About the page style: This page is crafted in the style of a concordance. A concordance is an alphabetical list of the keywords and the proper Names in a document along with the statements in which those words appear. Click the preceding every statement to go to the pertinent paragraph in the text.
on $6 trillion : America has spent approximately $6 trillion in the Middle East -- all the while our infrastructure at home is crumbling. With this $6 trillion, we could have rebuilt our country twice, and maybe even three times if we had people who had the ability to negotiate. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on 250th anniversary : In nine years, the United States will celebrate the 250th anniversary of our founding -- 250 years since the day we declared our independence. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Abraham Lincoln : It's been a long time since we had fair trade. The first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, warned that the "abandonment of the protective policy by the American government will produce want and ruin among our people." Lincoln was right -- and it's time we heeded his advice and his words. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on African American : I am calling upon members of both parties to pass an education bill that funds school choice for disadvantaged youth, including millions of African American and Latino children. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on allies : We will work with our allies, including our friends and allies in the Muslim world, to extinguish this vile enemy from our planet. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on American child : True love for our people requires us to find common ground, to advance the common good, and to cooperate on behalf of every American child who deserves a much brighter future. (Feb 28, 2017)
on American child : But to achieve this future, we must enrich the mind and the souls of every American child. (Feb 28, 2017)
on American child : Every American child should be able to grow up in a safe community, to attend a great school, and to have access to a high-paying job. (applause) But to create this future, we must work with, not against -- not against -- the men and women of law enforcement. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
Click on a to go to the exact point in the text.Interactive Index
on American citizens : If we are guided by the wellbeing of American citizens, then I believe Republicans and Democrats can work together to achieve an outcome that has eluded our country for decades. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on American company : I just met with officials and workers from a great American company, Harley-Davidson. (Feb 28, 2017)
on American jobs : Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart and many others have announced that they will invest billions and billions of dollars in the United States, and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on American justice : Her late, great husband, Antonin Scalia, will forever be a symbol of American justice. (Feb 28, 2017)
on American leadership : Our foreign policy calls for a direct, robust and meaningful engagement with the world. (Feb 28, 2017)
on American people : Above all else, we will keep our promises to the American people. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on American pipelines : And I've issued a new directive that new American pipelines be made with American steel. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on American steel : And I've issued a new directive that new American pipelines be made with American steel. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Black History Month : Tonight, as we mark the conclusion of our celebration of Black History Month, we are reminded of our nation's path towards civil rights and the work that still remains to be done. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
Click on a to go to the exact point in the text.Interactive Index on borders : We've defended the borders of other nations while leaving our own borders wide open for anyone to cross and for drugs to pour in at a now unprecedented rate. (Feb 28, 2017)
on borders : We must restore integrity and the rule of law at our borders. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on borders : To any in Congress who do not believe we should enforce our laws, I would ask you this one question: What would you say to the American family that loses their jobs, their income, or their loved one because America refused to uphold its laws and defend its borders? (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on border security : At the same time, my administration has answered the pleas of the American people for immigration enforcement and border security. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on bridges : Crumbling infrastructure will be replaced with new roads, bridges, tunnels, airports and railways gleaming across our very, very beautiful land. (Feb 28, 2017)
on budget : I am sending Congress a budget that rebuilds the military, eliminates the defense sequester -- (applause) -- and calls for one of the largest increases in national defense spending in American history. (Feb 28, 2017)
on budget : My budget will also increase funding for our veterans. Our veterans have delivered for this nation, and now we must deliver for them. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on buy American : This effort will be guided by two core principles: buy American and hire American. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Canada : Nations around the world, like Canada, Australia and many others, have a merit-based immigration system. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Chicago : In Chicago, more than 4,000 people were shot last year alone, and the murder rate so far this year has been even higher. This is not acceptable in our society. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on children : As promised, I directed the Department of Defense to develop a plan to demolish and destroy ISIS -- a network of lawless savages that have slaughtered Muslims and Christians, and men, and women, and children of all faiths and all beliefs. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Christians : As promised, I directed the Department of Defense to develop a plan to demolish and destroy ISIS -- a network of lawless savages that have slaughtered Muslims and Christians, and men, and women, and children of all faiths and all beliefs. (Feb 28, 2017)
on citizens : Finally, the chorus became an earthquake, and the people turned out by the tens of millions, and they were all united by one very simple, but crucial demand: that America must put its own citizens first. (Feb 28, 2017)
Click on a to go to the exact point in the text.Interactive Index on citizens : Our obligation is to serve, protect, and defend the citizens of the United States. (Feb 28, 2017)
on civil rights : Tonight, as we mark the conclusion of our celebration of Black History Month, we are reminded of our nation's path towards civil rights and the work that still remains to be done. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on coal miners : We’re going to stop the regulations that threaten the future and livelihood of our great coal miners. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on community : Every American child should be able to grow up in a safe community, to attend a great school, and to have access to a high-paying job. (applause) But to create this future, we must work with, not against -- not against -- the men and women of law enforcement. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on companies : We must create a level playing field for American companies and our workers. (Feb 28, 2017)
on companies : I am not going to let America and its great companies and workers be taken advantage of us any longer. They have taken advantage of our country. No longer. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Congress : Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, the First Lady of the United States -- (applause) -- and citizens of America: (Feb 28, 2017)
on Congress : To launch our national rebuilding, I will be asking Congress to approve legislation that produces a $1 trillion investment in infrastructure of the United States -- financed through both public and private capital -- creating millions of new jobs. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Congress : Tonight, I am also calling on this Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare -- (applause) -- with reforms that expand choice, increase access, lower costs, and, at the same time, provide better healthcare. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Congress : Action is not a choice, it is a necessity. So I am calling on all Democrats and Republicans in Congress to work with us to save Americans from this imploding Obamacare disaster. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Congress : Here are the principles that should guide the Congress as we move to create a better healthcare system for all Americans: (Feb 28, 2017)
on Congress : I am asking all citizens to embrace this renewal of the American spirit. (Feb 28, 2017)
Click on a to go to the exact point in the text.Interactive Index on cooperation : We must build bridges of cooperation and trust -- not drive the wedge of disunity and, really, it's what it is, division. It's pure, unadulterated division. We have to unify. (Feb 28, 2017)
on country : Our citizens deserve this, and so much more -- so why not join forces and finally get the job done, and get it done right? (applause) On this and so many other things, Democrats and Republicans should get together and unite for the good of our country and for the good of the American people. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on crime : And we must support the victims of crime. I have ordered the Department of Homeland Security to create an office to serve American victims. (Feb 28, 2017)
on criminal cartels : I have further ordered the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice, along with the Department of State and the Director of National Intelligence, to coordinate an aggressive strategy to dismantle the criminal cartels that have spread all across our nation. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Crowley : An incredible young woman is with us this evening, who should serve as an inspiration to us all. Today is Rare Disease Day, and joining us in the gallery is a rare disease survivor, Megan Crowley. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Dakota Access : We have cleared the way for the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines -- (applause) -- thereby creating tens of thousands of jobs. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Department of Defense : As promised, I directed the Department of Defense to develop a plan to demolish and destroy ISIS -- a network of lawless savages that have slaughtered Muslims and Christians, and men, and women, and children of all faiths and all beliefs. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Department of Justice : To protect our citizens, I have directed the Department of Justice to form a Task Force on Reducing Violent Crime. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Department of Justice : According to data provided by the Department of Justice, the vast majority of individuals convicted of terrorism and terrorism-related offenses since 9/11 came here from outside of our country. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Department of State : I have further ordered the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice, along with the Department of State and the Director of National Intelligence, to coordinate an aggressive strategy to dismantle the criminal cartels that have spread all across our nation. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on deregulation task force : We have undertaken a historic effort to massively reduce job-crushing regulations, creating a deregulation task force inside of every government agency. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on doctors : Fourth, we should implement legal reforms that protect patients and doctors from unnecessary costs that drive up the price of insurance, and work to bring down the artificially high price of drugs, and bring them down immediately. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Eisenhower : Another Republican President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, initiated the last truly great national infrastructure program -- the building of the Interstate Highway System. (Feb 28, 2017)
on election : The stock market has gained almost $3 trillion in value since the election on November 8th, a record. (Feb 28, 2017)
on enemy : We will work with our allies, including our friends and allies in the Muslim world, to extinguish this vile enemy from our planet. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on executive branch : We have begun to drain the swamp of government corruption by imposing a five-year ban on lobbying by executive branch officials (Feb 28, 2017)
on F-35 : We've saved taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars by bringing down the price of a fantastic -- and it is a fantastic -- new F-35 jet fighter, and we'll be saving billions more on contracts all across our government. (Feb 28, 2017)
on families : It will save countless dollars, raise workers' wages, and help struggling families -- including immigrant families -- enter the middle class. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Fiat-Chrysler : Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart and many others have announced that they will invest billions and billions of dollars in the United States, and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Food and Drug Administration : But our slow and burdensome approval process at the Food and Drug Administration keeps too many advances, like the one that saved Megan's life, from reaching those in need. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Ford : Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart and many others have announced that they will invest billions and billions of dollars in the United States, and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on foreign government : and a lifetime ban -- (applause) -- thank you -- and a lifetime ban on becoming lobbyists for a foreign government. (Feb 28, 2017)
on founding : In nine years, the United States will celebrate the 250th anniversary of our founding -- 250 years since the day we declared our independence. (Feb 28, 2017)
on France : We have seen the attacks in France, in Belgium, in Germany, and all over the world. (Feb 28, 2017)
on free trade : I believe strongly in free trade but it also has to be fair trade. (Feb 28, 2017)
on friend : All the nations of the world -- friend or foe -- will find that America is strong, America is proud, and America is free. (Feb 28, 2017)
on General Motors : Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart and many others have announced that they will invest billions and billions of dollars in the United States, and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Germany : We have seen the attacks in France, in Belgium, in Germany, and all over the world. (Feb 28, 2017)
on government corruption : We have begun to drain the swamp of government corruption by imposing a five-year ban on lobbying by executive branch officials (Feb 28, 2017)
on governors : Thirdly, we should give our great state governors the resources and flexibility they need with Medicaid to make sure no one is left out. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
Click on a to go to the exact point in the text.Interactive Index on Governor Matt Bevin : Governor Matt Bevin of Kentucky just said Obamacare is failing in his state -- the state of Kentucky -- and it's unsustainable and collapsing. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Harley-Davidson : I just met with officials and workers from a great American company, Harley-Davidson. (Feb 28, 2017)
on healthcare : Tonight, I am also calling on this Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare -- (applause) -- with reforms that expand choice, increase access, lower costs, and, at the same time, provide better healthcare. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on healthcare exchanges : First, we should ensure that Americans with preexisting conditions have access to coverage, and that we have a stable transition for Americans currently enrolled in the healthcare exchanges. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on healthcare system : Here are the principles that should guide the Congress as we move to create a better healthcare system for all Americans: (Feb 28, 2017)
on health insurance : And finally, the time has come to give Americans the freedom to purchase health insurance across state lines -- (applause) -- which will create a truly competitive national marketplace that will bring costs way down and provide far better care. So important. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Health Savings Accounts : Secondly, we should help Americans purchase their own coverage through the use of tax credits and expanded Health Savings Accounts -- but it must be the plan they want, not the plan forced on them by our government. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on hire American : This effort will be guided by two core principles: buy American and hire American. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on hiring freeze : We have placed a hiring freeze on non-military and non-essential federal workers. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Homeland Security : I have further ordered the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice, along with the Department of State and the Director of National Intelligence, to coordinate an aggressive strategy to dismantle the criminal cartels that have spread all across our nation. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Homeland Security : And we must support the victims of crime. I have ordered the Department of Homeland Security to create an office to serve American victims. (Feb 28, 2017)
on immigrant families : It will save countless dollars, raise workers' wages, and help struggling families -- including immigrant families -- enter the middle class. (Feb 28, 2017)
on immigration : I am going to bring back millions of jobs. Protecting our workers also means reforming our system of legal immigration. (applause) The current, outdated system depresses wages for our poorest workers, and puts great pressure on taxpayers. (Feb 28, 2017)
on immigration : Switching away from this current system of lower-skilled immigration, and instead adopting a merit-based system, we will have so many more benefits. (Feb 28, 2017)
on immigration system : Nations around the world, like Canada, Australia and many others, have a merit-based immigration system. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on income : To any in Congress who do not believe we should enforce our laws, I would ask you this one question: What would you say to the American family that loses their jobs, their income, or their loved one because America refused to uphold its laws and defend its borders? (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on industries : Dying industries will come roaring back to life. (Feb 28, 2017)
on infrastructure : Crumbling infrastructure will be replaced with new roads, bridges, tunnels, airports and railways gleaming across our very, very beautiful land. (Feb 28, 2017)
on infrastructure : Another Republican President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, initiated the last truly great national infrastructure program -- the building of the Interstate Highway System. (Feb 28, 2017)
on infrastructure : To launch our national rebuilding, I will be asking Congress to approve legislation that produces a $1 trillion investment in infrastructure of the United States -- financed through both public and private capital -- creating millions of new jobs. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on infrastructure : My administration wants to work with members of both parties to make childcare accessible and affordable, to help ensure new parents that they have paid family leave -- (applause) -- to invest in women's health, and to promote clean air and clean water, and to rebuild our military and our infrastructure. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on insurer : One-third of counties have only one insurer, and they are losing them fast. They are losing them so fast. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Intel : Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart and many others have announced that they will invest billions and billions of dollars in the United States, and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Intelligence : I have further ordered the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice, along with the Department of State and the Director of National Intelligence, to coordinate an aggressive strategy to dismantle the criminal cartels that have spread all across our nation. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Interstate Highway System : Another Republican President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, initiated the last truly great national infrastructure program -- the building of the Interstate Highway System. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Iran's ballistic missile program : I have also imposed new sanctions on entities and individuals who support Iran's ballistic missile program, and reaffirmed our unbreakable alliance with the State of Israel. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on ISIS : As promised, I directed the Department of Defense to develop a plan to demolish and destroy ISIS -- a network of lawless savages that have slaughtered Muslims and Christians, and men, and women, and children of all faiths and all beliefs. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Israel : I have also imposed new sanctions on entities and individuals who support Iran's ballistic missile program, and reaffirmed our unbreakable alliance with the State of Israel. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on jet fighter : We've saved taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars by bringing down the price of a fantastic -- and it is a fantastic -- new F-35 jet fighter, and we'll be saving billions more on contracts all across our government. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Jewish cemeteries : Recent threats targeting Jewish community centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week's shooting in Kansas City, remind us that while we may be a nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Jewish community centers : Recent threats targeting Jewish community centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week's shooting in Kansas City, remind us that while we may be a nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on job : Every American child should be able to grow up in a safe community, to attend a great school, and to have access to a high-paying job. (applause) But to create this future, we must work with, not against -- not against -- the men and women of law enforcement. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on jobs : We have cleared the way for the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines -- (applause) -- thereby creating tens of thousands of jobs. (Feb 28, 2017)
on jobs : To any in Congress who do not believe we should enforce our laws, I would ask you this one question: What would you say to the American family that loses their jobs, their income, or their loved one because America refused to uphold its laws and defend its borders? (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on jobs : I am going to bring back millions of jobs. Protecting our workers also means reforming our system of legal immigration. (applause) The current, outdated system depresses wages for our poorest workers, and puts great pressure on taxpayers. (Feb 28, 2017)
on jobs : I believe that real and positive immigration reform is possible, as long as we focus on the following goals: To improve jobs and wages for Americans; to strengthen our nation's security; and to restore respect for our laws. (Feb 28, 2017)
on jobs : To launch our national rebuilding, I will be asking Congress to approve legislation that produces a $1 trillion investment in infrastructure of the United States -- financed through both public and private capital -- creating millions of new jobs. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on jobs : Millions lifted from welfare to work is not too much to expect. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Justice : I have further ordered the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice, along with the Department of State and the Director of National Intelligence, to coordinate an aggressive strategy to dismantle the criminal cartels that have spread all across our nation. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Justin : And with the help of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, we have formed a council with our neighbors in Canada to help ensure that women entrepreneurs have access to the networks, markets and capital they need to start a business and live out their financial dreams. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
Click on a to go to the exact point in the text.Interactive Index on Kansas City : Recent threats targeting Jewish community centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week's shooting in Kansas City, remind us that while we may be a nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Kentucky : Governor Matt Bevin of Kentucky just said Obamacare is failing in his state -- the state of Kentucky -- and it's unsustainable and collapsing. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Keystone : We have cleared the way for the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines -- (applause) -- thereby creating tens of thousands of jobs. (Feb 28, 2017)
on laws : To any in Congress who do not believe we should enforce our laws, I would ask you this one question: What would you say to the American family that loses their jobs, their income, or their loved one because America refused to uphold its laws and defend its borders? (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on law enforcement : Every American child should be able to grow up in a safe community, to attend a great school, and to have access to a high-paying job. (applause) But to create this future, we must work with, not against -- not against -- the men and women of law enforcement. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on law enforcement : We must support the incredible men and women of law enforcement. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Lincoln : It's been a long time since we had fair trade. The first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, warned that the "abandonment of the protective policy by the American government will produce want and ruin among our people." Lincoln was right -- and it's time we heeded his advice and his words. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on lobbying : We have begun to drain the swamp of government corruption by imposing a five-year ban on lobbying by executive branch officials (Feb 28, 2017)
on lobbyists : and a lifetime ban -- (applause) -- thank you -- and a lifetime ban on becoming lobbyists for a foreign government. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Lockheed : Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart and many others have announced that they will invest billions and billions of dollars in the United States, and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on media : We are providing a voice to those who have been ignored by our media and silenced by special interests. (applause) Joining us in the audience tonight are four very brave Americans whose government failed them. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Medicaid : Thirdly, we should give our great state governors the resources and flexibility they need with Medicaid to make sure no one is left out. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Megan : An incredible young woman is with us this evening, who should serve as an inspiration to us all. Today is Rare Disease Day, and joining us in the gallery is a rare disease survivor, Megan Crowley. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on men : As promised, I directed the Department of Defense to develop a plan to demolish and destroy ISIS -- a network of lawless savages that have slaughtered Muslims and Christians, and men, and women, and children of all faiths and all beliefs. (Feb 28, 2017)
on merit-based system : Switching away from this current system of lower-skilled immigration, and instead adopting a merit-based system, we will have so many more benefits. (Feb 28, 2017)
Click on a to go to the exact point in the text.Interactive Index on Merriweather : Joining us tonight in the gallery is a remarkable woman, Denisha Merriweather. (Feb 28, 2017)
on middle class : For too long, we've watched our middle class shrink as we've exported our jobs and wealth to foreign countries. (Feb 28, 2017)
on middle class : At the same time, we will provide massive tax relief for the middle class. (Feb 28, 2017)
on middle class : It will save countless dollars, raise workers' wages, and help struggling families -- including immigrant families -- enter the middle class. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Middle East : America has spent approximately $6 trillion in the Middle East -- all the while our infrastructure at home is crumbling. With this $6 trillion, we could have rebuilt our country twice, and maybe even three times if we had people who had the ability to negotiate. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on military : Our military will be given the resources its brave warriors so richly deserve. (Feb 28, 2017)
on millions : Finally, the chorus became an earthquake, and the people turned out by the tens of millions, and they were all united by one very simple, but crucial demand: that America must put its own citizens first. (Feb 28, 2017)
on motorcycles : In fact, they proudly displayed five of their magnificent motorcycles, made in the USA, on the front lawn of the White House. (laughter) (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on motorcycles : They said that in the case of another country, they taxed their motorcycles at 100 percent. They weren't even asking for a change. But I am. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on murder rate : In Chicago, more than 4,000 people were shot last year alone, and the murder rate so far this year has been even higher. This is not acceptable in our society. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on murder rate : The murder rate in 2015 experienced its largest single-year increase in nearly half a century. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Muslims : As promised, I directed the Department of Defense to develop a plan to demolish and destroy ISIS -- a network of lawless savages that have slaughtered Muslims and Christians, and men, and women, and children of all faiths and all beliefs. (Feb 28, 2017)
on National Academy of Sciences : According to the National Academy of Sciences, our current immigration system costs American taxpayers many billions of dollars a year. (Feb 28, 2017)
on national rebuilding : The time has come for a new program of national rebuilding. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on nine years : In nine years, the United States will celebrate the 250th anniversary of our founding -- 250 years since the day we declared our independence. (Feb 28, 2017)
Click on a to go to the exact point in the text.Interactive Index on Notre Dame : On receiving this news, Megan's dad, John, fought with everything he had to save the life of his precious child. He founded a company to look for a cure, and helped develop the drug that saved Megan's life. Today she is 20 years old and a sophomore at Notre Dame. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on November 8th : The stock market has gained almost $3 trillion in value since the election on November 8th, a record. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Obamacare : Tonight, I am also calling on this Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare -- (applause) -- with reforms that expand choice, increase access, lower costs, and, at the same time, provide better healthcare. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Obamacare : Governor Matt Bevin of Kentucky just said Obamacare is failing in his state -- the state of Kentucky -- and it's unsustainable and collapsing. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Obamacare : Action is not a choice, it is a necessity. So I am calling on all Democrats and Republicans in Congress to work with us to save Americans from this imploding Obamacare disaster. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Obamacare premiums : Obamacare premiums nationwide have increased by double and triple digits. (Feb 28, 2017)
on patients : Fourth, we should implement legal reforms that protect patients and doctors from unnecessary costs that drive up the price of insurance, and work to bring down the artificially high price of drugs, and bring them down immediately. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Pentagon : We have seen the attacks at home -- from Boston to San Bernardino to the Pentagon, and, yes, even the World Trade Center. (Feb 28, 2017)
on people : It's been a long time since we had fair trade. The first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, warned that the "abandonment of the protective policy by the American government will produce want and ruin among our people." Lincoln was right -- and it's time we heeded his advice and his words. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Pipelines : We have cleared the way for the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines -- (applause) -- thereby creating tens of thousands of jobs. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Police : Police and sheriffs are members of our community. They're friends and neighbors, they're mothers and fathers, sons and daughters -- and they leave behind loved ones every day who worry about whether or not they'll come home safe and sound. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Pompe disease : Megan was diagnosed with Pompe disease, a rare and serious illness, when she was 15 months old. She was not expected to live past five. (Feb 28, 2017)
on poverty : But to break the cycle of poverty, we must also break the cycle of violence. (Feb 28, 2017)
on preexisting conditions : First, we should ensure that Americans with preexisting conditions have access to coverage, and that we have a stable transition for Americans currently enrolled in the healthcare exchanges. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on price of drugs : Fourth, we should implement legal reforms that protect patients and doctors from unnecessary costs that drive up the price of insurance, and work to bring down the artificially high price of drugs, and bring them down immediately. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
Click on a to go to the exact point in the text.Interactive Index on Prime Minister : And with the help of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, we have formed a council with our neighbors in Canada to help ensure that women entrepreneurs have access to the networks, markets and capital they need to start a business and live out their financial dreams. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on protective policy : It's been a long time since we had fair trade. The first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, warned that the "abandonment of the protective policy by the American government will produce want and ruin among our people." Lincoln was right -- and it's time we heeded his advice and his words. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on public resources : Yet, in America, we do not enforce this rule, straining the very public resources that our poorest citizens rely upon. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Rare Disease Day : An incredible young woman is with us this evening, who should serve as an inspiration to us all. Today is Rare Disease Day, and joining us in the gallery is a rare disease survivor, Megan Crowley. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on rebellion : The rebellion started as a quiet protest, spoken by families of all colors and creeds -- families who just wanted a fair shot for their children and a fair hearing for their concerns. (Feb 28, 2017)
on regulations : We have undertaken a historic effort to massively reduce job-crushing regulations, creating a deregulation task force inside of every government agency. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on regulations : We’re going to stop the regulations that threaten the future and livelihood of our great coal miners. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Republicans : Action is not a choice, it is a necessity. So I am calling on all Democrats and Republicans in Congress to work with us to save Americans from this imploding Obamacare disaster. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Republican President : It's been a long time since we had fair trade. The first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, warned that the "abandonment of the protective policy by the American government will produce want and ruin among our people." Lincoln was right -- and it's time we heeded his advice and his words. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Republican President : Another Republican President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, initiated the last truly great national infrastructure program -- the building of the Interstate Highway System. (Feb 28, 2017)
on roads : Crumbling infrastructure will be replaced with new roads, bridges, tunnels, airports and railways gleaming across our very, very beautiful land. (Feb 28, 2017)
on safe : Finally, to keep America safe, we must provide the men and women of the United States military with the tools they need to prevent war -- if they must -- they have to fight and they only have to win. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on sanctions : I have also imposed new sanctions on entities and individuals who support Iran's ballistic missile program, and reaffirmed our unbreakable alliance with the State of Israel. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on sanctuary : We cannot allow our nation to become a sanctuary for extremists. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on San Bernardino : We have seen the attacks at home -- from Boston to San Bernardino to the Pentagon, and, yes, even the World Trade Center. (Feb 28, 2017)
Click on a to go to the exact point in the text.Interactive Index on school : Every American child should be able to grow up in a safe community, to attend a great school, and to have access to a high-paying job. (applause) But to create this future, we must work with, not against -- not against -- the men and women of law enforcement. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on security : I believe that real and positive immigration reform is possible, as long as we focus on the following goals: To improve jobs and wages for Americans; to strengthen our nation's security; and to restore respect for our laws. (Feb 28, 2017)
on security interests : Our foreign policy calls for a direct, robust and meaningful engagement with the world. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Shaw : Jamiel's 17-year-old son was viciously murdered by an illegal immigrant gang member who had just been released from prison. Jamiel Shaw, Jr. (Feb 28, 2017)
on sheriffs : Police and sheriffs are members of our community. They're friends and neighbors, they're mothers and fathers, sons and daughters -- and they leave behind loved ones every day who worry about whether or not they'll come home safe and sound. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Softbank : Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart and many others have announced that they will invest billions and billions of dollars in the United States, and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on southern border : For that reason, we will soon begin the construction of a great, great wall along our southern border. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Speaker : Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, the First Lady of the United States -- (applause) -- and citizens of America: (Feb 28, 2017)
on special interests : We are providing a voice to those who have been ignored by our media and silenced by special interests. (applause) Joining us in the audience tonight are four very brave Americans whose government failed them. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Sprint : Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart and many others have announced that they will invest billions and billions of dollars in the United States, and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on stock market : The stock market has gained almost $3 trillion in value since the election on November 8th, a record. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Supreme Court : Finally, I have kept my promise to appoint a justice to the United States Supreme Court, from my list of 20 judges, who will defend our Constitution. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Susan Oliver : Their names are Jamiel Shaw, Susan Oliver, Jenna Oliver, and Jessica Davis. (Feb 28, 2017)
on tax : I asked them further, how are you doing with other countries, mainly international sales? They told me -- without even complaining, because they have been so mistreated for so long that they've become used to it -- that it's very hard to do business with other countries because they tax our goods at such a high rate. (Feb 28, 2017)
on taxed : They said that in the case of another country, they taxed their motorcycles at 100 percent. They weren't even asking for a change. But I am. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
Click on a to go to the exact point in the text.Interactive Index on taxpayers : We've saved taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars by bringing down the price of a fantastic -- and it is a fantastic -- new F-35 jet fighter, and we'll be saving billions more on contracts all across our government. (Feb 28, 2017)
on tax credits : Secondly, we should help Americans purchase their own coverage through the use of tax credits and expanded Health Savings Accounts -- but it must be the plan they want, not the plan forced on them by our government. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on trade : I believe strongly in free trade but it also has to be fair trade. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Trans-Pacific Partnership : We have withdrawn the United States from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Trudeau : And with the help of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, we have formed a council with our neighbors in Canada to help ensure that women entrepreneurs have access to the networks, markets and capital they need to start a business and live out their financial dreams. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on trust : We must build bridges of cooperation and trust -- not drive the wedge of disunity and, really, it's what it is, division. It's pure, unadulterated division. We have to unify. (Feb 28, 2017)
on tunnels : Crumbling infrastructure will be replaced with new roads, bridges, tunnels, airports and railways gleaming across our very, very beautiful land. (Feb 28, 2017)
on United States : Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, the First Lady of the United States -- (applause) -- and citizens of America: (Feb 28, 2017)
on United States : In nine years, the United States will celebrate the 250th anniversary of our founding -- 250 years since the day we declared our independence. (Feb 28, 2017)
on United States : Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart and many others have announced that they will invest billions and billions of dollars in the United States, and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on United States : We have withdrawn the United States from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on United States : Our obligation is to serve, protect, and defend the citizens of the United States. (Feb 28, 2017)
on United States : Those given the high honor of admission to the United States should support this country and love its people and its values. (Feb 28, 2017)
on United States : Finally, I have kept my promise to appoint a justice to the United States Supreme Court, from my list of 20 judges, who will defend our Constitution. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on United States : But to accomplish our goals at home and abroad, we must restart the engine of the American economy -- making it easier for companies to do business in the United States, and much, much harder for companies to leave our country. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
Click on a to go to the exact point in the text.Interactive Index on United States : To launch our national rebuilding, I will be asking Congress to approve legislation that produces a $1 trillion investment in infrastructure of the United States -- financed through both public and private capital -- creating millions of new jobs. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on United States : Finally, to keep America safe, we must provide the men and women of the United States military with the tools they need to prevent war -- if they must -- they have to fight and they only have to win. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on United States : (Feb 28, 2017)
on United States of America : My job is not to represent the world. (Feb 28, 2017)
on USA : In fact, they proudly displayed five of their magnificent motorcycles, made in the USA, on the front lawn of the White House. (laughter) (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on veterans : Heroic veterans will get the care they so desperately need. (Feb 28, 2017)
on vetting : It is not compassionate, but reckless to allow uncontrolled entry from places where proper vetting cannot occur. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on Vice President : Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, the First Lady of the United States -- (applause) -- and citizens of America: (Feb 28, 2017)
on victims : And we must support the victims of crime. I have ordered the Department of Homeland Security to create an office to serve American victims. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement : The office is called VOICE -- Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement. (Feb 28, 2017)
on violence : But to break the cycle of poverty, we must also break the cycle of violence. (Feb 28, 2017)
on VOICE : The office is called VOICE -- Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement. (Feb 28, 2017)
on wages : By finally enforcing our immigration laws, we will raise wages, help the unemployed, save billions and billions of dollars, and make our communities safer for everyone. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on wages : I am going to bring back millions of jobs. Protecting our workers also means reforming our system of legal immigration. (applause) The current, outdated system depresses wages for our poorest workers, and puts great pressure on taxpayers. (Feb 28, 2017)
on wages : It will save countless dollars, raise workers' wages, and help struggling families -- including immigrant families -- enter the middle class. (Feb 28, 2017)
Click on a to go to the exact point in the text.Interactive Index on wages : I believe that real and positive immigration reform is possible, as long as we focus on the following goals: To improve jobs and wages for Americans; to strengthen our nation's security; and to restore respect for our laws. (Feb 28, 2017)
on Walmart : Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart and many others have announced that they will invest billions and billions of dollars in the United States, and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on want and ruin : It's been a long time since we had fair trade. The first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, warned that the "abandonment of the protective policy by the American government will produce want and ruin among our people." Lincoln was right -- and it's time we heeded his advice and his words. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on White House : In fact, they proudly displayed five of their magnificent motorcycles, made in the USA, on the front lawn of the White House. (laughter) (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on women : As promised, I directed the Department of Defense to develop a plan to demolish and destroy ISIS -- a network of lawless savages that have slaughtered Muslims and Christians, and men, and women, and children of all faiths and all beliefs. (Feb 28, 2017)
on women entrepreneurs : And with the help of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, we have formed a council with our neighbors in Canada to help ensure that women entrepreneurs have access to the networks, markets and capital they need to start a business and live out their financial dreams. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on workers' : It will save countless dollars, raise workers' wages, and help struggling families -- including immigrant families -- enter the middle class. (Feb 28, 2017)
on workers : We have placed a hiring freeze on non-military and non-essential federal workers. (Feb 28, 2017)
on workers : We must create a level playing field for American companies and our workers. (Feb 28, 2017)
on workers : I just met with officials and workers from a great American company, Harley-Davidson. (Feb 28, 2017)
on workers : I am not going to let America and its great companies and workers be taken advantage of us any longer. They have taken advantage of our country. No longer. (applause) (Feb 28, 2017)
on workers : I am going to bring back millions of jobs. Protecting our workers also means reforming our system of legal immigration. (applause) The current, outdated system depresses wages for our poorest workers, and puts great pressure on taxpayers. (Feb 28, 2017)
on workers : I am going to bring back millions of jobs. Protecting our workers also means reforming our system of legal immigration. (applause) The current, outdated system depresses wages for our poorest workers, <
and puts great pressure on taxpayers. (Feb 28, 2017)
on World Trade Center : We have seen the attacks at home -- from Boston to San Bernardino to the Pentagon, and, yes, even the World Trade Center. (Feb 28, 2017)
There are 333 entries in Trump Address to Joint-Session of Congress on Feb 28, 2017 3:47 PM 3/7/2017 x286 t17
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