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Highlights of Senator Marco Rubio 2016 comments in Ohio

Comments are from the first Republican Party presidential debate in Cleveland, Ohio, on Aug 6, 2015.

About the page style: This page is crafted in the style of a concordance. A concordance is an alphabetical list of the keywords and the proper Names in a document along with the statements in which those words appear. Click the preceding every statement to go to the pertinent paragraph in the text.

on Accountability : We passed the V.A. Accountability bill that, for the first time, allows us to fire -- allows the V.A. secretary to fire someone who's not doing a good job, who's a senior executive. (2016/02/06)
on Afghanistan : They saw, up close, also Afghanistan. (2016/02/06)
on Air Force : Our Air Force is about to be the smallest it's been in 100 years. (2016/02/06)
on Al-Qaida : ISIS is a successor group of Al-Qaida. (2016/02/06)
on Al-Qaida : In fact, they broke away... (BELL RINGS) ... from Al-Qaida, because as horrible as Al-Qaida is, ISIS thought Al-Qaida was not radical enough. (2016/02/06)
on Al-Qaida : This is who we're dealing with, and they have more money than Al-Qaida ever had. (2016/02/06)
on Amazon : You know, the largest retailer in the country and the world today, Amazon, doesn't even own a single store? (2015/08/06)
on Amendment : The undermining of the Second Amendment is not an accident. (2016/02/06)
on American Dream : And the journey from the back of that bar to this stage tonight, to me, that is the essence of the American Dream. (2015/08/06)
on American Dream : I run for president because I believe that we can't just save the American Dream; we can expand it (2015/08/06)
on Anti-terrorism : Anti-terrorism is about finding out information to prevent a future attack so the same tactics do not apply. (2016/02/06)
on Arabs : And I believe they need to be defeated on the ground, by a ground force, made up primarily of Sunni Arabs. (2016/02/06)
on Arabs : It will take Sunni Arabs to reject them ideologically and defeat them militarily. (2016/02/06)
on Army : Our Army is set to be smaller than it's been since the second World War, and our Navy is about to be the smallest than it's been in 100 years. (2016/02/06)
on Army : And every times he goes to get one of these dental claims filled, the V.A. asks him, "well, how do we know you lost your teeth in the Army?" And he says, "well, it's the only time I ever jumped out of a plane." (LAUGHTER) (2016/02/06)
on Asia-Pacific : The same is happening in the Asia-Pacific region with accommodations to North Korea. (2016/02/06)
on Benghazi : She put classified information on her computer because she thinks she's above the law and anyone who lies to the families of people who have lost their loved ones in the service of our country like she did in Benghazi, can never be the commander-in-chief of the United States of America. (2016/02/06)
on Biden : He's passed hundreds of bills and I don't think any of us believe Joe Biden should be president of the United States. (2016/02/06)
on Biden : I will say, if politics becomes and the presidency becomes about electing people who have been Congress or in the Senate the longest, we should all rally around Joe Biden. (2016/02/06)
on Bush : Governor Bush, another problem facing the commander-in-chief right now is that North Korea is currently detaining an American college student. (2016/02/06)
on Carolina : Well, I was going for Peyton Manning, but now I'm rooting for Carolina. (2016/02/06)
on China : China does have a lot of influence over North Korea and he should be leveraging our relationship with the Chinese to ensure that North Korea no longer has access to the resources that have allowed them -- a country that has no economy to develop long range missiles already capable of reaching the west coast of the United States potentially. (2016/02/06)
on Chinese : China does have a lot of influence over North Korea and he should be leveraging our relationship with the Chinese to ensure that North Korea no longer has access to the resources that have allowed them -- a country that has no economy to develop long range missiles already capable of reaching the west coast of the United States potentially. (2016/02/06)
on Christian groups : We are facing in this country Christian groups and groups that hold traditional values who feel and in fact are being discriminated against by the laws of this country that try to force them to vie to violate their conscience. (2016/02/06)
on Christie's : Under Chris Christie's governorship of New Jersey, they've been downgraded nine times in their credit rating. (2016/02/06)
on Clinton<;span> : if this election is a resume competition, then Hillary Clinton's gonna be the next president, (2015/08/06)
on Clinton : If I'm our nominee, how is Hillary Clinton gonna lecture me about living paycheck to paycheck? (2015/08/06)
on Clinton : It is about what kind of country this is going to be in the 21st century, and if we elect someone like Barack Obama, a Hillary Clinton, a Bernie Sanders or anyone like that, our children are going to be the first Americans to inherit a diminishes country. (2016/02/06)
on Clinton : We better understand what we're dealing with here, because that's what Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders want to double down on if they are elected. (2016/02/06)
on Clinton : But we're going to bring this party together and we are going to defeat Hillary Clinton, because she is unqualified to be the president of the United States of America. (2016/02/06)
on Clinton : So here is what Hillary Clinton needs to understand. (2016/02/06)
on Clinton : Why doesn't the media ask Hillary Clinton why she believes that all abortion should be legal, even on the due date of that unborn child. (2016/02/06)
on Clinton : Why don't they ask Hillary Clinton why she believe that partial- birth abortion, which is a gruesome procedure that has been outlawed in this country, she thinks that's a fundamental right. (2016/02/06)
on Clinton : You vote for me, and we will unite this party, we will grow the conservative movement, we will defeat Hillary Clinton, and we will leave our children what our parents left us. (2016/02/06)
on Common Core : And they will use Common Core or any other requirements that exists nationally to force it down the throats of our people in our states. (2015/08/06)
on Common Core : Here's the problem with Common Core. (2015/08/06)
on Congress : I will say, if politics becomes and the presidency becomes about electing people who have been Congress or in the Senate the longest, we should all rally around Joe Biden. (2016/02/06)
on Constitution : In fact, I think that law already exists. It is called the Constitution of the United States. (2015/08/06)
on Constitution : If it's not in the Constitution, it does not belong to the federal government. (2016/02/06)
on Constitution : The federal government is a limited government, limited by the Constitution, which delineates its powers. (2016/02/06)
on Cruz : And not -- but -- but I think it's important to note that it is -- and Senator Cruz, I think, was alluding to this, as well -- it is the standard procedure of the United States, if those missiles pose a threat to land, civilians, our allies or any of our assets, to shoot down that missile in mid-flight. (2016/02/06)
on Cuba : Thank you. You know, both of my parents were born into poor families on the island of Cuba. (2015/08/06)
on Democrat : That 2016 is not just a choice between Republican or Democrat. (2016/02/06)
on Democratic : There has been five Democratic debates debates. (2016/02/06)
on Democrats : The Democrats can't even find one. (LAUGHTER) (CHEERING APPLAUSE) (2015/08/06)
on Democrats : We're going to have our primary, we're going to have our debates -- which by the way, are twice as many as the Democrats have been willing to have themselves. (2016/02/06)
on Democrats : The media has not asked them a single question on abortion and on abortion, the Democrats are extremists. (2016/02/06)
on Department of Education : The Department of Education, like every federal agency, will never be satisfied. (2015/08/06)
on Dodd-Frank : And last but not least, we need to repeal Dodd-Frank. (2015/08/06)
on Dodd-Frank : We need to repeal and replace Dodd-Frank. (2015/08/06)
on Dodd-Frank : over 40 percent of small and mid-size banks that loan money to small businesses have been wiped out over the -- since Dodd-Frank has passed. (2015/08/06)
on Dodd-Frank : That's why he passed Obamacare and the stimulus and Dodd-Frank and the deal with Iran. (2016/02/06)
on Draft : But, I support that, and obviously now that that is the case I do believe that Selective Service should be opened up for both men and women in case a Draft is ever instituted. (2016/02/06)
on E-verify : And that's why you need an E-verify system and you need an entry-exit tracking system (2015/08/06)
on Egyptians : That will require a coalition of Iraqis and Syrians, that are also Sunnis, but it will also require the cooperation of Jordanians, Egyptians. (2016/02/06)
on El Chapo : The problem is if El Chapo; builds a tunnel under the fence, we have to be able to deal with that too. (2015/08/06)
on El Salvador : They're coming from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras. (2015/08/06)
on Florida : Well, let me say, from protecting the people of Florida from imminent domain abuse, to bringing accountability to the V.A., to the Girls Count Act, to sanctioning groups, I'm proud of my service in the United States Senate and before that, in the Florida legislature. (2016/02/06)
on Girls Count Act : Well, let me say, from protecting the people of Florida from imminent domain abuse, to bringing accountability to the V.A., to the Girls Count Act, to sanctioning groups, I'm proud of my service in the United States Senate and before that, in the Florida legislature. (2016/02/06)
on God : God has blessed us. He has blessed the Republican Party with some very good candidates. (2015/08/06)
on God : And I believe God has blessed our country. (2015/08/06)
on God : And that's why God has continued to bless us. (2015/08/06)
on Guantanamo : Guantanamo's being emptied by this president. (2016/02/06)
on Guantanamo : We should be putting people into Guantanamo, not emptying it out, and we shouldn't be releasing these killers who are rejoining the battlefield against the United States. (2016/02/06)
on Guatemala : They're coming from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras. (2015/08/06)
on Honduras : They're coming from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras. (2015/08/06)
on House : In essence, it couldn't pass in the House, it will never pass in the United States until we secure the border, and it is not the way we're going to do when I'm president. (2016/02/06)
on ISIS : ISIS is not just a jihadist group, they're an apocalyptic group. (2016/02/06)
on ISIS : ISIS is a successor group of Al-Qaida. (2016/02/06)
on ISIS : And why that is important is because if Sunnis are not able to govern themselves in these areas, you are going to have a successor group to ISIS. (2016/02/06)
on ISIS : In fact, they broke away... (BELL RINGS) ... from Al-Qaida, because as horrible as Al-Qaida is, ISIS thought Al-Qaida was not radical enough. (2016/02/06)
on Iowa : Look at the turnout in Iowa. (2016/02/06)
on Iran : That's why he passed Obamacare and the stimulus and Dodd-Frank and the deal with Iran. (2016/02/06)
on Iran : This administration cut a deal with their mortal enemies, the Shia, in Iran. (2016/02/06)
on Iraq : And we are going to have to strike them, not just in Iraq and in Syria, but in every other part of the world where they have now created hubs of operation. (2016/02/06)
on Iraq : They saw the Iraq war. (2016/02/06)
on Iraqis : That will require a coalition of Iraqis and Syrians, that are also Sunnis, but it will also require the cooperation of Jordanians, Egyptians. (2016/02/06)
on Islamic world : For example, it's one of the reasons why he had betrayed Israel, because he believes that if we create separation from Israel, it will help our relations in the Islamic world. (2016/02/06)
on Islamic communities : We need to have strong, positive relationships in the Islamic communities in this country so they will identify and report this activity, especially mosques, for example, that are participating not just in hate speech, but inciting violence and taking acts against us. (2016/02/06)
on Islamic groups : Well, I don't think Barack Obama is being sued by any Islamic groups, but he is being sued by the Little Sisters of the Poor. (2016/02/06)
on Israel : For example, it's one of the reasons why he had betrayed Israel, because he believes that if we create separation from Israel, it will help our relations in the Islamic world. (2016/02/06)
on Joe : He's passed hundreds of bills and I don't think any of us believe Joe Biden should be president of the United States. (2016/02/06)
on Joe Biden : I will say, if politics becomes and the presidency becomes about electing people who have been Congress or in the Senate the longest, we should all rally around Joe Biden Biden. (2016/02/06)
on Jordanian king : The -- the Jordanian king was in Washington three weeks ago. (2016/02/06)
on Jordanians : That will require a coalition of Iraqis and Syrians, that are also Sunnis, but it will also require the cooperation of Jordanians, Egyptians. (2016/02/06)
on Kasich : But I agree with what Governor Kasich just said. People are frustrated. (2015/08/06)
on Kurdish areas : The Kurds are incredible fighters and they will liberate the Kurdish areas, but Kurds can not and do not want to liberate and hold Sunni villages and towns. (2016/02/06)
on Kurds : The Kurds are incredible fighters and they will liberate the Kurdish areas, but Kurds can not and do not want to liberate and hold Sunni villages and towns. (2016/02/06)
on Law enforcement : Law enforcement is about gathering evidence to take someone to trial, and convict them. (2016/02/06)
on Leadership : Leadership is ultimately about solving the problem. (2016/02/06)
on Little Sisters of the Poor : Well, I don't think Barack Obama is being sued by any Islamic groups, but he is being sued by the Little Sisters of the Poor. (2016/02/06)
on Manning : Well, I was going for Peyton Manning, but now I'm rooting for Carolina. (2016/02/06)
on Mexico : The first is, the evidence is now clear that the majority of people coming across the border are not from Mexico. (2015/08/06)
on Muslim : But that's not -- the issue -- my problem with what he did is he continues to put out this fiction that there's widespread systematic discrimination against Muslim Americans. (2016/02/06)
on Muslim : There are brave men and women who happen to be Muslim Americans who are serving this country in uniform and who have died in the service of this country. (2016/02/06)
on Navy : Our Army is set to be smaller than it's been since the second World War, and our Navy is about to be the smallest than it's been in 100 years. (2016/02/06)
on New Hampshire : There are saying the same thing is going to happen here in New Hampshire. (2016/02/06)
on New Hampshire : Here in New Hampshire in less than 72 hours, we are literally deciding what kind of country we will be like when they are my age. (2016/02/06)
on New Jersey : Under Chris Christie's governorship of New Jersey, they've been downgraded nine times in their credit rating. (2016/02/06)
on North Korea : China does have a lot of influence over North Korea and he should be leveraging our relationship with the Chinese to ensure that North Korea no longer has access to the resources that have allowed them -- a country that has no economy to develop long range missiles already capable of reaching the west coast of the United States potentially. (2016/02/06)
on North Korea : Governor Bush, another problem facing the commander-in-chief right now is that North Korea is currently detaining an American college student. (2016/02/06)
on North Korea : The same is happening in the Asia-Pacific region with accommodations to North Korea. (2016/02/06)
on North Korean : North Korean should be back on that list of terrorist nations, as an example. (2016/02/06)
on Obama : And let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. (2016/02/06)
on Obama : Barack Obama is undertaking a systematic effort to change this country, to make America more like the rest of the world. (2016/02/06)
on Obama : And when I'm elected president, this will become once again, the single greatest nation in the history of the world, not the disaster Barack Obama has imposed upon us. (2016/02/06)
on Obama : Let's dispel with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. (2016/02/06)
on Obama : This notion that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing is just not true. (2016/02/06)
on Obama : It is about what kind of country this is going to be in the 21st century, and if we elect someone like Barack Obama, a Hillary Clinton, a Bernie Sanders or anyone like that, our children are going to be the first Americans to inherit a diminishes country. (2016/02/06)
on Obama : Barack Obama views America as this arrogant global power that needed to be cut down to size. (2016/02/06)
on Obama : It's about believing, unlike Barack Obama, that the world is a safer and a better place when America is the strongest military and the strongest nation on this planet. (2016/02/06)
on Obama : Barack Obama is, indeed, trying to redefine this country. (2016/02/06)
on Obama : I think anyone who believes that Barack Obama isn't doing what he's doing on purpose doesn't understand what we're dealing with here, OK? This is a president -- this is a president who is trying to change this country. (2016/02/06)
on Obama : He talked about Barack Obama. (2016/02/06)
on Obama : Well, I don't think Barack Obama is being sued by any Islamic groups, but he is being sued by the Little Sisters of the Poor. (2016/02/06)
on Obamacare : We need to repeal and replace Obamacare (2015/08/06)
on Obamacare : That's why he passed Obamacare and the stimulus and Dodd-Frank and the deal with Iran. (2016/02/06)
on Obamacare : That's why we have a president that passed Obamacare and the stimulus. (2016/02/06)
on Obamacare : Obamacare was not an accident. (2016/02/06)
on People : But I agree with what Governor Kasich just said. People are frustrated. (2015/08/06)
on Peyton Manning : Well, I was going for Peyton Manning, but now I'm rooting for Carolina. (2016/02/06)
on Republican Party : God has blessed us. He has blessed the Republican Party with some very good candidates. (2015/08/06)
on Russian economy : The combination of these two things has stranded over $2 trillion, the equivalent of the size of the Russian economy, $2 trillion of American corporate money stranded overseas, combined with all of these inversions of companies leaving us. (2016/02/06)
on Sanders : It is about what kind of country this is going to be in the 21st century, and if we elect someone like Barack Obama, a Hillary Clinton, a Bernie Sanders or anyone like that, our children are going to be the first Americans to inherit a diminishes country. (2016/02/06)
on Sanders : We better understand what we're dealing with here, because that's what Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders want to double down on if they are elected. (2016/02/06)
on Saudis : We should ask more of the Saudis. (2016/02/06)
on Selective Service : But, I support that, and obviously now that that is the case I do believe that Selective Service should be opened up for both men and women in case a Draft is ever instituted. (2016/02/06)
on Shia : This administration cut a deal with their mortal enemies, the Shia, in Iran. (2016/02/06)
on Shias : If they are held by Shias it will trigger sectarian violence. (2016/02/06)
on Special Forces : He served as a green beret in the 7th Special Forces from 1968 through 1971. (2016/02/06)
on Sunni : And I believe they need to be defeated on the ground, by a ground force, made up primarily of Sunni Arabs. (2016/02/06)
on Sunni : It will take Sunni Arabs to reject them ideologically and defeat them militarily. (2016/02/06)
on Sunni : Sunni cities and villages can only truly be liberated and held by Sunnis themselves. (2016/02/06)
on Sunni : Because they currently occupy Sunni cities and villages. (2016/02/06)
on Sunni : The Kurds are incredible fighters and they will liberate the Kurdish areas, but Kurds can not and do not want to liberate and hold Sunni villages and towns. (2016/02/06)
on Sunni : It will take Sunni fighters themselves in that region to take those villages and cities, and then to hold them and avoid the sort of sectarian violence that follows in the past. (2016/02/06)
on Sunni : Well, the problem with the Sunni forces in the region is they don't trust this administration. (2016/02/06)
on Sunnis : That will require a coalition of Iraqis and Syrians, that are also Sunnis, but it will also require the cooperation of Jordanians, Egyptians. (2016/02/06)
on Sunnis : Sunni cities and villages can only truly be liberated and held by Sunnis themselves. (2016/02/06)
on Sunnis : And why that is important is because if Sunnis are not able to govern themselves in these areas, you are going to have a successor group to ISIS. (2016/02/06)
on Syria : And we are going to have to strike them, not just in Iraq and in Syria, but in every other part of the world where they have now created hubs of operation. (2016/02/06)
on Syrians : That will require a coalition of Iraqis and Syrians, that are also Sunnis, but it will also require the cooperation of Jordanians, Egyptians. (2016/02/06)
on Tibet : They want to trigger a showdown in a city named Tibet between the west and themselves which they believe will trigger the arrival of their messianic figure. (2016/02/06)
on United States : The people that call my office, who have been waiting for 15 years to come to the United States. (2015/08/06)
on United States : There are a million people a year who legally immigrate to the United States, (2015/08/06)
on United States : In fact, I think that law already exists. It is called the Constitution of the United States. (2015/08/06)
on United States : And it is outrageous they've only fired one person to date. When I'm president of the United States, (2015/08/06)
on United States : He's passed hundreds of bills and I don't think any of us believe Joe Biden should be president of the United States. (2016/02/06)
on United States : Well, let me say, from protecting the people of Florida from imminent domain abuse, to bringing accountability to the V.A., to the Girls Count Act, to sanctioning groups, I'm proud of my service in the United States Senate and before that, in the Florida legislature. (2016/02/06)
on United States : When I'm president of the United States, we are going to re-embrace all the things that made America the greatest nation in the world and we are going to leave our children with what they deserve: the single greatest nation in the history of the world. (2016/02/06)
on United States : We don't want to be like the rest of the world, we want to be the United States of America. (2016/02/06)
on United States : But Martha, just -- Martha, just to clarify on that point, because he's right, and one more thing to point -- it is standard procedure of the United States to shoot down those missiles once launched if they pose a threat to civilians, land and ships (ph). (2016/02/06)
on United States : And not -- but -- but I think it's important to note that it is -- and Senator Cruz, I think, was alluding to this, as well -- it is the standard procedure of the United States, if those missiles pose a threat to land, civilians, our allies or any of our assets, to shoot down that missile in mid-flight. (2016/02/06)
on United States : I understand your question was about a preemptive strike, but my point is that there is in place now contingencies to avoid any sort of that strike (ph) from going errant and destroying any -- any assets of the United States, or implicating or hurting any of our allies or any of our assets in the region. (2016/02/06)
on United States : China does have a lot of influence over North Korea and he should be leveraging our relationship with the Chinese to ensure that North Korea no longer has access to the resources that have allowed them -- a country that has no economy to develop long range missiles already capable of reaching the west coast of the United States potentially. (2016/02/06)
on United States : In essence, it couldn't pass in the House, it will never pass in the United States until we secure the border, and it is not the way we're going to do when I'm president. (2016/02/06)
on United States : They know what air power looks like when the United States is committed to the cause. (2016/02/06)
on United States : We should be putting people into Guantanamo, not emptying it out, and we shouldn't be releasing these killers who are rejoining the battlefield against the United States. (2016/02/06)
on United States : But we're going to bring this party together and we are going to defeat Hillary Clinton, because she is unqualified to be the president of the United States of America. (2016/02/06)
on United States : She put classified information on her computer because she thinks she's above the law and anyone who lies to the families of people who have lost their loved ones in the service of our country like she did in Benghazi, can never be the commander-in-chief of the United States of America. (2016/02/06)
on United States : When I am president of the United States, veterans will be able to take their benefits to any hospital or doctor that they choose. (2016/02/06)
on Veterans : Veterans should be able to take their V.A. benefits to any hospital or any doctor they want to go to. (2016/02/06)
on World War : Our Army is set to be smaller than it's been since the second World War, and our Navy is about to be the smallest than it's been in 100 years. (2016/02/06)

There are 174 entries in Marco RUBIO on issues: a concordance to 2016 debates.

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