.S. Government assets and U.S. critical infrastructure, and to protect the integrity of data and information.
on dark web : Third, they rely on encrypted communication and the dark web to evade detection as they plot, recruit, finance, and execute their operations.
on denuclearization : We will work with allies and partners to achieve complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula and preserve the non-proliferation regime in Northeast Asia.
on Egypt : We will encourage states in the region, including Egypt and Saudi Arabia, to continue modernizing their economies.
on electromagnetic attacks : The vulnerability of U.S. critical infrastructure to cyber, physical, and electromagnetic attacks means that adversaries could disrupt military command and control, banking and financial operations, the electrical grid, and means of communication.
on El Salvador : Transnational criminal organizations--including gangs and cartels-- perpetuate violence and corruption, and threaten the stability of Central American states including Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.
on France : Attacks by ISIS and other jihadist groups in Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and other countries show that our European partners continue to face serious threats.
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on Georgia : With its invasions of Georgia and Ukraine, Russia demonstrated its willingness to violate the sovereignty of states in the region.
on Germany : Attacks by ISIS and other jihadist groups in Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and other countries show that our European partners continue to face serious threats.
on Guatemala : Transnational criminal organizations--including gangs and cartels-- perpetuate violence and corruption, and threaten the stability of Central American states including Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.
on Gulf Cooperation Council : We remain committed to helping our partners achieve a stable and prosperous region, including through a strong and integrated Gulf Cooperation Council.
on Hizballah : The United States also works with allies and partners to deter and disrupt other foreign terrorist groups that threaten the homeland -- including Iranian-backed groups such as Lebanese Hizballah.
on Honduras : Transnational criminal organizations--including gangs and cartels-- perpetuate violence and corruption, and threaten the stability of Central American states including Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.
on India : We will expand our defense and security cooperation with India, a Major Defense Partner of the United States, and support India's growing relationships throughout he region.
on India : We will seek to increase quadrilateral cooperation with Japan, Australia, and India.
on India : The region, which stretches from the west coast of India to the western shores of the United States, represents the most populous and economically dynamic part of the world.
on India : We will deepen our strategic partnership with India and support its leadership role in Indian Ocean security and throughout the broader region.
on India : And we will encourage India to increase its economic assistance in the region.
on Indonesia : Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore are growing security and economic partners of the United States.
on Indonesia : We will re-energize our alliances with the Philippines and Thailand and strengthen our partnerships with Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and others to help them become cooperative maritime partners.
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on Iran : We will work with partners to neutralize Iran's malign activities in the region.
on Iran : We are rallying the world against the rogue regime in North Korea and confronting the danger posed by the dictatorship in Iran, which those determined to pursue a flawed nuclear deal had neglected.
on Iran : Iran, the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, has taken advantage of instability to expand its influence through partners and proxies, weapon proliferation, and funding.
on Iran : The United States and Europe will work together to counter Russian subversion and aggression, and the threats posed by North Korea and Iran.
on Iran : We will work with NATO to improve its integrated air and missile defense capabilities to counter existing and projected ballistic and cruise missile threats, particularly from Iran.
on Iran : Iran supports terrorist groups and openly calls for our destruction.
on Iran : ENHANCE MISSILE DEFENSE: The United States is deploying a layered missile defense system focused on North Korea and Iran to defend our homeland against missile attacks.
on Iran : Three main sets of challengers -- the revisionist powers of China and Russia, the rogue states of Iran and North Korea, and transnational threat organizations, particularly jihadist terrorist groups -- are actively competing against the United States and our allies and partners.
on Iran : North Korea and Iran also pose the greatest menace to those closest to them.
on Iran : Iran continues to perpetuate the cycle of violence in the region, causing grievous harm to civilian populations.
on Iran : Today, the threats from jihadist terrorist organizations and the threat from Iran are creating the realization that Israel is not the cause of the region's problems.
on Iraq : We crushed Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ( ISIS ) terrorists on the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, and will continue pursuing them until they are destroyed.
on Iraq : Even after the territorial defeat of ISIS and al-Qa'ida in Syria and Iraq, the threat from jihadist terrorists will persist.
on Iraq : Although the United States and our partners have inflicted defeats on ISIS and al-Qa'ida in Syria and Iraq, these organizations maintain global reach with established branches in strategic locations.
on Iraq : European nations are contributing thousands of troops to help fight jihadist terrorists in Afghanistan, stabilize Iraq, and fight terrorist organizations across Africa and the greater Middle East.
on Iraq : ISIS has used chemical weapons in Iraq and Syria.
on Iraq : We will strengthen our long-term strategic partnership with Iraq as an independent state.
on ISIS : We are committed to supporting the Afghan government and security forces in their fight against the Taliban, al-Qa'ida, ISIS, and other terrorists.
on ISIS : ISIS, al-Qa'ida, and their affiliates operate on the continent and have increased the lethality of their attacks, expanded into new areas, and targeted U.S. citizens and interests.
on ISIS : In addition, jihadist terrorists such as ISIS and al-Qa'ida continue to spread a barbaric ideology that calls for the violent destruction of governments and innocents they consider to be apostates.
on ISIS : ISIS has used chemical weapons in Iraq and Syria.
on ISIS : Even after the territorial defeat of ISIS and al-Qa'ida in Syria and Iraq, the threat from jihadist terrorists will persist.
on ISIS : The campaigns against ISIS and al-Qa'ida and their affiliates demonstrate that the United States will enable partners and sustain direct action campaigns to destroy terrorists and their sources of support, making it harder for them to plot against us.
on ISIS : Although the United States and our partners have inflicted defeats on ISIS and al-Qa'ida in Syria and Iraq, these organizations maintain global reach with established branches in strategic locations.
on ISIS : The United States continues to wage a long war against jihadist terrorist groups such as ISIS and al-Qa'ida.
on ISIS : Attacks by ISIS and other jihadist groups in Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and other countries show that our European partners continue to face serious threats.
on ISIS : ISIS and al-Qa'ida thrive on instability and export violent jihad.
on Israel : For generations the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has been understood as the prime irritant preventing peace and prosperity in the region.
on Israel : States have increasingly found common interests with Israel in confronting common threats.
on Israel : Today, the threats from jihadist terrorist organizations and the threat from Iran are creating the realization that Israel is not the cause of the region's problems.
on Israelis : We remain committed to helping facilitate a comprehensive peace agreement that is acceptable to both Israelis and Palestinians.
on Japan : In Asia, the United States worked with South Korea and Japan, countries ravaged by war, to help them become successful democracies and among the most prosperous economies in the world.
on Japan : We will seek to increase quadrilateral cooperation with Japan, Australia, and India.
on Japan : We welcome and support the strong leadership role of our critical ally, Japan.
on Japan : For example, we will cooperate on missile defense with Japan and South Korea to move toward an area defense capability.
on Korean Peninsula : We will work with allies and partners to achieve complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula and preserve the non-proliferation regime in Northeast Asia.
on Malaysia : Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore are growing security and economic partners of the United States.
on Malaysia : We will re-energize our alliances with the Philippines and Thailand and strengthen our partnerships with Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and others to help them become cooperative maritime partners.
on Marshall Plan : American support to aspiring partners enabled the recovery of the countries of Western Europe under the Marshall Plan, as well as the ongoing integration of Central and Eastern Europe into Western institutions after the Cold War.
on Marshall Plan : American political, business, and military leaders worked together with their counterparts in Europe and Asia to shape the post-war order through the United Nations, the Marshall Plan, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ), and other institutions designed to advance our shared interests of security, freedom, and peace.
on mercantilism : Unlike the state-directed mercantilism of some competitors that can disadvantage recipient nations and promote dependency, the purpose of U.S. foreign assistance should be to end the need for it.
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on Middle East : Terrorists had taken control of vast swaths of the Middle East.
on Middle East : The United States must marshal the will and capabilities to compete and prevent unfavorable shifts in the Indo-Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East.
on Middle East : European nations are contributing thousands of troops to help fight jihadist terrorists in Afghanistan, stabilize Iraq, and fight terrorist organizations across Africa and the greater Middle East.
on Middle East : We must be realistic about our expectations for the region without allowing pessimism to obscure our interests or vision for a modern Middle East.
on Middle East : Despite these challenges, there are emerging opportunities to advance American interests in the Middle East.
on Middle East : We have renewed our friendships in the Middle East and partnered with regional leaders to help drive out terrorists and extremists, cut off their financing, and discredit their wicked ideology.
on Middle East : Instability in the Middle East and Africa has triggered the movement of millions of migrants and refugees into Europe, exacerbating instability and tensions in the region.
on Middle East : The United States seeks a Middle East that is not a safe haven or breeding ground for jihadist terrorists, not dominated by any power hostile to the United States, and that contributes to a stable global energy market.
on Middle East : The region spans the terrorist threats emanating from the Middle East and the competition for power unfolding in Europe and the Indo-Pacific.
on military command and control : The vulnerability of U.S. critical infrastructure to cyber, physical, and electromagnetic attacks means that adversaries could disrupt military command and control, banking and financial operations, the electrical grid, and means of communication.
on missiles : Many actors can now field a broad arsenal of advanced missiles, including variants that can reach the American homeland.
on missiles : As missiles grow in numbers, types, and effectiveness, to include those with greater ranges, they are the most likely means for states like North Korea to use a nuclear weapon against the United States.
on missile defense : For example, we will cooperate on missile defense with Japan and South Korea to move toward an area defense capability.
on missile defense : We will help partners procure interoperable missile defense and other capabilities to better defend against active missile threats.
on missile defense system : A layered missile defense system will defend our homeland against missile attacks.
on missile defense system : ENHANCE MISSILE DEFENSE: The United States is deploying a layered missile defense system focused on North Korea and Iran to defend our homeland against missile attacks.
on NATO : The NATO alliance will become stronger when all members assume greater responsibility for and pay their fair share to protect our mutual interests, sovereignty, and values.
on New Zealand : Working with Australia and New Zealand, we will shore up fragile partner states in the Pacific Islands region to reduce their vulnerability to economic fluctuations and natural disasters.
on New Zealand : New Zealand is a key U.S. partner contributing to peace and security across the region.
on North Atlantic Treaty Organization : American political, business, and military leaders worked together with their counterparts in Europe and Asia to shape the post-war order through the United Nations, the Marshall Plan, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ), and other institutions designed to advance our shared interests of security, freedom, and peace.
on North Atlantic Treaty Organization : Russia views the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) and European Union (EU) as threats.
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on North Korea : North Korea's pursuit of these weapons poses a global threat that requires a global response.
on North Korea : Three main sets of challengers -- the revisionist powers of China and Russia, the rogue states of Iran and North Korea, and transnational threat organizations, particularly jihadist terrorist groups -- are actively competing against the United States and our allies and partners.
on North Korea : U.S. allies are critical to responding to mutual threats, such as North Korea, and preserving our mutual interests in the Indo-Pacific region.
on North Korea : We are rallying the world against the rogue regime in North Korea and confronting the danger posed by the dictatorship in Iran, which those determined to pursue a flawed nuclear deal had neglected.
on North Korea : North Korea -- a country that starves its own people -- has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons that could threaten our homeland.
on North Korea : North Korea seeks the capability to kill millions of Americans with nuclear weapons.
on North Korea : North Korea is also pursuing chemical and biological weapons which could also be delivered by missile.
on North Korea : As missiles grow in numbers, types, and effectiveness, to include those with greater ranges, they are the most likely means for states like North Korea to use a nuclear weapon against the United States.
on North Korea : ENHANCE MISSILE DEFENSE: The United States is deploying a layered missile defense system focused on North Korea and Iran to defend our homeland against missile attacks.
on North Korea : North Korea is ruled as a ruthless dictatorship without regard for human dignity.
on North Korea : North Korea and Iran also pose the greatest menace to those closest to them.
on North Korea : And a nuclear-armed North Korea could lead to the proliferation of the world's most destructive weapons across the Indo-Pacific region and beyond.
on North Korea : Continued provocations by North Korea will prompt neighboring countries and the United States to further strengthen security bonds and take additional measures to protect themselves.
on North Korea : The United States and Europe will work together to counter Russian subversion and aggression, and the threats posed by North Korea and Iran.
on North Korean : In Northeast Asia, the North Korean regime is rapidly accelerating its cyber, nuclear, and ballistic missile programs.
on nuclear deterrence strategies : While nuclear deterrence strategies cannot prevent all conflict, they are essential to prevent nuclear attack, non-nuclear strategic attacks, and large-scale conventional aggression.
on nuclear Triad : Some parts of America's strategic nuclear Triad of bombers, sea-based missiles, and land-based missiles are over 30 years old, and much of our nuclear infrastructure dates to the World War II era.
on nuclear Triad : We will modernize our nuclear enterprise to ensure that we have the scientific, engineering, and manufacturing capabilities necessary to retain an effective and safe nuclear Triad and respond to future national security threats.
on Pakistan : In Pakistan, we will build trade and investment ties as security improves and as Pakistan demonstrates that it will assist the United States in our counterterrorism goals.
on Pakistan : The United States continues to face threats from transnational terrorists and militants operating from within Pakistan.
on Pakistan : We seek a Pakistan that is not engaged in destabilizing behavior and a stable and self-reliant Afghanistan.
on Pakistan : The United States will also encourage Pakistan to continue demonstrating that it is a responsible steward of its nuclear assets.
on Pakistan : We will press Pakistan to intensify its counterterrorism efforts, since no partnership can survive a country's support for militants and terrorists who target a partner's own service members and officials.
on Pakistan : In Pakistan, we will build trade and investment ties as security improves and as Pakistan demonstrates that it will assist the United States in our counterterrorism goals.
on Pakistan : We will insist that Pakistan take decisive action against militant and terrorist groups operating from its soil.
on Palestinians : We remain committed to helping facilitate a comprehensive peace agreement that is acceptable to both Israelis and Palestinians.
on Palestinians : For generations the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has been understood as the prime irritant preventing peace and prosperity in the region.
on Philippines : In Southeast Asia, the Philippines and Thailand remain important allies and markets for Americans.
on Philippines : We will re-energize our alliances with the Philippines and Thailand and strengthen our partnerships with Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and others to help them become cooperative maritime partners.
on refugees : We will seek a settlement to the Syrian civil war that sets the conditions for refugees to return home and rebuild their lives in safety.
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on Russia : Three main sets of challengers -- the revisionist powers of China and Russia, the rogue states of Iran and North Korea, and transnational threat organizations, particularly jihadist terrorist groups -- are actively competing against the United States and our allies and partners.
on Russia : China, Russia, and other state and nonstate actors recognize that the United States often views the world in binary terms, with states being either "at peace" or "at war," when it is actually an arena of continuous competition.
on Russia : Russia, too, projects its influence economically, through the control of key energy and other infrastructure throughout parts of Europe and Central Asia.
on Russia : China and Russia challenge American power, influence, and interests, attempting to erode American security and prosperity.
on Russia : China and Russia are developing advanced weapons and capabilities that could threaten our critical infrastructure and our command and control architecture.
on Russia : Enhanced missile defense is not intended to undermine strategic stability or disrupt longstanding strategic relationships with Russia or China.
on Russia : Today, actors such as Russia are using information tools in an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of democracies.
on Russia : Russia seeks to restore its great power status and establish spheres of influence near its borders.
on Russia : China and Russia want to shape a world antithetical to U.S. values and interests.
on Russia : Russia aims to weaken U.S. influence in the world and divide us from our allies and partners.
on Russia : Russia is investing in new military capabilities, including nuclear systems that remain the most significant existential threat to the United States, and in destabilizing cyber capabilities.
on Russia : Russia views the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) and European Union (EU) as threats.
on Russia : Through modernized forms of subversive tactics, Russia interferes in the domestic political affairs of countries around the world.
on Russia : China and Russia began to reassert their influence regionally and globally.
on Russia : Russia uses information operations as part of its offensive cyber efforts to influence public opinion across the globe.
on Russia : China and Russia target their investments in the developing world to expand influence and gain competitive advantages against the United States.
on Russia : China and Russia aspire to project power worldwide, but they interact most with their neighbors.
on Russia : Russia is using subversive measures to weaken the credibility of America's commitment to Europe, undermine transatlantic unity, and weaken European institutions and governments.
on Russia : With its invasions of Georgia and Ukraine, Russia demonstrated its willingness to violate the sovereignty of states in the region.
on Russia : Russia continues its failed politics of the Cold War by bolstering its radical Cuban allies as Cuba continues to repress its citizens.
on Russia : Both China and Russia support the dictatorship in Venezuela and are seeking to expand military linkages and arms sales across the region.
on Russian ambition : The combination of Russian ambition and growing military capabilities creates an unstable frontier in Eurasia, where the risk of conflict due to Russian miscalculation is growing.
on Russian subversion : The United States and Europe will work together to counter Russian subversion and aggression, and the threats posed by North Korea and Iran.
on sanctions : Economic tools--including sanctions, anti-money-laundering and anti-corruption measures, and enforcement actions--can be important parts of broader strategies to deter, coerce, and constrain adversaries.
on sanctions : We may use diplomacy, sanctions, and other tools to isolate states and leaders who threaten our interests and whose actions run contrary to our values.
on Saudi Arabia : We will encourage states in the region, including Egypt and Saudi Arabia, to continue modernizing their economies.
on sequestration : The breakdown of the Nation's annual Federal budgeting process, exemplified by sequestration and repeated continuing resolutions, further contributed to the erosion of America's military dominance during a time of increasing threats.
on Singapore : We will re-energize our alliances with the Philippines and Thailand and strengthen our partnerships with Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and others to help them become cooperative maritime partners.
on Singapore : Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore are growing security and economic partners of the United States.
on six key areas: : To improve the security and resilience of our critical infrastructure, we will assess risk across six key areas: national security , energy and power, banking and finance, health and safety, communications, and transportation.
on Southeast Asia : In Southeast Asia, the Philippines and Thailand remain important allies and markets for Americans.
on Southeast Asian partners : We will improve law enforcement, defense, and intelligence cooperation with Southeast Asian partners to address the growing terrorist threat.
on South Asia : We will encourage the economic integration of Central and South Asia to promote prosperity and economic linkages that will bolster connectivity and trade.
on South Korea : Our alliance and friendship with South Korea, forged by the trials of history, is stronger than ever.
on South Korea : In Asia, the United States worked with South Korea and Japan, countries ravaged by war, to help them become successful democracies and among the most prosperous economies in the world.
on South Korea : For example, we will cooperate on missile defense with Japan and South Korea to move toward an area defense capability.
on Spain : Attacks by ISIS and other jihadist groups in Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and other countries show that our European partners continue to face serious threats.
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on Syria : ISIS has used chemical weapons in Iraq and Syria.
on Syria : We crushed Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ( ISIS ) terrorists on the battlefields of Syria and Iraq, and will continue pursuing them until they are destroyed.
on Syria : Even after the territorial defeat of ISIS and al-Qa'ida in Syria and Iraq, the threat from jihadist terrorists will persist.
on Syria : Although the United States and our partners have inflicted defeats on ISIS and al-Qa'ida in Syria and Iraq, these organizations maintain global reach with established branches in strategic locations.
on Syrian civil war : We will seek a settlement to the Syrian civil war that sets the conditions for refugees to return home and rebuild their lives in safety.
on Syrian regime : The Syrian regime's use of chemical weapons against its own citizens undermines international norms against these heinous weapons, which may encourage more actors to pursue and use them.
on Taiwan : We will maintain our strong ties with Taiwan in accordance with our "One China policy", including our commitments under the Taiwan Relations Act to provide for Taiwan's legitimate defense needs and deter coercion.
on Taiwan Relations Act : We will maintain our strong ties with Taiwan in accordance with our "One China policy", including our commitments under the Taiwan Relations Act to provide for Taiwan's legitimate defense needs and deter coercion.
on Taliban : We are committed to supporting the Afghan government and security forces in their fight against the Taliban, al-Qa'ida, ISIS, and other terrorists.
on Taliban : We will bolster the fighting strength of the Afghan security forces to convince the Taliban that they cannot win on the battlefield and to set the conditions for diplomatic efforts to achieve enduring peace.
on Thailand : In Southeast Asia, the Philippines and Thailand remain important allies and markets for Americans.
on Thailand : We will re-energize our alliances with the Philippines and Thailand and strengthen our partnerships with Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and others to help them become cooperative maritime partners.
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on Ukraine : With its invasions of Georgia and Ukraine, Russia demonstrated its willingness to violate the sovereignty of states in the region.
on United Kingdom : Attacks by ISIS and other jihadist groups in Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and other countries show that our European partners continue to face serious threats.
on United Kingdom : The United States will work with the European Union, and bilaterally with the United Kingdom and other states, to ensure fair and reciprocal trade practices and eliminate barriers to growth.
on United Nations : The United Nations can help contribute to solving many of the complex problems in the world, but it must be reformed and recommit to its founding principles.
on Venezuela : In Venezuela and Cuba, governments cling to anachronistic leftist authoritarian models that continue to fail their people.
on Venezuela : Both China and Russia support the dictatorship in Venezuela and are seeking to expand military linkages and arms sales across the region.
on Venezuela : We look forward to the day when the people of Cuba and Venezuela can enjoy freedom and the benefits of shared prosperity, and we encourage other free states in the hemisphere to support this shared endeavor.
on Vietnam : Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore are growing security and economic partners of the United States.
on Vietnam : We will re-energize our alliances with the Philippines and Thailand and strengthen our partnerships with Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and others to help them become cooperative maritime partners.
on WMD-related materials : Terrorist groups continue to pursue WMD-related materials.
on WMD : We will hold state and nonstate actors accountable for the use of WMD.
on WMD : Building on decades of initiatives, we will augment measures to secure, eliminate, and prevent the spread of WMD and related materials, their delivery systems, technologies, and knowledge to reduce the chance that they might fall into the hands of hostile actors.
on WMD proliferators : We will deny revenue to terrorists, WMD proliferators, and other illicit actors in order to constrain their ability to use and move funds to support hostile acts and operations.
on WMD specialists : We will direct counterterrorism operations against terrorist WMD specialists, financiers, administrators, and facilitators.
on WMD threats : We will also better integrate intelligence, law enforcement, and emergency management operations to ensure that frontline defenders have the right information and capabilities to respond to WMD threats from state and non-state actors.
on World War I : Australia has fought alongside us in every significant conflict since World War I, and continues to reinforce economic and security arrangements that support our shared interests and safeguard democratic values across the region.
on World War II : Together, we rebuilt Western Europe after World War II and created institutions that produced stabili and wealth on both sides of the Atlantic.
There are over 140 entries in the "Highlights of the U.S. National Security Strategy of Dec 18, 2017" page. top
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