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  Cruz on THADD missiles  

Senator Ted Cruz discussed the use of THADD missiles, during the 2016 Republican Party Primary Debates, in Detroit, MI on March 3rd ,2016.

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  Cruz's Strategy to counter North Korea  

Senator Ted Cruz suggested a five-prong strategy to counter the missile North Korea during the Republican Party Primary Presidential Debate in Michigan on Mar 3, 2016.

on THADD missile deployment in South Korea : We -- we need to be putting in place missile defense, such as the THAAD missile defense system in South Korea. (Mar 03, 2016)

on Space-based missile defense : We need to be pursuing space-based missile defense. One of the advantages of space-based missile defense is that if you have a missile launch in North Korea or you have a missile launch in Iran, a space-based missile defense can take out one or two or three missiles before it can cross over and do damage. (Mar 03, 2016)

on Carrier-group dispatch to the South China Sea : Well, you're right, the news is very disturbing that Kim Jong-un has put their nuclear weapons on ready state. I'm glad that we're sending another carrier group to the South China Sea. (Mar 03, 2016)

on Sanctions on North Korea : I'm glad that Congress passed sanctions on North Korea. But this is all the result of the failures of the Clinton administration two decades ago that negotiated a deal with North Korea lifting the sanctions, allowing billions of dollars to flow in, and they used that money to develop nuclear weapons in the first place. What we -- now we're in a much harder position. When you have a lunatic with nuclear weapons, to some extent, it constrains your options. (Mar 03, 2016)

on Putting Pressure on China : And we also need to be putting pressure on China, because North Korea is effectively a -- a client state of China. All of that will happen with a strong commander-in-chief that is devoted to keeping this country safe. (Mar 03, 2016)
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  Issues related to North Korea  

Senator Ted Cruz made the following statements during Republican Party Primary 2016 debates in New Hampshire on February 6, 2016 and in Michigan on March 3, 2016.

on China : And we also need to be putting pressure on China because North Korea is effectively a -- a client state of China. (Mar 03, 2016)

on client state : And we also need to be putting pressure on China, because North Korea is effectively a -- a client state of China. (Mar 03, 2016)
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on Clinton administration : The Clinton administration led the world in relaxing sanctions against North Korea. Billions of dollars flowed into North Korea in exchange for promises not to build nuclear weapons. (Feb 06, 2016)

on electromagnetic pulse : As it would orbit around the Earth, and as it got over the United States they would detonate that nuclear weapon and set of what's called an EMP, and electromagnetic pulse which could take down the entire electrical grid on the Eastern seaboard, potentially killing millions. (Feb 06, 2016)

on Iran : We need to be pursuing space-based missile defense. One of the advantages of space-based missile defense is that if you have a missile launch in North Korea or you have a missile launch in Iran a space-based missile defense can take out one or two or three missiles before it can cross over and do damage. (Mar 03, 2016)

on Iran : So, what we are seeing with North Korea is foreshadowing of where we will be with Iran (Feb 06, 2016)

on Kim Jong-un : Well, you're right, the news is very disturbing that Kim Jong-un has put their nuclear weapons on ready state. I'm glad that we're sending another carrier group to the South China Sea. I'm glad that Congress passed sanctions on North Korea. (Mar 03, 2016)

on missile defense capacity : With respect to North Korea and what we should do now, one of the first things we should do is expand our missile defense capacity (Feb 06, 2016)

on missile defense interceptors : We ought to put missile defense interceptors in South Korea. South Korea wants them. (Feb 06, 2016)

on missile launch : We need to be pursuing space-based missile defense. One of the advantages of space-based missile defense is that if you have a missile launch in North Korea or you have a missile launch in Iran, a space-based missile defense can take out one or two or three missiles before it can cross over and do damage. (Mar 03, 2016)

on negotiator : And, I would note also the lead negotiator in that failed North Korea sanctions deal was a woman named Wendy Sherman who Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton promptly recruited to come back to be the lead negotiator with Iran. (Feb 06, 2016)

on North Korea : ... Actually, with respect, I have gotten the intelligence briefings on the Mid-East. Those have been going on for many years. I haven't gotten the intelligence briefing tonight on what North Korea's doing because I'm here in new Hampshire. (Feb 06, 2016)

on North Korea : The Clinton administration led the world in relaxing sanctions against North Korea Billions of dollars flowed into North Korea in exchange for promises not to build nuclear weapons. (Feb 06, 2016)

on North Korea : We need to harden the grid to defend ourselves, and we need missile defense to protect ourselves against North Korea (Feb 06, 2016)

on North Korea : Well, you're right, the news is very disturbing that Kim Jong-un has put their nuclear weapons on ready state. I'm glad that we're sending another carrier group to the South China Sea. I'm glad that Congress passed sanctions on North Korea (Mar 03, 2016)

on North Korea : Well, you know, David, I -- I've just spent a lot of time here in this state, as I mentioned earlier, and we have to have practical solutions, just like we were just talking about a few minutes ago on North Korea (Feb 06, 2016)

on North Korea : One of the real risks of this launch, North Korea wants to launch a satellite, and one of the greatest risks of the satellite is they would place a nuclear device in the satellite. (Feb 06, 2016)

on North Korea : So, what we are seeing with North Korea is foreshadowing of where we will be with Iran. (Feb 06, 2016)

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on North Korea : Well, I would note, initially the fact that we're seeing the launch, and we're seeing the launch from a nuclear North Korea is the direct result of the failures of the first Clinton administration. (Feb 06, 2016)

on North Korea : With respect to North Korea and what we should do now, one of the first things we should do is expand our missile defense capacity. (Feb 06, 2016)

on North Korea : And we also need to be putting pressure on China, because North Korea is effectively a -- a client state of China. (Mar 03, 2016)

on North Korea : But this is all the result of the failures of the Clinton administration two decades ago that negotiated a deal with North Korea lifting the sanctions, allowing billions of dollars to flow in, and they used that money to develop nuclear weapons in the first place. (Mar 03, 2016)

on North Korea : We need to be pursuing space-based missile defense. One of the advantages of space-based missile defense is that if you have a missile launch in North Korea or you have a missile launch in Iran, a space-based missile defense can take out one or two or three missiles before it can cross over and do damage. (Mar 03, 2016)

on North Korea : And Donald's absolutely right. China does have a lot of influence over North Korea and he should be leveraging our relationship with the Chinese to ensure that North Korea no longer has access to the resources that have allowed them -- a country that has no economy to develop long range missiles already capable of reaching the west coast of the United States potentially. (Feb 06, 2016)

on North Korea sanctions deal : And, I would note also the lead negotiator in that failed North Korea sanctions deal was a woman named Wendy Sherman who Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton promptly recruited to come back to be the lead negotiator with Iran. (Feb 06, 2016)

on satellite : One of the real risks of this launch, North Korea wants to launch a satellite and one of the greatest risks of the satellite is they would place a nuclear device in the satellite. (Feb 06, 2016)

on South China Sea : Well, you're right, the news is very disturbing that Kim Jong-un has put their nuclear weapons on ready state. I'm glad that we're sending another carrier group to the South China Sea I'm glad that Congress passed sanctions on North Korea. (Mar 03, 2016)

on South Korea : We ought to put missile defense interceptors in South Korea. South Korea wants them. (Feb 06, 2016)

on South Korea. : We -- we need to be putting in place missile defense, such as the THAAD missile defense system in South Korea. (Mar 03, 2016)

on space-based missile defense. : We need to be pursuing space-based missile defense. One of the advantages of space-based missile defense is that if you have a missile launch in North Korea or you have a missile launch in Iran, a space-based missile defense can take out one or two or three missiles before it can cross over and do damage. (Mar 03, 2016)

on THAAD missile defense system : We -- we need to be putting in place missile defense, such as the THAAD missile defense system in South Korea. (Mar 03, 2016)

There are 65 entries in the "Republican Candidates' Comments on North Korea" page.
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