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  Sanders on Campaign Finance  

Comments of Senator Bernie Sanders are from the Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Las Vegas, NV, on October 13th 2015 and the Democratic Party Presidential Primary Debate in Charleston, SC, on January 17th, 2016.

About the page style: This page is crafted in the style of a concordance. A concordance is an alphabetical list of the keywords and the proper Names in a document along with the statements in which those words appear. Click the preceding every statement to go to the pertinent paragraph in the text.

on campaign_contributions : You know what it all comes down to? Do you know why we can't do what every other country -- major country on Earth is doing? It's because we have a campaign_finance system that is corrupt, we have super_PACs, we have the pharmaceutical industry pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into campaign_contributions and lobbying, and the private insurance companies as well. (2016/01/17)
on campaign_contributions : But here is the issue, Secretary touched on it, can you really reform Wall_Street when they are spending millions and millions of dollars on campaign_contributions and when they are providing speaking fees to individuals? So it's easy to say, well, I'm going to do this and do that, but I have doubts when people receive huge amounts of money from Wall_Street. (2016/01/17)
on campaign_contributions : ... campaign_contributions. (2016/01/17)
on campaign_contributions : Anyone who wants to check my record in taking on Wall_Street, in fighting against the deregulation of Wall_Street when Wall_Street put billions of dollars in lobbying, in campaign_contributions to get the government off their backs. (2016/01/17)
on campaign_contributions : Republican_Party that is so owned by the fossil fuel industry and their campaign_contributions that they don't even have the courage, the decency to listen to the scientists. (APPLAUSE) (2016/01/17)
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on campaign_contributors : So, what my first days are about is bringing America together, to end the decline of the middle class, to tell the wealthiest people in this country that yes, they are going to start paying their fair share of taxes, and that we are going to have a government that works for all of us, and not just big campaign_contributors.(APPLAUSE) (2016/01/17)
on campaign_contributors : Instead of being dependent on super_PACs, what we need is to be dependent on small, individual campaign_contributors. (2016/01/17)
on campaign_contributors : To say loudly and clearly," that the government of the United_States of America belongs to all of us and not just a handful of wealthy campaign_contributors. (2016/01/17)
on campaign_finance : As a result of this disastrous Citizens_United Supreme_Court decision, our campaign_finance system is corrupt (2015/10/13)
on campaign_finance : And let me also tell you that nothing is gonna happen unless we are prepared to deal with campaign_finance reform, because (2015/10/13)
on campaign_finance : And then, to make a bad situation worse, we have a corrupt campaign_finance system where millionaires and billionaires are spending extraordinary amounts of money to buy elections. (2016/01/17)
on campaign_finance : You know what it all comes down to? Do you know why we can't do what every other country -- major country on Earth is doing? It's because we have a campaign_finance system that is corrupt, we have super_PACs, we have the pharmaceutical industry pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into campaign_contributions and lobbying, and the private insurance companies as well. (2016/01/17)
on campaign_finance : Very little is going to be done to transform our economy and to create the kind of middle class we need unless we end a corrupt campaign_finance system which is undermining American democracy. (2016/01/17)
on Citizens_United : As a result of this disastrous Citizens_United Supreme_Court decision, our campaign_finance system is corrupt (2015/10/13)
on super_PAC : who has raised substantial sums of money, and I do not have a super_PAC. (2015/10/13)
on super_PAC : I am very proud, I do not have a super_PAC. (2016/01/17)
on super_PACs : Millionaires and billionaires are pouring unbelievable sums of money into the political process in order to fund super_PACs (2015/10/13)
on super_PACs : Jim Webb is right: Money is pouring in to this campaign through super_PACs. (2015/10/13)
on super_PACs : You know what it all comes down to? Do you know why we can't do what every other country -- major country on Earth is doing? It's because we have a campaign_finance system that is corrupt, we have super_PACs, we have the pharmaceutical industry pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into campaign_contributions and lobbying, and the private insurance companies as well. (2016/01/17)
on super_PACs : Instead of being dependent on super_PACs, what we need is to be dependent on small, individual campaign_contributors. (2016/01/17)

There are 17 entries in the "Bernie Sanders on Campaign Finance" page.
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