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  Clinton 2016 comments at the 2016 Democratic party debates  

The more than 200 comments by Secretary Hillary Clinton are extracted from two primary debates in Las Vegas, NV, on Oct 13, 2015 and Charleston, NC on Jan 17, 2016.

About the page style: This page is crafted in the style of a concordance. A concordance is an alphabetical list of the keywords and the proper Names in a document along with the statements in which those words appear. Click the preceding every statement to go to the pertinent paragraph in the text.

on Affordable Care Act : I want to open up the opportunity for immigrants to be able to buy in to the exchanges under the Affordable Care Act. (2015/10/13)
on Affordable Care Act : I would also... (APPLAUSE) I would also be presenting my plans to build on the Affordable Care Act and to improve it by decreasing the out-of-pocket costs by putting a cap on prescription drug costs; by looking for ways that we can put the prescription drug business and the health insurance company business on a more stable platform that doesn't take too much money out of the pockets of hard-working Americans. (2016/01/17)
on Affordable Care Act : But here's what I believe, the Democratic Party and the United States worked since Harry Truman to get the Affordable Care Act passed. (2016/01/17)
on Affordable Care Act : I want us to defend and build on the Affordable Care Act and improve it. (APPLAUSE) (2016/01/17)
on Affordable Care Act : But the fact is, we have the Affordable Care Act. (2016/01/17)
on Affordable Care Act : And that's exactly what we are able to do based on the foundation of the Affordable Care Act -- what Governor O'Malley just said is one of the models that we will be looking at to make sure we do get costs down, we do limit a lot of the unnecessary costs that we still have in the system. (2016/01/17)
on Affordable Care Act : The Republicans just voted last week to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and thank goodness, President Obama vetoed it and saved Obamacare for the American people. (APPLAUSE) (2016/01/17)
on Affordable Care Act : And even during the Affordable Care Act debate, there was an opportunity to vote for what was called the public option. (2016/01/17)
on Affordable Care Act : We have the Affordable Care Act. (2016/01/17)
on Affordable Care Act : Well, as someone who -- as someone who has a little bit of experience standing up to the health insurance industry, that spent, you know... (APPLAUSE)... many, many millions of dollars attacking me, and probably will so again, because of what I believe we can do building on the Affordable Care Act, I think it's important to point out that there are a lot of reasons we have the health care system we have today. (2016/01/17)

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on Afghanistan : we got an ability to bring important material and equipment to our soldiers in Afghanistan. (2015/10/13)
on Afghanistan : We got permission to resupply our troops in Afghanistan by traveling across Russia. (2016/01/17)
on Arabs : a coalition -- in fact, something that I worked on before I left the State Department -- to do, and yes, that it should include Arabs, (2015/10/13)
on Arabs : And we had the Arabs standing by our side saying, "We want you to help us deal with Gadhafi." (2015/10/13)
on Arabs : We will provide essential, unique capabilities that we have, but the Europeans and the Arabs had to be first over the line. (2015/10/13)
on Arab Spring : Because of the Arab Spring, because of a lot of other things, there was turmoil to be followed. (2015/10/13)
on Army : It includes the United States leading an air coalition which is what we're doing, supporting fighters on the ground; the Iraqi Army which is beginning to show more ability, the Sunni fighters that we are now helping to reconstitute and Kurdish on both sides of the border. (2016/01/17)
on border : It includes the United States leading an air coalition which is what we're doing, supporting fighters on the ground; the Iraqi Army which is beginning to show more ability, the Sunni fighters that we are now helping to reconstitute and Kurdish on both sides of the border. (2016/01/17)
on campaign finance : There's a lot we have to do on immigration reform, on voting rights, on campaign finance reform, but we need to do it together. (2016/01/17)
on campaign finance : That's why I'm for huge campaign finance reform. (2016/01/17)
on capitalism : And it's our job to rein in the excesses of capitalism so that it doesn't run amok and doesn't cause the kind of inequities we're seeing in our economic systems. But we would be making a grave mistake to turn our backs on what built the greatest middle class in the history... (2015/10/13)
on Capitalism : because when I think about Capitalism, I think about all the small businesses that were started (2015/10/13)
on capitalism : which is save capitalism from itself. And I think (2015/10/13)
on college : You know, I believe strongly that we need to be talking about what people talk to me about, like how are we going to make college affordable? How are we going to pay down student debt? (2015/10/13)
on college : As a young student in Nevada said to me, the hardest thing about going to college should not be paying for it. (2015/10/13)
on college : So then we have to make it more affordable. How do we make it more affordable? My plan would enable anyone to go to a public college or university tuition free. You would not have to borrow money for tuition. But I do believe -- and maybe it's because I worked when I went through college; I worked when I went through law school -- I think it's important for everybody to have some part of getting this accomplished. That's why I call it a compact. (2015/10/13)
on college : And that's in my economic plans, how I would deal with the prescription drug companies, how I would deal with college, how I would deal with a full range of issues that I've been talking about throughout this campaign to go further. (2015/10/13)
on college : I've laid out my ideas about what we can do to make college affordable; how we can help people pay off their student debts and save thousands of dollars, how we can create more good jobs because a lot of the young people that I talk with are pretty disappointed the economic prospects they feel their facing. (2016/01/17)
on college : So making community college free, making it possible to attend a public college or university with debt free tuition, looking for ways to protect our rights especially from the concerted Republican assault; on voting rights, on women's rights, on gay rights, on civil rights, on workers rights. (2016/01/17)
on college affordability : Well, let me address college affordability, because I have a plan that I think will really zero in on what the problems are. (2015/10/13)
on college debt : That will save thousands of dollars for people who are now struggling under this cumbersome, burdensome college debt. (2015/10/13)
on congress : Similarly, we need to tackle mass incarceration, and this may be the only bi-partisan issue in the congress this year. We actually have people on both sides of the aisle who have reached the same conclusion, that we can not keep imprisoning more people than anybody else in the world. (2015/10/13)
on Congress : I would work quickly to present to the Congress my plans for creating more good jobs in manufacturing, infrastructure, clean and renewable energy, raising the minimum wage, and guaranteeing, finally, equal pay for women's work. (2016/01/17)
on congress : Now, I am pleased to hear that Senator Sanders has reversed his position on immunity and I look forward to him joining with those members of congress who have already introduced legislation. (2016/01/17)
on Congress : You know, I have to say I'm not sure whether we're talking about the plan you just introduced tonight, or we're talking about the plan you introduced nine times in the Congress. (2016/01/17)
on Congress : In other words, people could buy in to Medicare, and even when the Democrats were in charge of the Congress, we couldn't get the votes for that. (2016/01/17)
on Congress : I look out here, I see a lot of my friends from the Congress. (2016/01/17)
on Congressional : And I want to thank the Congressional Black Caucus Institute and the people of Charleston for hosting us here on the eve of Martin Luther King Day tomorrow. (2016/01/17)
on cops : Well, the last point on this is, Senator Sanders, you're the only one on this stage that voted to deregulate the financial market in 2000, to take the cops off the street, to use Governor O'Malley's phrase, to make the SEC and the Commodities Futures Trading Commission no longer able to regulate swaps and derivatives, which were one of the main cause of the collapse in '08. (2016/01/17)
on crime : We have to move away from treating the use of drugs as a crime and instead, move it to where it belongs, as a health issue. (2016/01/17)
on criminal justice : ...So, what we need to be doing is not only reforming criminal justice -- I have talked about that at some length, including things like body cameras, but (2015/10/13)
on criminal justice : Their needs to be a concerted effort to address the systemic racism in our criminal justice system. (2016/01/17)
on criminal justice : And we need to divert more people from the criminal justice system into drug courts, into treatment, and recovery. (2016/01/17)
on Defense : You know, when I left Law school, my first job was with the Children's Defense Fund, (2015/10/13)
on defense : And then, we've got to recognize our first line of defense against lone wolf attacks is among Muslim Americans. (2016/01/17)
on drug : And that's in my economic plans, how I would deal with the prescription drug companies, how I would deal with college, how I would deal with a full range of issues that I've been talking about throughout this campaign to go further. (2015/10/13)
on drug : Well, in addition to the NRA, the health insurance companies, the drug companies, the Iranians. (2015/10/13)
on drug : I would also... (APPLAUSE) I would also be presenting my plans to build on the Affordable Care Act and to improve it by decreasing the out-of-pocket costs by putting a cap on prescription drug costs; by looking for ways that we can put the prescription drug business and the health insurance company business on a more stable platform that doesn't take too much money out of the pockets of hard-working Americans. (2016/01/17)
on drug : And we need to divert more people from the criminal justice system into drug courts, into treatment, and recovery. (2016/01/17)
on drug : Everywhere I go to campaign, I'm meeting families who are affected by the drug problem that mostly is opioids and heroin now, and lives are being lost and children are being orphaned. (2016/01/17)
on drugs : We have to move away from treating the use of drugs as a crime and instead, move it to where it belongs, as a health issue. (2016/01/17)
on economic plan : I have a five point economic plan, because this inequality challenge we face, we have faced it at other points. It's absolutely right. It hasn't been this bad since the 1920s. (2015/10/13)
on economic plans : And that's in my economic plans, how I would deal with the prescription drug companies, how I would deal with college, how I would deal with a full range of issues that I've been talking about throughout this campaign to go further. (2015/10/13)
on economy : and taking the opportunity posed by climate change to grow our economy. (2015/10/13)
on economy : The economy does better when you have a Democrat in the White House (2015/10/13)
on economy : We have to get the economy working and incomes rising for everyone, including those who have been left out and left behind. (2016/01/17)
on economy : And I...(APPLAUSE) ... I'm going to have the very best advisers that I can possibly have, and when it comes to the economy and what was accomplished under my husband's leadership and the '90s -- especially when it came to raising incomes for everybody and lifting more people out of poverty than at any time in recent history -- you bet. (2016/01/17)
on education : ...really hard to do if you don't have early childhood education... (2015/10/13)
on education : and to have the chances that they should have in America for a good education, good job training, and then good jobs. (2015/10/13)
on Great Recession : That Great Recession, 9 million people lost their jobs, 5 million lost their homes, $13 trillion in wealth disappeared. (2015/10/13)
on Great Recession : Lehman Brothers, AIG, the shadow banking sector were as big a problem in what caused the Great Recession, I go after them. (2016/01/17)
on gun : Everybody else has to be accountable, but not the gun manufacturers. And we need to stand up and say: Enough of that. We're not going to let it continue. (APPLAUSE) (2015/10/13)
on Gun : I think that we have to look at the fact that we lose 90 people a day from Gun violence. (2015/10/13)
on gun : The majority of our country...(APPLAUSE) ... supports background checks, and even the majority of gun owners do. (2015/10/13)
on gun : He voted for immunity from gunmakers and sellers which the NRA said, "was the most important piece of gun legislation in 20 years." (2016/01/17)
on gun : There is no other industry in America that was given the total pass that the gun makers and dealers were and that needs to be reversed. (2016/01/17)
on gun : Yes look, I have made it clear based on Senator Sanders' own record that he has voted with the NRA, with the gun lobby numerous times. (2016/01/17)
on gun violence : Let's not forget what this is about, 90 people a day die from gun violence in our country. (2016/01/17)
on health : We have to move away from treating the use of drugs as a crime and instead, move it to where it belongs, as a health issue. (2016/01/17)
on health care : How are we going to get health care for everybody...(CROSSTALK) (2015/10/13)
on health care : I'm going to look for ways to try to make sure it's solvent into the future. And we also need to talk about health care at some time, because we agree on the goals, we just disagree on the means. (2015/10/13)
on health care : and I want to support states that are expanding health care and including undocumented children and others. (2015/10/13)
on health care : Well, first of all, I want to make sure every child gets health care. (2015/10/13)
on health care : it's always the Republicans or their sympathizers who say, "You can't have paid leave, you can't provide health care." (2015/10/13)
on health care : And I certainly respect Senator Sanders' intentions, but when you're talking about health care, the details really matter. (2016/01/17)
on health care : And therefore, we have been raising questions about the nine bills that he introduced over 20 years, as to how they would work and what would be the impact on people's health care? He didn't like that, his campaign didn't like it either. (2016/01/17)
on health care : And tonight, he's come out with a new health care plan. (2016/01/17)
on health care : We finally have a path to universal health care. (2016/01/17)
on health care : Well, Andrea, I am absolutely committed to universal health care. (2016/01/17)
on health care : Well, as someone who -- as someone who has a little bit of experience standing up to the health insurance industry, that spent, you know... (APPLAUSE)... many, many millions of dollars attacking me, and probably will so again, because of what I believe we can do building on the Affordable Care Act, I think it's important to point out that there are a lot of reasons we have the health care system we have today. (2016/01/17)
on Health Insurance : ...reforming foster care and adoption to the Children's Health Insurance Program, which insures... (2015/10/13)
on Health Insurance : That's why I helped to create the Children's Health Insurance Program, (2015/10/13)
on health insurance : Well, in addition to the NRA, the health insurance companies, the drug companies, the Iranians. (2015/10/13)
on health insurance : I would also... (APPLAUSE) I would also be presenting my plans to build on the Affordable Care Act and to improve it by decreasing the out-of-pocket costs by putting a cap on prescription drug costs; by looking for ways that we can put the prescription drug business and the health insurance company business on a more stable platform that doesn't take too much money out of the pockets of hard-working Americans. (2016/01/17)
on health insurance : I have worked on this for a long time, people may remember that I took on the health insurance industry back in the '90s, and I didn't quit until we got the children's health insurance program that ensures eight million kids. (2016/01/17)
on health insurance : However, we started a system that had private health insurance. (2016/01/17)
on health insurance : Well, as someone who -- as someone who has a little bit of experience standing up to the health insurance industry, that spent, you know... (APPLAUSE)... many, many millions of dollars attacking me, and probably will so again, because of what I believe we can do building on the Affordable Care Act, I think it's important to point out that there are a lot of reasons we have the health care system we have today. (2016/01/17)
on Health Insurance : That's what I did as a first lady, when I worked with both Democrats and Republicans to get the Children's Health Insurance Program, when I worked with Tom DeLay, one of the most partisan of Republicans, to reform the adoption and foster care system. (2016/01/17)
on House : It is a partisan vehicle, as admitted by the House Republican majority leader, Mr. McCarthy, to drive down my poll numbers. Big surprise. (2015/10/13)
on immigrants : I want to open up the opportunity for immigrants to be able to buy in to the exchanges under the Affordable Care Act. (2015/10/13)
on immigrants : Demonize hard-working immigrants who have insulted them. You know, I came to Las Vegas in, I think, May. (2015/10/13)
on immigration : so that they would get the same subsidies. I think that is -- it raises so many issues. It would be very difficult to administer, it needs to be part of a comprehensive immigration reform, when we finally do get to it. (2015/10/13)
on immigration : There's a lot we have to do on immigration reform, on voting rights, on campaign finance reform, but we need to do it together. (2016/01/17)
on insurance : But we also have to worry about some of the other players -- AIG, a big insurance company; Lehman Brothers, an investment bank. (2015/10/13)
on insurance : (APPLAUSE) And we have already seen 19 million Americans get insurance. (2016/01/17)
on insurance : We have seen the end of pre-existing conditions keeping people from getting insurance. (APPLAUSE) (2016/01/17)
on insurance : We have seen women no longer paying more for our insurance than men. (2016/01/17)
on Iran : or putting together that coalition to impose sanctions on Iran -- I think I have a lot of evidence... (CROSSTALK) (2015/10/13)
on Iran : I was responsible for getting those sanctions imposed which put the pressure on Iran. (2016/01/17)
on Iran : Well, I'm very proud of the Iran Nuclear Agreement. (2016/01/17)
on Iran : We have a proxy conflict going on between Saudi Arabia and Iran. (2016/01/17)
on Iran : We got Russia to sign on to our sanctions against Iran and other very important commitments. (2016/01/17)
on Iranian : We got a nuclear arms deal, we got the Iranian sanctions, (2015/10/13)
on Iranian : You know, one of the criticisms I've had of Senator Sanders is his suggestion that, you know, Iranian troops be used to try to end the war in Syria... (2016/01/17)
on Iraq : we are already flying in Syria just as we are flying in Iraq. (2015/10/13)
on Iraq : And then, we have to go after them on a lot of their other bad behavior in the region which is causing enormous problems in Syria, Yemen, Iraq and elsewhere. (2016/01/17)
on Iraq : If there is any blame to be spread around, it starts with the prime minister of Iraq, who sectarianized his military, setting Shia against Sunni. (2016/01/17)
on Iraqi : It includes the United States leading an air coalition which is what we're doing, supporting fighters on the ground; the Iraqi Army which is beginning to show more ability, the Sunni fighters that we are now helping to reconstitute and Kurdish on both sides of the border. (2016/01/17)
on Israel : I know from my own experience as secretary of State that we were deeply worried about Assad's forces using chemical weapons because it would have had not only a horrific affect on people in Syria, but it could very well have affected the surrounding states, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey. (2016/01/17)
on job : You know, when I left Law school, my first job was with the Children's Defense Fund, (2015/10/13)
on job : And it's our job to rein in the excesses of capitalism so that it doesn't run amok and doesn't cause the kind of inequities we're seeing in our economic systems. But we would be making a grave mistake to turn our backs on what built the greatest middle class in the history... (2015/10/13)
on job : and to have the chances that they should have in America for a good education, good job training, and then good jobs. (2015/10/13)
on job : I understand that this is the hardest job in the world. (2016/01/17)
on job : We need a president who can do all aspects of the job. (2016/01/17)
on jobs : I've put forward specific plans about how we're going to create more good-paying jobs: (2015/10/13)
on jobs : My standards for more new, good jobs for Americans, for raising wages for Americans. (2015/10/13)
on jobs : and to have the chances that they should have in America for a good education, good job training, and then good jobs. (2015/10/13)
on jobs : That Great Recession, 9 million people lost their jobs, 5 million lost their homes, $13 trillion in wealth disappeared. (2015/10/13)
on jobs : I would work quickly to present to the Congress my plans for creating more good jobs in manufacturing, infrastructure, clean and renewable energy, raising the minimum wage, and guaranteeing, finally, equal pay for women's work. (2016/01/17)
on jobs : I've laid out my ideas about what we can do to make college affordable; how we can help people pay off their student debts and save thousands of dollars, how we can create more good jobs because a lot of the young people that I talk with are pretty disappointed the economic prospects they feel their facing. (2016/01/17)
on Jordan : I know from my own experience as secretary of State that we were deeply worried about Assad's forces using chemical weapons because it would have had not only a horrific affect on people in Syria, but it could very well have affected the surrounding states, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey. (2016/01/17)
on Kurdish : It includes the United States leading an air coalition which is what we're doing, supporting fighters on the ground; the Iraqi Army which is beginning to show more ability, the Sunni fighters that we are now helping to reconstitute and Kurdish on both sides of the border. (2016/01/17)
on Law : You know, when I left Law school, my first job was with the Children's Defense Fund, (2015/10/13)
on law : And I think this is -- this is typical Republican scare tactics. We can design a system and pay for it that does not put the burden on small businesses. I remember as a young mother, you know, having a baby wake up who was sick and I'm supposed to be in court, because I was practicing law. I know what it's like. And I think we need to recognize the incredible challenges that so many parents face, particularly working moms. (2015/10/13)
on law school : So then we have to make it more affordable. How do we make it more affordable? My plan would enable anyone to go to a public college or university tuition free. You would not have to borrow money for tuition. But I do believe -- and maybe it's because I worked when I went through college; I worked when I went through law school -- I think it's important for everybody to have some part of getting this accomplished. That's why I call it a compact. (2015/10/13)
on Lebanon : I know from my own experience as secretary of State that we were deeply worried about Assad's forces using chemical weapons because it would have had not only a horrific affect on people in Syria, but it could very well have affected the surrounding states, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey. (2016/01/17)
on marijuana : No. I think that we have the opportunity through the states that are pursuing recreational marijuana to find out a lot more than we know today. I do support the use of medical marijuana marijuana, and I think even there we need to do a lot more research so that we know exactly how we're going to help people for whom medical marijuana marijuana provides relief. So, I think we're just at the beginning, but I agree completely with the idea that we have got to stop imprisoning people who use marijuana. Therefore, we need more states, cities, and the federal government to begin to address this (2015/10/13)
on marijuana : where we have a huge population in our prisons for nonviolent, low-level offenses that are primarily due to marijuana. (2015/10/13)
on medical marijuana : No. I think that we have the opportunity through the states that are pursuing recreational marijuana to find out a lot more than we know today. I do support the use of medical marijuana marijuana, and I think even there we need to do a lot more research so that we know exactly how we're going to help people for whom medical marijuana marijuana provides relief. So, I think we're just at the beginning, but I agree completely with the idea that we have got to stop imprisoning people who use marijuana. Therefore, we need more states, cities, and the federal government to begin to address this (2015/10/13)
on Medicare : In other words, people could buy in to Medicare, and even when the Democrats were in charge of the Congress, we couldn't get the votes for that. (2016/01/17)
on Middle East : And we need to get the Europeans to be more willing to stand up, I was pleased they put sanctions on after Crimea and eastern Ukraine and the downing of the airliner, but we've got to be more united in preventing Putin from taking a more aggressive stance in Europe and the Middle East;. (APPLAUSE) (2016/01/17)
on military : If there is any blame to be spread around, it starts with the prime minister of Iraq, who sectarianized his military, setting Shia against Sunni. (2016/01/17)
on NRA : This has gone on too long and it's time the entire country stood up against the NRA. (2015/10/13)
on NRA : Well, in addition to the NRA, the health insurance companies, the drug companies, the Iranians. (2015/10/13)
on NRA : He voted for immunity from gunmakers and sellers which the NRA said, "was the most important piece of gun legislation in 20 years." (2016/01/17)
on NRA : Yes look, I have made it clear based on Senator Sanders' own record that he has voted with the NRA, with the gun lobby numerous times. (2016/01/17)
on Obamacare : The Republicans just voted last week to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and thank goodness, President Obama vetoed it and saved Obamacare for the American people. (APPLAUSE) (2016/01/17)
on Planned Parenthood : They don't mind having big government to interfere with a woman's right to choose and to try to take down Planned Parenthood. (2015/10/13)
on Police : Police officers must be equipped with the antidote to a heroin overdose or an opioid overdose, known as Narcan. (2016/01/17)
on prison : One out of three African American men may well end up going to prison. That's the statistic. (2016/01/17)
on prisons : where we have a huge population in our prisons for nonviolent, low-level offenses that are primarily due to marijuana. (2015/10/13)
on profiling : And, that requires a very clear, agenda for retraining police officers, looking at ways to end racial profiling, finding more ways to really bring the disparities that stalk our country into high relief. (2016/01/17)
on senate : Since it was passed, more than 2 million prohibited purchases have been prevented. He also did vote, as he said, for this immunity provision. I voted against it. I was in the senate at the same time. It wasn't that complicated to me. It was pretty straightforward to me that (2015/10/13)
on senate : Well, I would not ask anyone to vote for me based on my last name. I would ask them to listen to what I'm proposing, look at what I've accomplished in the senate, as secretary of of state, and then draw your own conclusion. (2015/10/13)
on senate : What I did, working in the senate, where I crossed the aisle often, working even with the senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, to get Tricare for national guardsmen and women. (2016/01/17)
on senator : I'm Hillary Clinton. I have been proud and privileged to serve as first lady, as a senator from New York, and as secretary of state. (2015/10/13)
on senator : what senator Sanders is saying certainly makes sense in the terms of the inequality that we have. (2015/10/13)
on senator : senator Sanders did vote five times against the Brady bill. (2015/10/13)
on senator : ...Well, nobody does. Nobody does, senator Sanders. (2015/10/13)
on senator : Well, I recall very well being on a debate stage, I think, about 25 times with then senator Obama, debating this very issue. (2015/10/13)
on senator : I understand senator Webb's very strong feelings about this, (2015/10/13)
on senator : So I'm with both senator Sanders and Governor O'Malley in putting a lot of attention onto the banks. (2015/10/13)
on senator : I represented Wall Street, as a senator from New York, (2015/10/13)
on senator : So I have thought deeply and long about what we're gonna do to do exactly what I think both the senator and the governor want, which is to rein in and stop this risk. And my plan would have the potential of actually sending the executives to jail. Nobody went to jail after $100 billion in fines were paid...(APPLAUSE) (2015/10/13)
on senator : I see my good friend, senator Gillibrand, in the front row. (2015/10/13)
on senator : so that we don't have this terrible result that senator Sanders was talking about (2015/10/13)
on senator : Now, I am pleased to hear that senator Sanders has reversed his position on immunity and I look forward to him joining with those members of congress who have already introduced legislation. (2016/01/17)
on senator : Yes look, I have made it clear based on senator Sanders' own record that he has voted with the NRA, with the gun lobby numerous times. (2016/01/17)
on senator : And I certainly respect senator Sanders' intentions, but when you're talking about health care, the details really matter. (2016/01/17)
on senator : But -- senator Sanders, if I can... (APPLAUSE) (2016/01/17)
on senator : What I did, working in the Senate, where I crossed the aisle often, working even with the senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, to get Tricare for national guardsmen and women. (2016/01/17)
on senator : Look, I have the greatest respect for senator Sanders and for his supports and I'm going to keep working as hard as I can to reach as many people of all ages about what I will do, what the experience and the ideas that I have that I will bring to the White House and I hope to have their support when I'm the Democratic nominee. (2016/01/17)
on senator : senator Sanders called him weak, disappointing. (2016/01/17)
on senator : But where we disagree is the comments that senator Sanders has made that don't just affect me, I can take that, but he's criticized President Obama for taking donations from Wall Street, and President Obama has led our country out of the great recession. (2016/01/17)
on senator : You know, I think since -- since senator Standers followed up on this... (2016/01/17)
on senator : ... both the governor and the senator have focused only on the big banks. (2016/01/17)
on senator : Well, the last point on this is, senator Sanders, you're the only one on this stage that voted to deregulate the financial market in 2000, to take the cops off the street, to use Governor O'Malley's phrase, to make the SEC and the Commodities Futures Trading Commission no longer able to regulate swaps and derivatives, which were one of the main cause of the collapse in '08. (2016/01/17)
on senator : And I want to just add to something that senator Sanders said, the United States had a very big interest in trying to help stabilize the region. (2016/01/17)
on senator : You know, one of the criticisms I've had of senator Sanders is his suggestion that, you know, Iranian troops be used to try to end the war in Syria... (2016/01/17)
on student : As a young student in Nevada said to me, the hardest thing about going to college should not be paying for it. (2015/10/13)
on student debt : You know, I believe strongly that we need to be talking about what people talk to me about, like how are we going to make college affordable? How are we going to pay down student debt? (2015/10/13)
on student debt : First, all the 40 million Americans who currently have student debt will be able to refinance their debt to a low interest rate. (2015/10/13)
on student debt : I want to raise incomes, not taxes, and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that the wealthy pay for debt free tuition, for child care, for paid family leave. To help us bring down student debt we're going to refinance that student debt, saving kids thousands of dollars. (2016/01/17)
on Syria : And, to -- provide safe zones so that people are not going to have to be flooding out of Syria at the rate they are. (2015/10/13)
on Syria : it's important too that the United States make it very clear to Putin that it's not acceptable for him to be in Syria creating more chaos, (2015/10/13)
on Syria : We have to stand up to his bullying, and specifically in Syria, (2015/10/13)
on Syria : We don't want American troops on the ground in Syria. (2015/10/13)
on Syria : we are already flying in Syria just as we are flying in Iraq. (2015/10/13)
on Syria : and begin to move toward a political, diplomatic solution in Syria. (2015/10/13)
on Syria : And then, we have to go after them on a lot of their other bad behavior in the region which is causing enormous problems in Syria, Yemen, Iraq and elsewhere. (2016/01/17)
on Syria : So I'm very committed to both going after ISIS but also supporting what Secretary Kerry is doing to try to move on a political diplomatic to try to begin to slow down and hopefully end the carnage in Syria which is the root of so many of the problems that we seen in the region and beyond. (2016/01/17)
on Syria : I know from my own experience as secretary of State that we were deeply worried about Assad's forces using chemical weapons because it would have had not only a horrific affect on people in Syria, but it could very well have affected the surrounding states, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey. (2016/01/17)
on Syria : You know, one of the criticisms I've had of Senator Sanders is his suggestion that, you know, Iranian troops be used to try to end the war in Syria... (2016/01/17)
on tax : and have a series of tax cuts for middle-class families. (2015/10/13)
on taxes : And, I'm the only candidate standing here tonight who has said I will not raise taxes on the middle class. (2016/01/17)
on taxes : I want to raise incomes, not taxes, and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that the wealthy pay for debt free tuition, for child care, for paid family leave. To help us bring down student debt we're going to refinance that student debt, saving kids thousands of dollars. (2016/01/17)
on tax system : And then we have to figure out how we're going to make the tax system a fairer one. (2015/10/13)
on terrorist : Causing this vacuum that has been filled unfortunately, by terrorist groups, including ISIS. (2016/01/17)
on terrorist : We need to be reaching out and unifying our country against terrorist attacks and lone wolves, and working with Muslim Americans. (APPLAUSE) (2016/01/17)
on terrorists : I -- I think it has to be continued threat from the spread of nuclear weapons, nuclear material that can fall into the wrong hands. I know the terrorists are constantly seeking it, and that's why we have to stay vigilant, but also united around the world to prevent that. (2015/10/13)
on tuition : So then we have to make it more affordable. How do we make it more affordable? My plan would enable anyone to go to a public college or university tuition free. You would not have to borrow money for tuition. But I do believe -- and maybe it's because I worked when I went through college; I worked when I went through law school -- I think it's important for everybody to have some part of getting this accomplished. That's why I call it a compact. (2015/10/13)
on tuition : So making community college free, making it possible to attend a public college or university with debt free tuition, looking for ways to protect our rights especially from the concerted Republican assault; on voting rights, on women's rights, on gay rights, on civil rights, on workers rights. (2016/01/17)
on tuition : I want to raise incomes, not taxes, and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that the wealthy pay for debt free tuition, for child care, for paid family leave. To help us bring down student debt we're going to refinance that student debt, saving kids thousands of dollars. (2016/01/17)
on undocumented : and I want to support states that are expanding health care and including undocumented children and others. (2015/10/13)
on university : So then we have to make it more affordable. How do we make it more affordable? My plan would enable anyone to go to a public college or university tuition free. You would not have to borrow money for tuition. But I do believe -- and maybe it's because I worked when I went through college; I worked when I went through law school -- I think it's important for everybody to have some part of getting this accomplished. That's why I call it a compact. (2015/10/13)
on university : So making community college free, making it possible to attend a public college or university with debt free tuition, looking for ways to protect our rights especially from the concerted Republican assault; on voting rights, on women's rights, on gay rights, on civil rights, on workers rights. (2016/01/17)
on wages : At the center of my campaign is how we're going to raise wages. (2015/10/13)
on wages : "this will help raise your wages." And I concluded I could not. (2015/10/13)
on wages : My standards for more new, good jobs for Americans, for raising wages for Americans. (2015/10/13)
on woman : I think being the first woman president would be quite a change from the presidents we've had up until this point, including President Obama. (2015/10/13)
on woman : Well, I can't think of anything more of an outsider than electing the first woman president, but I'm not just running because I would be the first woman president. (APPLAUSE) (2015/10/13)
on women : I believe in equal pay for equal work for women, but (2015/10/13)
on women : We have a lot of women on Social Security, particularly widowed and single women who didn't make a lot of money during their careers, (2015/10/13)
on women : and fighting for people, fighting for kids, for women, for families, fighting to even the odds. (2015/10/13)
on women : We have seen women no longer paying more for our insurance than men. (2016/01/17)
on women : What I did, working in the Senate, where I crossed the aisle often, working even with the senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, to get Tricare for national guardsmen and women. (2016/01/17)
on worker : I'm the granddaughter of a factory worker and the grandmother of a wonderful one-year-old child. (2015/10/13)
on worker : You know, to be able to come from a grandfather who was a factory worker, a father who was a small business person, (2015/10/13) a
on workers : finding ways so that companies share profits with the workers who helped to make them. (2015/10/13)
on workers : So making community college free, making it possible to attend a public college or university with debt free tuition, looking for ways to protect our rights especially from the concerted Republican assault; on voting rights, on women's rights, on gay rights, on civil rights, on workers rights. (2016/01/17)
on Yemen : And then, we have to go after them on a lot of their other bad behavior in the region which is causing enormous problems in Syria, Yemen, Iraq and elsewhere. (2016/01/17)
on 9/11 : No, I don't. I think that it was necessary to make sure that we were able after 9/11 to put in place the security that we needed. And it is true that it did require that there be a process. (2015/10/13)

There are 212 entries in the "Hillary Clinton on Issues" page.
3:45 PM 3/21/2016 x518 t27

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