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  Sanders 2016  

Sanders 2016 Political Positions

Senator Sanders comments on 14 different 2016 campaign issues:
Speaking Fees       Education       Health Care       Jobs       Taxes       Campaign Finance       Wall Street       Climate Change       Immigration       Middle East       ISIS       Women       Veterans       Gun Control       All Issues

Sanders 2016 comments at the first and the fourth Democratic party debates.

Over 250 comments by Senator Sanders extracted from two primary debates: in Las Vegas, NV and Charleston, SC on October 13, 2015 and January 17, 2016.

Clinton and Sanders 2016 comments compared.

Senator Bernie Sanders and Secretary Hillary Clinton 2016 comments in Las Vegas, NV on October 13, 2015 and Charleston, SC on January 17, 2016 are compared.

Clinton endorsement by Sanders

Senator Sanders speech endorsing Secretary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election

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Sanders on Campaign Finance Senator Sanders' comments are from two 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debates in Las Vegas, NV, and Charleston, SC.
Clinton's and Trump's comments compared: over 200 statements from five 2016 Presidential Primary Debates by Clinton and Trump juxtaposed.
Trump on China -- Donald Trump's comments on China during the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Debates.
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Last Updated: August 27th, 2023.