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  Trump on Trade  

Comments of Donald Trump on Trade are extracted from three Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates in Ohio, New Hampshire and Michigan in 2015 and 2016.

About the page style: This page is crafted in the style of a concordance. A concordance is an alphabetical list of the keywords and the proper Names in a document along with the statements in which those words appear. Click the preceding every statement to go to the pertinent paragraph in the text.

on $58 billion: With China we're going to lose $505 billion dollars in terms of trades. You just can't do it. Mexico, $58 billion dollars. Japan, probably about, they don't know it yet, but about $109 billion dollars. (2016/03/03)

on $109 billion: With China we're going to lose $505 billion dollars in terms of trades. You just can't do it. Mexico, $58 billion dollars. Japan, probably about, they don't know it yet, but about $109 billion dollars. (2016/03/03)

on $505 billion: With China we're going to lose $505 billion dollars in terms of trades. You just can't do it. Mexico, $58 billion dollars. Japan, probably about, they don't know it yet, but about $109 billion dollars. (2016/03/03)

on cars: We don't beat Japan, with their millions and millions of cars coming into this country, in trade. (2015/08/06)

on China: We lose to China. (2015/08/06)

on China: Our country is in serious trouble. We don't win anymore. We don't beat China in trade. (2015/08/06)

on China: China says they don't have that good of control over North Korea. (2016/02/06)

on China: I would get on with China, let China solve that problem. (2016/02/06)

on China: They are sucking trillions of dollars out of our country -- they're rebuilding China with the money they take out of our country. (2016/02/06)

on China: We have -- tremendous -- has been just sucked out of our country by China. (2016/02/06)

on China: Well, before I go there, I will tell you, I will bring jobs back from China. (2016/02/06)

on China: But, if you look at China, and you look Japan, and if you look at Mexico, both at the border, by the way, where they're killing us. (2016/03/03)

on China: With China we're going to lose $505 billion dollars in terms of trades. You just can't do it. Mexico, $58 billion dollars. Japan, probably about, they don't know it yet, but about $109 billion dollars. (2016/03/03)

on China: And if you look at what's happened on Seventh Avenue, and you look at what's happened in New York with the garment industry, so much of the clothing now comes out from Vietnam, China, and other places. (2016/03/03)

on China: But they devalue their currencies, in particular China. Mexico is doing a big number now, also. Japan is unbelievable what they're doing. (2016/03/03)

on clothing-makers: They devalue their currencies, and they make it impossible for clothing-makers in this country to do clothing in this country. (2016/03/03)
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on currencies: But they devalue their currencies, in particular China. Mexico is doing a big number now, also. Japan is unbelievable what they're doing. (2016/03/03)

on currencies: They devalue their currencies, and they make it impossible for clothing-makers in this country to do clothing in this country. (2016/03/03)

on currencies: They devalue their currencies. I will do that. And by the way, I have been doing it more and more. (2016/03/03)

on devaluation: And it's all because of devaluation. By the way, the Trans-Pacific, if you look at the TPP, a total disaster, which, by the way, Marco is in favor of, they need -- it is a disaster for our country. (2016/03/03)

on devaluation: The biggest problem with that is: They don't take into concurrence the devaluation. They're devaluing their currency. (2016/03/03)

on devalue: But they devalue their currencies, in particular China. Mexico is doing a big number now, also. Japan is unbelievable what they're doing. (2016/03/03)

on devalue: They devalue their currencies, and they make it impossible for clothing-makers in this country to do clothing in this country. (2016/03/03)

on devalue: They devalue their currencies. I will do that. And by the way, I have been doing it more and more. (2016/03/03)

on free trade: And, he said free trade, I say free trade great. But, not when they're beating us so badly. (2016/03/03)

on free trade: As far as domestic policy and trade which is killing our country, he said free trade and I believe in free trade also. (2016/03/03)

on garment industry: And if you look at what's happened on Seventh Avenue, and you look at what's happened in New York with the garment industry, so much of the clothing now comes out from Vietnam, China, and other places. (2016/03/03)

on Japan: We don't beat Japan, with their millions and millions of cars coming into this country, in trade. (2015/08/06)

on Japan: I will bring jobs back from Japan. (2016/02/06)

on Japan: But, if you look at China, and you look Japan, and if you look at Mexico, both at the border, by the way, where they're killing us. (2016/03/03)

on Japan: With China we're going to lose $505 billion dollars in terms of trades. You just can't do it. Mexico, $58 billion dollars. Japan, probably about, they don't know it yet, but about $109 billion dollars. (2016/03/03)

on Japan: But they devalue their currencies, in particular China. Mexico is doing a big number now, also. Japan is unbelievable what they're doing. (2016/03/03)
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on Mexico: We lose to Mexico both in trade and at the border. (2015/08/06)

on Mexico: This was not a subject that was on anybody's mind until I brought it up at my announcement. And I said, Mexico is sending. (2015/08/06)

on Mexico: We can't beat Mexico, at the border or in trade. We can't do anything right. (2015/08/06)

on Mexico: I will bring jobs back from Mexico, where New Hampshire, by the way, has been virtually wiped out. (2016/02/06)

on Mexico: They've lost so many businesses going to Mexico because of horrible trade deals. (2016/02/06)

on Mexico: But, if you look at China, and you look Japan, and if you look at Mexico, both at the border, by the way, where they're killing us. (2016/03/03)

on Mexico: With China we're going to lose $505 billion dollars in terms of trades. You just can't do it. Mexico, $58 billion dollars. Japan, probably about, they don't know it yet, but about $109 billion dollars. (2016/03/03)

on Mexico: But they devalue their currencies, in particular China. Mexico is doing a big number now, also. Japan is unbelievable what they're doing. (2016/03/03)

on Mexico: And by the way, Mexico is going to pay for the wall. I can tell you that. Mexico is going to pay for the wall.(APPLAUSE) (2016/03/03)

on monetary manipulation: And now we're about to sign another trade deal, TPP, which is going to be a disaster for this country because they don't talk about monetary manipulation . (2016/02/06)

on TPP: And now we're about to sign another trade deal, TPP, which is going to be a disaster for this country because they don't talk about monetary manipulation . (2016/02/06)

on TPP: And it's all because of devaluation. By the way, the Trans-Pacific, if you look at the TPP, a total disaster, which, by the way, Marco is in favor of, they need -- it is a disaster for our country. (2016/03/03)
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on trade: We lose to Mexico both in trade and at the border. (2015/08/06)

on trade: Our country is in serious trouble. We don't win anymore. We don't beat China in trade. (2015/08/06)

on trade: We can't beat Mexico, at the border or in trade. We can't do anything right. (2015/08/06)

on trade: We don't beat Japan, with their millions and millions of cars coming into this country, in trade. (2015/08/06)

on trade: Everyone, they're killing us on trade. (2016/02/06)

on trade: We don't win with trade. (2016/02/06)

on trade: As far as domestic policy and trade which is killing our country, he said free trade and I believe in free trade also. (2016/03/03)

on trade: Both at the border, and with trade -- and every other country we do business with we are getting absolutely crushed on trade. (2016/03/03)

on trade deals: They've lost so many businesses going to Mexico because of horrible trade deals. (2016/02/06)

on trade deals: Every country we lose money with. As far as I'm concerned, we've got to reduce -- we have to redo our trade deals 100 percent. (2016/03/03)

on trade deals: ... great trade deals. (2016/03/03)

on trade deal: And now we're about to sign another trade deal, TPP, which is going to be a disaster for this country because they don't talk about monetary manipulation . (2016/02/06)

on Trans-Pacific: And it's all because of devaluation. By the way, the Trans-Pacific, if you look at the TPP, a total disaster, which, by the way, Marco is in favor of, they need -- it is a disaster for our country. (2016/03/03)

on trillions: They are sucking trillions of dollars out of our country -- they're rebuilding China with the money they take out of our country. (2016/02/06)

on trillions: We will bring back trillions of dollars that's offshore. (2016/02/06)

on trillions: And I say very nicely, wouldn't it be nice if actually we could get along with Russia, we could get along with foreign countries, instead of spending trillions and trillions of dollars? (2016/03/03)

on Vietnam: And if you look at what's happened on Seventh Avenue, and you look at what's happened in New York with the garment industry, so much of the clothing now comes out from Vietnam, China, and other places. (2016/03/03)

There are 62 entries in the "Trump on Trade" page.
6/27/2016 x1043 t30.
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