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WhoSaidSo Network features Comments on Campaign Issues by no less than 15 Presidential Candidates including Trump and Biden. Both Democratic Party Candidates and Republican Party Candidates are covered. Included are Transcripts of the 2020 and 2016 Presidential Primary Debates. Other pages include articles about the U.S. Bill of Rights. The pages are crafted in the style of a Concordance. A concordance is the list of the significant terms in a text along with the context in which those terms appear.. Read More.
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President Trump
Inauguration Address of President Trump in 2017
Highlights of the Inauguration Address of President Trump of January 20, 2017.
President Trump's 2017 Address to the Joint Session of the Congress
Highlights of the President Trump's Address of February 28th, 2017.
President Trump's 2017 U.S. Budget proposal
Highlights of the Trump's Budget for 2018 proposed on May 23, 2017.
President Trump's 2018 State of the Union Address
Highlights of the President Trump's Address of January 30th, 2018.

Donald Trump

  Political Positions of Donald Trump in 2016  

Donald Trump's 2016 Political Positions
Political Positions of Donald Trump as expressed during the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates in Ohio, Michigan and New Hampshire:
All Issues       America       Abortion       Banking       Campaign Finance       China       Crime       Immigration       Iran       Iraq       ISIS       North Korea       Russia       Taxes       TPP       Trade

  Comments of Donald Trump in 2016  

Donald Trump's 2016 comments in OH, NH and MI
Combined comments of Donald Trump from three 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates in Ohio, Michigan and New Hampshire.
Donald Trump's and Hillary Clinton's 2016 comments compared
Over 200 statements by Secretary Clinton and Donald Trump from five 2016 Presidential Primary Debates juxtaposed.

  Debates of Donald Trump in 2016  

Michigan 2016 Primary Debate of Donald Trump
Transcript of the eleventh 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate in Michigan on March 3, 2016.
New Hampshire 2016 Primary Debate of Donald Trump
Transcript of the eighth 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate in New Hampshire on February 6, 2016.
Ohio 2015 Primary Debate of Donald Trump
Transcript of the first 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate in Ohio on August 6, 2015.
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Vice President Biden

  Political Positions of Vice President Biden in 2020  

Biden's 2020 Political Positions
Political Positions of Vice President Joe Biden as expressed during the 2020 Democratic Party Primary Debate in Iowa:
All Issues       China       Defense       Economy       Families       Farmers       Health Care       Iran       Korea       Medicare       Middle East       Taxes       Trade       Women       Workers

  Comments of Vice President Biden in 2020  

Biden's 2020 comments in Iowa
Comments of Vice President Joe Biden during the seventh 2020 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Des Moines, IA on January 14, 2020.

  Debates of Vice President Biden in 2020  

Iowa 2020 Primary Debate of Vice President Biden
Transcript of the Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Iowa on January 14, 2020.
Democratic Candidates in 2020

  Comments of the Democratic Candidates in 2020  

Democratic Candidates' 2020 comments
Joe Biden       Bernie Sanders       Elizabeth Warren

  Debates of the 2020 Democratic Candidates  

Iowa Primary Debate of the of the Democratic Candidates in 2020
Transcript of the Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Iowa on January 14, 2020.
Republican Candidates in 2016

  Comments of the Republican Candidates in 2016  

Comments of the 2016 Candidates of the Republican Party
Chris Christie       Donald Trump       Rand Paul       Ted Cruz       Mike Huckabee       John Kasich       Marco Rubio       Jeb Bush       Carly Fiorina       Ben Carson

  Debates of the Republican Candidates in 2016  

2016 Michigan Debate of the Candidates of the Republican Party
Transcript of the Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate in Michigan on March 3, 2016.
2016 New Hampshire Debate of the Candidates of the Republican Party
Transcript of the Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate in New Hampshire on February 6, 2016.
2016 Ohio Debate of the Candidates of the Republican Party
Transcript of the Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate in Ohio on August 6, 2015.
Democratic Candidates in 2016

  Comments of Democratic Candidates in 2016  

Democratic Candidates' comments in 2016
Hillary Clinton       Bernie Sanders       Robert O'Malley

  Debates of the 2016 Democratic Candidates  

2016 South Carolina 2016 Primary Debate of the Candidates of the Democratic Party
Transcript of the Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in South Carolina on January 17, 2016.
2016 Nevada Debate of the Candidates of the Democratic Party
Transcript of the Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Nevada on October 13, 2015.
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On Campaign Finance
Sanders on Campaign Finance
Senator Bernie Sanders' comments are extracted from the first 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates in Las Vegas, NV, on October 13th 2015 and the second 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Charleston, SC, on January 17th, 2016.
Trump on Campaign Finance
Donald Trump's comments are extracted from the eighth 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate which was aired by Fox News and was held in Detroit, MI on March 3rd, 2016.
Clinton on Campaign Finance
Hillary Clinton's comments are extracted from the first 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Las Vegas, NV, on October 13th 2015.
Bill of Rights of the United States
Text of the U.S. Bill of Rights
The text the U.S. Bill of Rights: the ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution dated 1791.
Index to the U.S. Bill of Rights
Interactive Index showing over100 words and phrases from the U.S. Bill of Rights.
Clauses of the U.S. Bill of Rights
Assistance of Counsel Clause: A6   Compulsory Process Clause: A6   Confrontation Clause: A6   Double Jeopardy Clause: A5   Due Process Clause: A5   Establishment Clause: A1   Excessive Bail Clause: A8   Free Assembly Clause: A1   Free Exercise Clause: A1   Free Press Clause: A1   Impartial Jury Clause: A6   Information Clause: A6   Petition Clause: A1   Search and Seizure Clause: A4   Self-Incrimination Clause: A5   Speedy Trial Clause: A6   Vicinage Clause: A6    
Concordance to the U.S. Bill of Rights
Over 100 words and phrases from the U.S. Bill of Rights shown along with their contexts.
What is a Concordance?
The pages of this website are crafted in the style of a concordance.
Concordance to the Rubaiyat
The 1859 edition of Edward Fitzgerald' translation.
Concordance to the Book of the Acts
Book of the Acts of the Apostles: Chapter 13
Fifteen GOP and Dem Candidates' 2015 comments in OH and NV
Concordance to the combined transcripts of the first 2016 Dem Debate and the first 2016 GOP Debate.
Over 700 comments from the first 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Nevada and the first 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debate in Ohio are included.
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Popular Posts on WhoSaidSo
Biden's comments on Campaign Issues in Iowa: Vice President Joe Biden's Iowa comments during the 7th Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in 2016. Issues include: China, defense, economy, families, farmers, Iran, Medicare, Middle East, North Korea, Obamacare, taxes, trade and Trump.
Trump's comments on Campaign Issues in OH, NH, and MI: combined statements from three Republican Party Presidential Primary 2016 Debates in Ohio, New Hampshire and Michigan.
Sanders on Campaign Finance Senator Sanders' comments are from two 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates in Las Vegas, NV, and Charleston, SC.
Clinton's and Trump's comments compared: over 200 statements from five 2016 Presidential Primary Debates by Clinton and Trump juxtaposed.
Trump on China -- Donald Trump's comments on China during the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates.
U.S. National Security Strategy as of 2017 -- Highlights of Trump's National Security Strategy plus Text and Index.

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